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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2023 Horizoncd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dao
import (
herrors "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/core/errors"
tagmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/tag/models"
hcommon "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/core/common"
appregionmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/applicationregion/models"
envregionmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/environmentregion/models"
groupmodels "github.com/horizoncd/horizon/pkg/group/models"
type DAO interface {
// Create a region
Create(ctx context.Context, region *models.Region) (*models.Region, error)
// ListAll list all regions
ListAll(ctx context.Context) ([]*models.Region, error)
// GetRegion get a region by name
GetRegion(ctx context.Context, regionName string) (*models.Region, error)
// GetRegionByID get a region by id
GetRegionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.Region, error)
// UpdateByID update region by id
UpdateByID(ctx context.Context, id uint, region *models.Region) error
// DeleteByID delete region by id
DeleteByID(ctx context.Context, id uint) error
// ListByRegionSelectors list region by tags
ListByRegionSelectors(ctx context.Context, selectors groupmodels.RegionSelectors) (models.RegionParts, error)
// NewDAO returns an instance of the default DAO
func NewDAO(db *gorm.DB) DAO {
return &dao{db: db}
type dao struct {
db *gorm.DB
func (d *dao) ListByRegionSelectors(ctx context.Context, selectors groupmodels.RegionSelectors) (
models.RegionParts, error) {
if len(selectors) == 0 {
return models.RegionParts{}, nil
var conditions []string
var params []interface{}
params = append(params, hcommon.ResourceRegion)
for _, selector := range selectors {
conditions = append(conditions, "(tg.tag_key = ? and tg.tag_value in ?)")
params = append(params, selector.Key, selector.Values)
params = append(params, len(selectors))
tagCondition := fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", strings.Join(conditions, " or "))
var regionParts models.RegionParts
result := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Raw(fmt.Sprintf(common.RegionListByTags, tagCondition), params...).Scan(&regionParts)
if result.Error != nil {
return nil, herrors.NewErrGetFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return regionParts, nil
// GetRegionByID implements DAO
func (d *dao) GetRegionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.Region, error) {
var region models.Region
result := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Raw(common.RegionGetByID, id).First(&region)
if result.Error != nil {
if result.Error == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, herrors.NewErrNotFound(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return nil, herrors.NewErrGetFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return &region, nil
func (d *dao) UpdateByID(ctx context.Context, id uint, region *models.Region) error {
// check en exist
regionInDB, err := d.GetRegionByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
// can only update displayName, server, Certificate, ingressDomain、prometheusURL, registryID
regionInDB.DisplayName = region.DisplayName
regionInDB.Server = region.Server
regionInDB.Certificate = region.Certificate
regionInDB.IngressDomain = region.IngressDomain
regionInDB.PrometheusURL = region.PrometheusURL
regionInDB.RegistryID = region.RegistryID
regionInDB.Disabled = region.Disabled
result := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Save(regionInDB)
if result.Error != nil {
return herrors.NewErrUpdateFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return nil
Similar blocks of code found in 5 locations. Consider refactoring.
func (d *dao) Create(ctx context.Context, region *models.Region) (*models.Region, error) {
result := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Create(region)
if result.Error != nil {
return nil, herrors.NewErrInsertFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return region, result.Error
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
func (d *dao) ListAll(ctx context.Context) ([]*models.Region, error) {
var regions []*models.Region
result := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Raw(common.RegionListAll).Scan(&regions)
if result.Error != nil {
return nil, herrors.NewErrGetFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return regions, result.Error
func (d *dao) GetRegion(ctx context.Context, regionName string) (*models.Region, error) {
var region models.Region
result := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Raw(common.RegionGetByName, regionName).First(&region)
if result.Error != nil {
return nil, herrors.NewErrGetFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return &region, nil
// DeleteByID implements DAO
Method `dao.DeleteByID` has 9 return statements (exceeds 4 allowed).
func (d *dao) DeleteByID(ctx context.Context, id uint) error {
// check region exist
regionInDB, res := d.GetRegionByID(ctx, id)
if res != nil {
return res
// check if there are clusters using the region
var count int64
result := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Raw(common.ClusterCountByRegionName, regionInDB.Name).Scan(&count)
if result.Error != nil {
return herrors.NewErrDeleteFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
if count > 0 {
return herrors.ErrRegionUsedByClusters
// remove related resources from different tables
err := d.db.WithContext(ctx).Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
// remove records from applicationRegion table
result := tx.Where("region_name = ?", regionInDB.Name).Delete(&appregionmodels.ApplicationRegion{})
if result.Error != nil {
return herrors.NewErrDeleteFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
// remove records from environmentRegion table
result = tx.Where("region_name = ?", regionInDB.Name).Delete(&envregionmodels.EnvironmentRegion{})
if result.Error != nil {
return herrors.NewErrDeleteFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
// remove records from tag table
result = tx.Where("resource_id = ? and resource_type = ?", regionInDB.ID, hcommon.ResourceRegion).
if result.Error != nil {
return herrors.NewErrDeleteFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
// remove region itself
result = tx.Delete(&models.Region{}, id)
if result.Error != nil {
return herrors.NewErrDeleteFailed(herrors.RegionInDB, result.Error.Error())
return nil
return err