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// Copyright © 2023 Horizoncd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package wlgenerator
import (
membermanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/member/manager"
membermodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/member/models"
prmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/pr/models"
webhookctl "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/core/controller/webhook"
applicationmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/application/manager"
applicationmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/application/models"
clustermanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/cluster/manager"
clustermodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/cluster/models"
eventmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/event/manager"
groupmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/group/manager"
prmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/pr/manager"
usermanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/user/manager"
usermodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/user/models"
webhookmanager "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/webhook/manager"
webhookmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/webhook/models"
const (
WebhookSecretHeader = "X-Horizon-Webhook-Secret"
WebhookContentTypeHeader = "Content-Type"
WebhookContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"
// MessageContent will be marshaled as webhook request body
type MessageContent struct {
ID uint `json:"id,omitempty"`
EventID uint `json:"eventID,omitempty"`
WebhookID uint `json:"webhookID,omitempty"`
Application *ApplicationInfo `json:"application,omitempty"`
Cluster *ClusterInfo `json:"cluster,omitempty"`
Pipelinerun *PipelinerunInfo `json:"pipelinerun,omitempty"`
Member *MemberInfo `json:"member,omitempty"`
EventType string `json:"eventType,omitempty"`
User *usermodels.UserBasic `json:"user,omitempty"`
Extra *string `json:"extra,omitempty"`
type ResourceCommonInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ApplicationInfo contains basic info of application
type ApplicationInfo struct {
Priority string `json:"priority,omitempty"`
// ClusterInfo contains basic info of cluster
type ClusterInfo struct {
ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName,omitempty"`
Env string `json:"env,omitempty"`
// PipelinerunInfo contains basic info of pipelinerun
type PipelinerunInfo struct {
ClusterID uint `json:"clusterID,omitempty"`
ClusterName string `json:"clusterName,omitempty"`
Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
GitRef string `json:"gitRef,omitempty"`
GitRefType string `json:"gitRefType,omitempty"`
// MemberInfo contains basic info of member
type MemberInfo struct {
ResourceID uint `json:"resourceID"`
ResourceType membermodels.ResourceType `json:"resourceType"`
Role string `json:"role"`
MemberNameID uint `json:"memberNameID"`
MemberName string `json:"memberName"`
// WebhookLogGenerator generates webhook logs by events
type WebhookLogGenerator struct {
webhookMgr webhookmanager.Manager
eventMgr eventmanager.Manager
groupMgr groupmanager.Manager
applicationMgr applicationmanager.Manager
clusterMgr clustermanager.Manager
prMgr *prmanager.PRManager
memberMgr membermanager.Manager
userMgr usermanager.Manager
func NewWebhookLogGenerator(manager *managerparam.Manager) *WebhookLogGenerator {
return &WebhookLogGenerator{
webhookMgr: manager.WebhookMgr,
eventMgr: manager.EventMgr,
groupMgr: manager.GroupMgr,
applicationMgr: manager.ApplicationMgr,
clusterMgr: manager.ClusterMgr,
prMgr: manager.PRMgr,
memberMgr: manager.MemberMgr,
userMgr: manager.UserMgr,
type messageDependency struct {
webhook *webhookmodels.Webhook
event *models.Event
application *applicationmodels.Application
cluster *clustermodels.Cluster
pipelinerun *prmodels.Pipelinerun
member *membermodels.Member
userBasic *usermodels.UserBasic
// listSystemResources lists root group(0) as system resource
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) listSystemResources() map[string][]uint {
return map[string][]uint{
string(common.ResourceGroup): {0},
// listAssociatedResourcesOfApp get application by id and list all the parent resources
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) listAssociatedResourcesOfApp(ctx context.Context,
id uint) (*applicationmodels.Application, map[string][]uint) {
resources := w.listSystemResources()
app, err := w.applicationMgr.GetByIDIncludeSoftDelete(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "application %d is not exist", id)
return nil, resources
resources[common.ResourceApplication] = []uint{app.ID}
group, err := w.groupMgr.GetByID(ctx, app.GroupID)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "application %d is not exist", id)
return app, resources
groupIDs := groupmanager.FormatIDsFromTraversalIDs(group.TraversalIDs)
resources[common.ResourceGroup] = append(resources[common.ResourceGroup], groupIDs...)
return app, resources
// listAssociatedResourcesOfCluster get cluster by id and list all the parent resources
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) listAssociatedResourcesOfCluster(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*clustermodels.Cluster,
*applicationmodels.Application, map[string][]uint) {
cluster, err := w.clusterMgr.GetByIDIncludeSoftDelete(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "cluster %d is not exist",
return nil, nil, nil
app, resources := w.listAssociatedResourcesOfApp(ctx, cluster.ApplicationID)
if resources == nil {
resources = map[string][]uint{}
resources[common.ResourceCluster] = []uint{cluster.ID}
return cluster, app, resources
// listAssociatedResourcesOfPipelinerun gets pipelinerun by id and list all the parent resources
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) listAssociatedResourcesOfPipelinerun(ctx context.Context,
id uint) (*prmodels.Pipelinerun, *clustermodels.Cluster, map[string][]uint) {
pr, err := w.prMgr.PipelineRun.GetByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil || pr == nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "pipelinerun %d is not exist",
return nil, nil, nil
cluster, _, resources := w.listAssociatedResourcesOfCluster(ctx, pr.ClusterID)
if resources == nil {
resources = map[string][]uint{}
resources[common.ResourcePipelinerun] = []uint{pr.ID}
return pr, cluster, resources
// listAssociatedResourcesOfMember gets member by id and list all the parent resources
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) listAssociatedResourcesOfMember(ctx context.Context,
id uint) (*membermodels.Member, *usermodels.UserBasic, map[string][]uint) {
member, err := w.memberMgr.GetByIDIncludeSoftDelete(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "member %d is not exist", id)
return nil, nil, nil
user, err := w.userMgr.GetUserByID(ctx, member.MemberNameID)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "user %d of member %d is not exist", member.MemberNameID, id)
return nil, nil, nil
var resources map[string][]uint
switch member.ResourceType {
case membermodels.TypeApplication:
_, resources = w.listAssociatedResourcesOfApp(ctx, member.ResourceID)
case membermodels.TypeApplicationCluster:
_, _, resources = w.listAssociatedResourcesOfCluster(ctx, member.ResourceID)
// TODO: support member event of groups and templates
log.Warningf(ctx, "member event of resource type %s is unsupported yet", member.ResourceType)
return member, usermodels.ToUser(user), resources
// listAssociatedResources list all the associated resources of event to find all the webhooks
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) listAssociatedResources(ctx context.Context,
e *models.Event) (*messageDependency, map[string][]uint) {
var (
resources map[string][]uint
cluster *clustermodels.Cluster
application *applicationmodels.Application
pr *prmodels.Pipelinerun
member *membermodels.Member
userBasic *usermodels.UserBasic
dep = &messageDependency{}
switch e.ResourceType {
case common.ResourceApplication:
application, resources = w.listAssociatedResourcesOfApp(ctx, e.ResourceID)
dep.application = application
case common.ResourceCluster:
cluster, application, resources = w.listAssociatedResourcesOfCluster(ctx, e.ResourceID)
dep.application = application
dep.cluster = cluster
case common.ResourcePipelinerun:
pr, cluster, resources = w.listAssociatedResourcesOfPipelinerun(ctx, e.ResourceID)
dep.cluster = cluster
dep.pipelinerun = pr
log.Debugf(ctx, "dep: %+v", dep)
case common.ResourceMember:
member, userBasic, resources = w.listAssociatedResourcesOfMember(ctx, e.ResourceID)
dep.member = member
dep.userBasic = userBasic
log.Infof(ctx, "resource type %s is unsupported",
return dep, resources
// makeRequestHeaders assemble headers of webhook request
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) makeRequestHeaders(secret string) (string, error) {
header := http.Header{}
header.Add(WebhookSecretHeader, secret)
header.Add(WebhookContentTypeHeader, WebhookContentType)
headerByte, err := yaml.Marshal(header)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(headerByte), nil
// makeRequestHeaders assemble body of webhook request
Method `WebhookLogGenerator.makeRequestBody` has 73 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `WebhookLogGenerator.makeRequestBody` has 5 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) makeRequestBody(ctx context.Context, dep *messageDependency) (string, error) {
message := MessageContent{
EventID: dep.event.ID,
WebhookID: dep.webhook.ID,
EventType: dep.event.EventType,
Extra: dep.event.EventSummary.Extra,
if dep.event.CreatedBy != 0 {
user, err := w.userMgr.GetUserByID(ctx, dep.event.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return "", err
message.User = usermodels.ToUser(user)
if dep.event.ResourceType == common.ResourceApplication &&
dep.application != nil {
message.Application = &ApplicationInfo{
ResourceCommonInfo: ResourceCommonInfo{
ID: dep.application.ID,
Name: dep.application.Name,
Priority: string(dep.application.Priority),
if dep.event.ResourceType == common.ResourceCluster &&
dep.cluster != nil {
message.Cluster = &ClusterInfo{
ResourceCommonInfo: ResourceCommonInfo{
ID: dep.cluster.ID,
Name: dep.cluster.Name,
ApplicationName: dep.application.Name,
Env: dep.cluster.EnvironmentName,
if dep.event.ResourceType == common.ResourcePipelinerun &&
dep.pipelinerun != nil {
message.Pipelinerun = &PipelinerunInfo{
ResourceCommonInfo: ResourceCommonInfo{
ID: dep.pipelinerun.ID,
ClusterID: dep.pipelinerun.ClusterID,
ClusterName: func() string {
if dep.cluster != nil {
return dep.cluster.Name
return ""
Action: dep.pipelinerun.Action,
Title: dep.pipelinerun.Title,
Description: dep.pipelinerun.Description,
GitRef: dep.pipelinerun.GitRef,
GitRefType: dep.pipelinerun.GitRefType,
if dep.event.ResourceType == common.ResourceMember &&
dep.member != nil && dep.userBasic != nil {
message.Member = &MemberInfo{
ResourceCommonInfo: ResourceCommonInfo{
ID: dep.member.ID,
ResourceID: dep.member.ResourceID,
ResourceType: dep.member.ResourceType,
Role: dep.member.Role,
MemberNameID: dep.member.MemberNameID,
MemberName: dep.userBasic.Name,
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal message, error: %+v", err))
return "", err
return string(reqBody), nil
// Process processes all the webhook logs that are in waiting status and send webhook requests
Method `WebhookLogGenerator.Process` has a Cognitive Complexity of 38 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Method `WebhookLogGenerator.Process` has 88 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.
func (w *WebhookLogGenerator) Process(ctx context.Context, events []*models.Event,
resume bool) error {
var (
webhookLogs []*webhookmodels.WebhookLog
conditionsToCreate = map[uint]map[uint]messageDependency{}
conditionsToQuery = map[uint][]uint{}
// TODO: simplify
for _, event := range events {
// 1. get associated resources according to event resource type
dependency, resources := w.listAssociatedResources(ctx, event)
if resources == nil {
// 2. list webhooks of all associated resources
webhooks, _, err := w.webhookMgr.ListWebhookOfResources(ctx, resources, q.New(q.KeyWords{
common.CreatedAt: event.CreatedAt,
common.Enabled: true,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to list webhooks by condition %v, error: %s", resources, err.Error())
// 3. assemble webhook list of all events, prepare to create
for _, webhook := range webhooks {
// 3.1 if event does not match webhook trigger, skip
ok, err := webhookctl.CheckIfEventMatch(webhook, event)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to match triggers %s, error: %+v", webhook.Triggers, err)
} else if !ok {
log.Debugf(ctx, "event %d matches webhook %s", event.ID, webhook.URL)
// 3.2 add webhook to the list
if _, ok := conditionsToCreate[event.ID]; !ok {
conditionsToCreate[event.ID] = map[uint]messageDependency{}
conditionsToCreate[event.ID][webhook.ID] = messageDependency{
webhook: webhook,
event: event,
application: dependency.application,
cluster: dependency.cluster,
pipelinerun: dependency.pipelinerun,
member: dependency.member,
userBasic: dependency.userBasic,
conditionsToQuery[event.ID] = append(conditionsToQuery[event.ID], webhook.ID)
// 4. remove duplicate webhook log when resume
if resume {
if len(conditionsToQuery) == 0 {
return nil
existedWebhookLogs, err := w.webhookMgr.ListWebhookLogsByMap(ctx, conditionsToQuery)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to list webhook logs by map, error: %+v", err)
} else {
for _, wl := range existedWebhookLogs {
delete(conditionsToCreate[wl.EventID], wl.WebhookID)
if len(conditionsToCreate[wl.EventID]) == 0 {
delete(conditionsToCreate, wl.EventID)
// 5. assemble webhook logs to create
if len(conditionsToCreate) == 0 {
return nil
for _, dependencyMap := range conditionsToCreate {
for _, dependency := range dependencyMap {
headers, err := w.makeRequestHeaders(dependency.webhook.Secret)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("failed to make headers, error: %+v", err))
body, err := w.makeRequestBody(ctx, &dependency)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("failed to make headers, error: %+v", err))
webhookLogs = append(webhookLogs, &webhookmodels.WebhookLog{
EventID: dependency.event.ID,
WebhookID: dependency.webhook.ID,
URL: dependency.webhook.URL,
RequestHeaders: headers,
RequestData: body,
Status: webhookmodels.StatusWaiting,
// 6. batch create webhook logs
if _, err := w.webhookMgr.CreateWebhookLogs(ctx, webhookLogs); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to create webhooks, error: %s", err.Error())
return err
return nil