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class @Refresher
  τ = 2 * Math.PI # http://tauday.com/tau-manifesto

  constructor: ->
    @_rate = 1000 # 1 second
    @_interval = 5 * 60 * 1000 # 5 minutes
    @width = 42
    @height = @width
    @innerRadius = @width / 3
    @outerRadius = @width / 2
    @_container = 'body'

  rate: (@_rate)-> @
  container: (@_container)-> @
  interval: (@_interval)-> @
  callback: (@_callback)-> @

  render: ->
    # An arc function with all values bound except the endAngle. So, to compute an
    # SVG path string for a given angle, we pass an object with an endAngle
    # property to the `arc` function, and it will return the corresponding string.
    @arc = d3.svg.arc()

    # Create the SVG container, and apply a transform such that the origin is the
    # center of the canvas. This way, we don't need to position arcs individually.
    svg = d3.select(@_container).append('svg')
        .attr('width', @width)
        .attr('height', @height)
        .attr('class', 'refresher')
        .attr('transform', "translate(#{@width / 2},#{@height / 2})")

    # Add the background arc, from 0 to 100% (τ).
    background = svg.append('path')
      .datum(endAngle: τ)
      .attr('class', 'refresher-track')
      .attr('d', @arc)

    # Add the foreground arc, currently showing 0%.
    @foreground = svg.append('path')
      .datum(endAngle: 0)
      .attr('class', 'refresher-path')
      .attr('d', @arc)

    @tween = _.bind(@arcTween, @)
    setInterval(_.bind(@tick, @), @_rate)

  start: ->
    @_startTime = +(new Date())
    @_endTime = @_startTime + @_interval
      .datum(endAngle: 0)
      .attr('d', @arc)
        .call(@tween, (@_rate / @_interval) * τ)

  tick: ->
    time = +(new Date())
    if time > @_endTime
      @_callback() if @_callback
      percent = (time + @_rate - @_startTime) / @_interval
        .call(@tween, percent * τ)

  # Creates a tween on the specified transition's 'd' attribute, transitioning
  # any selected arcs from their current angle to the specified new angle.
  arcTween: (transition, newAngle)->

    # The function passed to attrTween is invoked for each selected element when
    # the transition starts, and for each element returns the interpolator to use
    # over the course of transition. This function is thus responsible for
    # determining the starting angle of the transition (which is pulled from the
    # element's bound datum, d.endAngle), and the ending angle (simply the
    # newAngle argument to the enclosing function).
    transition.attrTween 'd', (d)=>

      # To interpolate between the two angles, we use the default d3.interpolate.
      # (Internally, this maps to d3.interpolateNumber, since both of the
      # arguments to d3.interpolate are numbers.) The returned function takes a
      # single argument t and returns a number between the starting angle and the
      # ending angle. When t = 0, it returns d.endAngle when t = 1, it returns
      # newAngle and for 0 < t < 1 it returns an angle in-between.
      interpolate = d3.interpolate(d.endAngle, newAngle)

      # The return value of the attrTween is also a function: the function that
      # we want to run for each tick of the transition. Because we used
      # attrTween('d'), the return value of this last function will be set to the
      # 'd' attribute at every tick. (It's also possible to use transition.tween
      # to run arbitrary code for every tick, say if you want to set multiple
      # attributes from a single function.) The argument t ranges from 0, at the
      # start of the transition, to 1, at the end.

        # Calculate the current arc angle based on the transition time, t. Since
        # the t for the transition and the t for the interpolate both range from
        # 0 to 1, we can pass t directly to the interpolator.

        # Note that the interpolated angle is written into the element's bound
        # data object! This is important: it means that if the transition were
        # interrupted, the data bound to the element would still be consistent
        # with its appearance. Whenever we start a new arc transition, the
        # correct starting angle can be inferred from the data.
        d.endAngle = interpolate(t)

        # Lastly, compute the arc path given the updated data! In effect, this
        # transition uses data-space interpolation: the data is interpolated
        # (that is, the end angle) rather than the path string itself.
        # Interpolating the angles in polar coordinates, rather than the raw path
        # string, produces valid intermediate arcs during the transition.