// Copyright © 2023 Horizoncd.//// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.// You may obtain a copy of the License at//// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and// limitations under the License. package gitlab import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "fmt" "net/http" "time" herrors "" perror "" "" "" "") // Interface to interact with gitlab// nolint////go:generate mockgen -source=$GOFILE -destination=../../mock/lib/gitlab/mock_gitlab.go -package=mock_gitlabtype Interface interface { // GetGroup gets a group's detail with the given gid. // The gid can be the group's ID or relative path such as first/second/third. // See for more information. GetGroup(ctx context.Context, gid interface{}) (*gitlab.Group, error) // ListGroupProjects list a group's project ListGroupProjects(ctx context.Context, gid interface{}, page, perPage int) ([]*gitlab.Project, error) // CreateGroup create a gitlab group with the given name and path. // The parentID is alternative, if you specify the parentID, it will // create a subgroup of this parent. // See for more information. CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, name, path string, parentID *int, visibility string) (*gitlab.Group, error) // DeleteGroup delete a gitlab group with the given gid. // The gid can be the group's ID or relative path such as first/second/third. // See for more information. DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, gid interface{}) error // GetProject get a project with the specified pid. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. GetProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}) (*gitlab.Project, error) // CreateProject create a project under the specified group. // See for more information. CreateProject(ctx context.Context, name string, groupID int, visibility string) (*gitlab.Project, error) // DeleteProject delete a project with the given pid. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. DeleteProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}) error // GetCommit get a specified commit // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. GetCommit(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, commit string) (_ *gitlab.Commit, err error) // GetBranch get branch of the specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. GetBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch string) (*gitlab.Branch, error) // GetTag get tag of the specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // see for more information GetTag(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, tag string) (_ *gitlab.Tag, err error) // CreateBranch create a branch from fromRef for the specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // The fromRef can be the name of branch, tag or commit. // See for more information. CreateBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch, fromRef string) (*gitlab.Branch, error) // DeleteBranch delete a branch for the specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. DeleteBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch string) error // ListBranch list the branch, Get a list of repository branches from a project, sorted by name alphabetically. // see ListBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, listBranchOptions *gitlab.ListBranchesOptions) (_ []*gitlab.Branch, err error) // ListTag list the tag, Get a list of repository tag from a project, sorted by name alphabetically. // see for more information ListTag(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, listTagOptions *gitlab.ListTagsOptions) (_ []*gitlab.Tag, err error) // CreateMR create a merge request from source to target with the specified title in project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. CreateMR(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, source, target, title string) (*gitlab.MergeRequest, error) // ListMRs list merge requests for specified project. // The pid should be the project's ID. // See for more information. ListMRs(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, source, target, state string) ([]*gitlab.MergeRequest, error) // AcceptMR merge a merge request for specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. AcceptMR(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, mrID int, mergeCommitMsg *string, shouldRemoveSourceBranch *bool) (*gitlab.MergeRequest, error) // CloseMR merge a merge request for specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. CloseMR(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, mrID int) (mr *gitlab.MergeRequest, err error) // WriteFiles write including create, delete, update multiple files within a specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See // for more information. WriteFiles(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch, commitMsg string, startBranch *string, actions []CommitAction) (*gitlab.Commit, error) // GetFile get a file content for specified filepath in the specified project with the ref. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // The ref can be the name of branch, tag or commit. // See for more information. GetFile(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, ref, filepath string) ([]byte, error) // TransferProject transfer a project with the specified pid to the new group with the gid. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // The gid can be the group's ID or relative path such as first/third. TransferProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, gid interface{}) error // EditNameAndPathForProject update name and path for a specified project. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. EditNameAndPathForProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, newName, newPath *string) error // Compare branches, tags or commits. // The pid can be the project's ID or relative path such as fist/second. // See for more information. Compare(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, from, to string, straight *bool) (*gitlab.Compare, error) // GetRepositoryArchive gets an archive of the repository. // GitLab API docs: GetRepositoryArchive(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, sha string) ([]byte, error) GetHTTPURL(ctx context.Context) string GetCreatedGroup(ctx context.Context, parentID int, parentPath string, name string, visibility string) (*gitlab.Group, error)} var _ Interface = (*helper)(nil) type FileAction string // The available file actions.const ( FileCreate FileAction = "create" FileUpdate FileAction = "update" FileDelete FileAction = "delete" FileMove FileAction = "move") // CommitAction represents a single file action within a commit.type CommitAction struct { Action FileAction FilePath string Content string PreviousPath string} func (a FileAction) toFileActionValuePtr() *gitlab.FileActionValue { s := gitlab.FileActionValue(a) return &s} `helper` has 26 methods (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.type helper struct { client *gitlab.Client httpURL string} // New an instance of Gitlabfunc New(token, httpURL string) (Interface, error) { client, err := gitlab.NewClient(token, gitlab.WithBaseURL(httpURL), gitlab.WithHTTPClient(&http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, }, })) if err != nil { return nil, herrors.NewErrCreateFailed(herrors.GitlabResource, err.Error()) } return &helper{ client: client, httpURL: httpURL, }, nil} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, gid interface{}) (_ *gitlab.Group, err error) { const op = "gitlab: get group" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() group, rsp, err := h.client.Groups.GetGroup(gid, nil, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return group, nil} func (h *helper) ListGroupProjects(ctx context.Context, gid interface{}, page, perPage int) (_ []*gitlab.Project, err error) { const op = "gitlab: list group projects" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() if page < 1 { return nil, perror.Wrap(herrors.ErrParamInvalid, "page cannot be less 1") } if perPage < 1 { return nil, perror.Wrap(herrors.ErrParamInvalid, "perPage cannot be less 1") } projects, rsp, err := h.client.Groups.ListGroupProjects(gid, &gitlab.ListGroupProjectsOptions{ ListOptions: gitlab.ListOptions{ Page: page, PerPage: perPage, }, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return projects, nil} func (h *helper) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, name, path string, parentID *int, visibility string) (_ *gitlab.Group, err error) { const op = "gitlab: create group" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() visibilityValue := gitlab.VisibilityValue(visibility) group, rsp, err := h.client.Groups.CreateGroup(&gitlab.CreateGroupOptions{ Name: &name, Path: &path, ParentID: parentID, Visibility: &visibilityValue, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return group, nil} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, gid interface{}) (err error) { const op = "gitlab: delete group" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() rsp, err := h.client.Groups.DeleteGroup(gid, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) return parseError(rsp, err)} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) GetProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}) (_ *gitlab.Project, err error) { const op = "gitlab: get project" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() project, rsp, err := h.client.Projects.GetProject(pid, nil, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return project, nil} func (h *helper) CreateProject(ctx context.Context, name string, groupID int, visibility string) (_ *gitlab.Project, err error) { const op = "gitlab: create project" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() visibilityValue := gitlab.VisibilityValue(visibility) project, rsp, err := h.client.Projects.CreateProject(&gitlab.CreateProjectOptions{ InitializeWithReadme: func() *bool { b := true; return &b }(), Name: &name, Path: &name, NamespaceID: &groupID, Visibility: &visibilityValue, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return project, err} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) DeleteProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}) (err error) { const op = "gitlab: delete project" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() rsp, err := h.client.Projects.DeleteProject(pid, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) return parseError(rsp, err)} Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) GetBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch string) (_ *gitlab.Branch, err error) { const op = "gitlab: get branch" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() b, rsp, err := h.client.Branches.GetBranch(pid, branch, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return b, nil} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) ListBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, listBranchOptions *gitlab.ListBranchesOptions) (_ []*gitlab.Branch, err error) { const op = "gitlab: list branch" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() branches, rsp, err := h.client.Branches.ListBranches(pid, listBranchOptions, nil) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return branches, nil} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) ListTag(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, listTagsOptions *gitlab.ListTagsOptions) (_ []*gitlab.Tag, err error) { const op = "gitlab: list tag" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() tags, rsp, err := h.client.Tags.ListTags(pid, listTagsOptions, nil) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return tags, nil} Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) GetCommit(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, commit string) (_ *gitlab.Commit, err error) { const op = "gitlab: get commit" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() c, rsp, err := h.client.Commits.GetCommit(pid, commit, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return c, nil} Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) GetTag(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, tag string) (_ *gitlab.Tag, err error) { const op = "gitlab: get tag" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() c, rsp, err := h.client.Tags.GetTag(pid, tag, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return c, nil} func (h *helper) CreateBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch, fromRef string) (_ *gitlab.Branch, err error) { const op = "gitlab: create branch" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() b, rsp, err := h.client.Branches.CreateBranch(pid, &gitlab.CreateBranchOptions{ Branch: &branch, Ref: &fromRef, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return b, nil} func (h *helper) DeleteBranch(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch string) (err error) { const op = "gitlab: delete branch" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() rsp, err := h.client.Branches.DeleteBranch(pid, branch, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) return parseError(rsp, err)} func (h *helper) CreateMR(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, source, target, title string) (_ *gitlab.MergeRequest, err error) { const op = "gitlab: create mr" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() mr, rsp, err := h.client.MergeRequests.CreateMergeRequest(pid, &gitlab.CreateMergeRequestOptions{ Title: &title, SourceBranch: &source, TargetBranch: &target, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return mr, nil} func (h *helper) ListMRs(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, source, target, state string) (_ []*gitlab.MergeRequest, err error) { mrs, rsp, err := h.client.MergeRequests.ListProjectMergeRequests(pid, &gitlab.ListProjectMergeRequestsOptions{ SourceBranch: &source, TargetBranch: &target, State: &state, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, perror.WithMessagef(parseError(rsp, err), "failed to list merge requests for project: %v", pid) } return mrs, nil} func (h *helper) CloseMR(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, mrID int) (mr *gitlab.MergeRequest, err error) { const op = "gitlab: close mr" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() closeEvent := "close" mr, resp, err := h.client.MergeRequests.UpdateMergeRequest(pid, mrID, &gitlab.UpdateMergeRequestOptions{ StateEvent: &closeEvent, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err == nil { return mr, nil } err2 := parseError(resp, err) if _, ok := perror.Cause(err2).(*herrors.HorizonErrNotFound); ok { log.Warningf(ctx, "project %v, mr %d have been closed", pid, mrID) return nil, nil } return nil, err2} Method `helper.AcceptMR` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `helper.AcceptMR` has 5 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).func (h *helper) AcceptMR(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, mrID int, mergeCommitMsg *string, shouldRemoveSourceBranch *bool) (mr *gitlab.MergeRequest, err error) { const op = "gitlab: accept mr" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() retryFunc := func(i int) (*gitlab.MergeRequest, error) { mr, rsp, err := h.client.MergeRequests.AcceptMergeRequest(pid, mrID, &gitlab.AcceptMergeRequestOptions{ MergeCommitMessage: mergeCommitMsg, ShouldRemoveSourceBranch: shouldRemoveSourceBranch, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return mr, nil } for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { mr, err = retryFunc(i) if err == nil { return mr, nil } else if perror.Cause(err) != herrors.ErrGitlabMRNotReady { return nil, err } time.Sleep(time.Second) } return nil, err} Method `helper.WriteFiles` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) WriteFiles(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, branch, commitMsg string, startBranch *string, actions []CommitAction) (_ *gitlab.Commit, err error) { const op = "gitlab: write files" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() commit, rsp, err := h.client.Commits.CreateCommit(pid, &gitlab.CreateCommitOptions{ Branch: &branch, CommitMessage: &commitMsg, StartBranch: startBranch, Actions: func() []*gitlab.CommitActionOptions { acts := make([]*gitlab.CommitActionOptions, 0) for i := range actions { acts = append(acts, &gitlab.CommitActionOptions{ Action: actions[i].Action.toFileActionValuePtr(), FilePath: &actions[i].FilePath, Content: &actions[i].Content, PreviousPath: &actions[i].PreviousPath, }) } return acts }(), }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { log.Errorf(ctx, "err: %v", err) return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return commit, nil} func (h *helper) GetFile(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, ref, filepath string) (_ []byte, err error) { const op = "gitlab: get file" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() content, rsp, err := h.client.RepositoryFiles.GetRawFile(pid, filepath, &gitlab.GetRawFileOptions{ Ref: &ref, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return content, nil} func (h *helper) TransferProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, gid interface{}) (err error) { const op = "gitlab: transfer project" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() if _, rsp, err := h.client.Projects.TransferProject(pid, &gitlab.TransferProjectOptions{ Namespace: gid, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)); err != nil { return parseError(rsp, err) } return nil} func (h *helper) EditNameAndPathForProject(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, newName, newPath *string) (err error) { const op = "gitlab: edit name and path for project" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() if _, rsp, err := h.client.Projects.EditProject(pid, &gitlab.EditProjectOptions{ Name: newName, Path: newPath, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)); err != nil { return parseError(rsp, err) } return nil} func (h *helper) Compare(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, from, to string, straight *bool) (_ *gitlab.Compare, err error) { const op = "gitlab: compare branchs" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() compare, rsp, err := h.client.Repositories.Compare(pid, &gitlab.CompareOptions{ From: &from, To: &to, Straight: straight, }, gitlab.WithContext(ctx)) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(rsp, err) } return compare, nil}func (h *helper) GetRepositoryArchive(ctx context.Context, pid interface{}, sha string) ([]byte, error) { const op = "gitlab: get repository archive" defer wlog.Start(ctx, op).StopPrint() format := "tar.gz" archive, resp, err := h.client.Repositories.Archive(pid, &gitlab.ArchiveOptions{ Format: &format, SHA: &sha, }) if err != nil { return nil, parseError(resp, err) } return archive, nil} // GetHTTPURL implements Interfacefunc (h *helper) GetHTTPURL(ctx context.Context) string { return h.httpURL} Method `helper.GetCreatedGroup` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.func (h *helper) GetCreatedGroup(ctx context.Context, parentID int, parentFullPath string, name string, visibility string) (*gitlab.Group, error) { var group *gitlab.Group group, err := h.GetGroup(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", parentFullPath, name)) if err != nil { if _, ok := perror.Cause(err).(*herrors.HorizonErrNotFound); !ok { return nil, err } return h.CreateGroup(ctx, name, name, &parentID, visibility) } return group, nil} func parseError(resp *gitlab.Response, err error) error { if err == nil { return nil } if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound { return herrors.NewErrNotFound(herrors.GitlabResource, err.Error()) } else if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotAcceptable { // return perror.Wrap(herrors.ErrGitlabMRNotReady, err.Error()) } return perror.Wrap(herrors.ErrGitlabInternal, err.Error())}