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# Jenkins Credentials Decryptor

Command line tool for decrypting and dumping Jenkins credentials.

### What is this all about

Jenkins stores encrypted credentials in the `credentials.xml` file or in `config.xml`. 
To decrypt them you need the `master.key` and `hudson.util.Secret` files.  

All files are located inside Jenkins home directory:

    $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/example-folder/config.xml - Possible location

### Compatibility

I've tested this on Jenkins 1.625.1 and 2.141

### Run using a binary

Mac (Intel CPU only):

    brew install hoto/repo/jenkins-credentials-decryptor

Mac (Intel CPU only) or Linux:

    curl -L \
      "$(uname -s)_$(uname -m)" \
       -o jenkins-credentials-decryptor

    chmod +x jenkins-credentials-decryptor
Or manually download binary from [releases](


    ./jenkins-credentials-decryptor --help
    ./jenkins-credentials-decryptor --version

SSH into Jenkins box and run:

    ./jenkins-credentials-decryptor \
      -m $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key \
      -s $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret \
      -c $JENKINS_HOME/credentials.xml \
      -o json
Or if you have the files locally:

    ./jenkins-credentials-decryptor \
      -m master.key \
      -s hudson.util.Secret \
      -c credentials.xml \
      -o json
### Run using docker
If you are worried about the binary sending your credentials over the network (it does not do that) 
then run a container with disabled network:

From Jenkins box:

    docker run \
      --rm \
      --network none \
      --workdir / \
      --mount "type=bind,src=$JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key,dst=/master.key" \
      --mount "type=bind,src=$JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret,dst=/hudson.util.Secret" \
      --mount "type=bind,src=$JENKINS_HOME/credentials.xml,dst=/credentials.xml" \ \
      /jenkins-credentials-decryptor \
        -m master.key \
        -s hudson.util.Secret \
        -c credentials.xml \
        -o json

With files locally:

    docker run \
      --rm \
      --network none \
      --workdir / \
      --mount "type=bind,src=$PWD/master.key,dst=/master.key" \
      --mount "type=bind,src=$PWD/hudson.util.Secret,dst=/hudson.util.Secret" \
      --mount "type=bind,src=$PWD/credentials.xml,dst=/credentials.xml" \ \
      /jenkins-credentials-decryptor \
        -m master.key \
        -s hudson.util.Secret \
        -c credentials.xml \
        -o json
### Build the binary yourself

If you are worried about executing a random binary from the internet then:

    git clone
    make build
Binary will be located at `bin/jenkins-credentials-decryptor`.


### Example output

Json output format:

    $ ./jenkins-credentials-decryptor \
           -m master.key \
           -s hudson.util.Secret \
           -c credentials.xml \
           -o json
        "description": "Vault admin",
        "id": "vault-admin",
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "9cy7Mbw@1Omm7db@q6eP3k62Wm*ev#",
        "scope": "GLOBAL"

Text output format:
    $ ./jenkins-credentials-decryptor \
           -m master.key \
           -s hudson.util.Secret \
           -c credentials.xml \
           -o text
            description: Vault admin
            id: vault-admin
            username: admin
            password: 9cy7Mbw@1Omm7db@q6eP3k62Wm*ev#
            scope: GLOBAL

### Development


    mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
    cd $GOPATH/src/
    git clone

Download dependencies:

    make dependencies

Build and test:

    make clean
    make build
    make test
Run a good ol' fashion manual smoke test:

    make smoke-test-json
    make smoke-test-text

Install to global golang bin directory:

    make install

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