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package cryptography

import (

const (
    magicChecksum = "::::MAGIC::::"

  Decrypts hudson.util.Secret using the master.key
  1. master.key is hashed and trimmed to 16 bytes
  2. master key is used to decrypt hudson.util.Secret with AES-128-ECB
  3. decrypted secret is trimmed to 16 bytes
  4. secret is returned, later to be used for decrypting Jenkins credentials with AES-128-ECB
func DecryptHudsonSecret(masterKey []byte, hudsonSecret []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    hashedMasterKey := hashMasterKey(masterKey)
    decryptedSecret := decryptAes128Ecb(hudsonSecret, hashedMasterKey)

    if secretContainsChecksum(decryptedSecret) {
        return decryptedSecret[:16], nil
    } else {
        return nil, createError(decryptedSecret)

func createError(decryptedSecret []byte) error {
    msg := fmt.Sprintf(
        "Error. Decrypted hudson secret does not contain expected checksum.\n"+
            "Expected checksum keyword:\n\t%s\n"+
            "Decrypted secret:\n\t%q",
    return errors.New(msg)

func secretContainsChecksum(encryptedSecret []byte) bool {
    return strings.Contains(string(encryptedSecret), magicChecksum)

   Hash needs to be 16 bytes as Jenkins uses AES-128 encryption.
func hashMasterKey(masterKey []byte) []byte {
    hasher := sha256.New()
    return hasher.Sum(nil)[:16]

   ECB mode is deprecated and not included in golang crypto library.
func decryptAes128Ecb(encryptedData []byte, key []byte) []byte {
    cipher, _ := aes.NewCipher(key)
    decrypted := make([]byte, len(encryptedData))
    size := 16
    for bs, be := 0, size; bs < len(encryptedData); bs, be = bs+size, be+size {
        cipher.Decrypt(decrypted[bs:be], encryptedData[bs:be])
    return decrypted