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3 hrs
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var sweetp = require('sweetp-base');
var _ = require('lodash');
var GithubApi = require('github');
var cacheManager = require('cache-manager');

exports.defaultCredentialService =  'password/manager/get';
exports.defaultCredentialKey =  'github';
exports.config = {

exports.getCredentials = function (params, callback) {
    var service, project, serviceParams, key;

    service = this.defaultCredentialService;
    project = params.config.name;
    key = this.defaultCredentialKey;

    if (params.config.github_issues.auth) {
        if (params.config.github_issues.auth.service) {
            service = params.config.github_issues.auth.service;

        if (params.config.github_issues.auth.project) {
            project = params.config.github_issues.auth.project;

        if (params.config.github_issues.auth.key) {
            key = params.config.github_issues.auth.key;

    serviceParams = {

    return sweetp.callService(params.url, project, service, serviceParams, false, callback);

exports.getParams = function (params, overrides, defaults) {
    var modifiedParams = _.cloneDeep(params);

    // TODO this is to remove not provided params like 'assignee', fix this in sweetp server?!
    modifiedParams = _.omit(modifiedParams, function (value) {
        return value === null;

    if (defaults) {
        modifiedParams = _.defaults(modifiedParams, defaults);

    if (overrides) {
        modifiedParams = _.assign(modifiedParams, overrides);

    delete modifiedParams.config;
    return modifiedParams;

exports.transformTicketResponse = function (ticket) {
    if (!ticket) {
        return ticket;

    if (ticket.body !== undefined) {
        ticket.description = ticket.body;

    return _.pick(ticket, [

exports.getCacheKey = function (method, params) {
    return method + JSON.stringify(params);

exports.memoryCache = cacheManager.caching({store:'memory', max: 100, ttl: 3 /* seconds*/});
exports.eTagCache = cacheManager.caching({store:'memory', max: 100});
var eTagDict = {};

exports.callWithCache = function (id, get, callback) {
    exports.memoryCache.wrap(id, function (setInMemoryCache) {
        var eTag, writeToCacheAndReturn;

        writeToCacheAndReturn = function (response) {
            // save it in all caches
            exports.eTagCache.set(id, response);
            setInMemoryCache(null, response);

        // not in cache, call API with or without etag
        eTag = eTagDict[id];

        get(eTag, function (err, response) {
            if (err) {
                return setInMemoryCache(new Error(err));

            if (response.meta.status === "304 Not Modified") {
                // nothing new, try to get response from second cache
                response = exports.eTagCache.get(id);

                if (response) {
                    // found response in second cache, return it
                    return writeToCacheAndReturn(response);
                } else {
                    // cache result was dismissed by max length, we must fetch it again
                    // call API without etag to get fresh response
                    return get(null, function (err, response) {
                        if (err) {
                            return setInMemoryCache(new Error(err));

            } else {
                // no error, no 304, server returned result

                // save new etag
                eTagDict[id] = response.meta.etag;

                // return result
    }, callback);

exports.all = function (params, callback) {
    var parseResponse;

    if (params.withAllProperties === 'true') {
        // give all data directly to the client
        parseResponse = callback;
    } else {
        parseResponse = function (err, data) {
            var tickets;
            if (err) { return callback(err); }
            if (!data) { return callback(null, data); }

            tickets = data.map(exports.transformTicketResponse);
            callback(null, tickets);

    exports.getCredentials(params, function (err, credentials) {
        var github, apiParams, overrides, cacheKey;

        if (err) {
            return callback(err);

        // initialize api
        github = new GithubApi(exports.config.githubApi);
        github.authenticate(_.assign({type:'basic'}, credentials));

        // setup overrides for paramaters which ar required by api but not in params
        overrides = {

        // setup params for api
        apiParams = exports.getParams(params, overrides, {

        // call api
        cacheKey = exports.getCacheKey('repoIssues', apiParams);
        exports.callWithCache(cacheKey, function (eTag, callback) {
            var finalParams;

            finalParams = exports.applyETagToParams(eTag, _.cloneDeep(apiParams));
            github.issues.repoIssues(finalParams, callback);
        }, parseResponse);

exports.applyETagToParams = function (eTag, params) {
    if (eTag && params) {
        params.headers = params.headers || {};
        params.headers['If-None-Match'] = eTag;

    return params;