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# This file loads and configures Houston

# Load Houston
require "houston/application"
require_relative "../lib/houston/engine"

# Configure Houston
Houston.config do

  # Required
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # The path to this instance.
  # This is required so that Houston can load environment-specific
  # configuration from ./config/environments, write log files to
  # ./logs, and serve static assets from ./public.
  root Pathname.new File.expand_path("../..",  __FILE__)

  # This is the name that will be shown in the banner
  title "Houston"

  # This is the host where Houston will be running
  host "houston.my-company.com"

  # Your secret key is used for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
  # If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid!
  # Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
  # no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
  # You can use `rake secret` to generate a secure secret key.
  secret_key_base ENV["HOUSTON_SECRET_KEY_BASE"]

  # This is the email address for emails send from Houston
  mailer_sender "houston@my-company.com"

  # Range for password length. Default is 8..128.
  # password_length 8..128

  # Enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID to add Google's
  # Universal Analytics script to every page.
  google_analytics do
    tracking_id ENV["GA_TRACKING_ID"]

  # This is the SMTP server Houston will use to send emails
  smtp do

    # Configuration for a local SMTP server
    # address ""
    # port 25
    # domain ""

    # Configuration for an SMTP service (like Mailgun)
    # authentication :plain
    # address "smtp.mailgun.org"
    # port 587
    # domain "my-company.mailgun.org"


  # These are the colors available for projects
    "teal"          => "39b3aa",
    "sky"           => "239ce7",
    "sea"           => "335996",
    "indigo"        => "7d63b8",
    "thistle"       => "b35ab8",
    "tomato"        => "e74c23",
    "bark"          => "756e54",
    "hazelnut"      => "a4703d",
    "burnt_sienna"  => "df8a3d",
    "orange"        => "e9b84e",
    "pea"           => "84bd37",
    "leaf"          => "409938",
    "spruce"        => "307355",
    "slate"         => "6c7a80",
    "silver"        => "a2a38b" )

  # General
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # (Optional) Sets Time.zone and configures Active Record to auto-convert to this zone.
  # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC.
  # time_zone "Central Time (US & Canada)"

  # (Optional) Parallelize requests.
  # Improves performance when Houston has to make several requests at once
  # to a remote API. Some firewalls might see this as suspicious activity.
  # In those environments, comment the following line out.
  parallelization :on

  # (Optional) Supply an S3 bucket to support file uploads
  s3 do
    access_key ENV["HOUSTON_S3_ACCESS_KEY"]
    secret ENV["HOUSTON_S3_SECRET"]
    bucket "houston-#{ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development"}"

  # (Optional) These are the categories you can organize your projects by
  # project_categories "Products", "Services", "Libraries", "Tools"

  # Navigation
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Menus are provided by Houston and modules.
  # Additional navigation can be defined by calling
  #   Houston.add_navigation_renderer
  # For examples, see config/initializers/add_navigation_renderers.rb
  # These are the menu items that will be shown in Houston
  # navigation       :alerts
  # project_features :tickets,
  #                  :releases

  # Modules
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Modules provide a way to extend Houston.
  # They are mountable Rails Engines whose routes are automatically
  # added to Houston's, prefixed with the name of the module.
  # To create a new module for Houston, run:
  #   houston new --module <MODULE>
  # Then add the module to your Gemfile with:
  #   gem "houston-<MODULE>", github: "<USERNAME>/houston-<MODULE>", branch: "master"
  # Add add to this configuration file:
  #   use :<MODULE> do
  #     # Module-supplied configuration options can go here
  #   end
  # When developing a module, it can be helpful to tell Bundler
  # to refer to the local copy of your module's repo:
  #   bundle config local.houston-<MODULE> ~/Projects/houston-<MODULE>

  # use :alerts do
  #   # Who can be assigned an Alert?
  #   workers { User.unretired }
  # end
  # load "alerts/*"

  # use :commits do
  #   # (Optional) Given a commit, return an array of email addresses
  #   # This is useful if your team uses pair-programming and attributes
  #   # commits to pairs by combining email addresses.
  #   # https://robots.thoughtbot.com/how-to-create-github-avatars-for-pairs
  #   identify_committers do |commit|
  #     emails = [commit.committer_email]
  #     emails = ["#{$1}@thoughtbot.com", "#{$2}@thoughtbot.com"] if commit.committer_email =~ /^([a-z\.]*)\+([a-z\.]*)@thoughtbot\.com/
  #     emails
  #   end
  # end

  # use :ci

  # use :releases do
  #   change_tags( {name: "New Feature", as: "feature", color: "8DB500"},
  #                {name: "Improvement", as: "improvement", color: "3383A8", aliases: %w{enhancement}},
  #                {name: "Bugfix", as: "fix", color: "C64537", aliases: %w{bugfix}} )
  # end

  # use :slack do
  #   typing_speed 120 # characters/second
  # end
  # load "conversations/**/*"

  # use :tickets do
  #   ticket_types(
  #     "Chore"       => "909090",
  #     "Feature"     => "8DB500",
  #     "Enhancement" => "3383A8",
  #     "Bug"         => "C64537" )
  # end

  # use :feedback

  # use :roadmaps

  # use :scheduler

  # Roles and Abilities
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # A user may belong to one or more teams. Within each team, a user can be
  # given one or more team-specific roles. Define those roles — and the abilities
  # they grant below.
  # Houston adds the "Team Owner" role which will be given the ability to manage
  # teams and their projects.
  # Houston uses CanCan to check authorize users to do particular actions.
  # Houston will pass a user to the block defined below which should declare
  # what abilities that user has.

  load "abilities"

  # Integrations
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Configure Houston to integrate with third-party services

  load "integrations/*"

  # Events
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Configure Houston to execute block of code when an event is triggered.
  # To see a complete list of events run `rake houston:events` at the command line.

  load "events/**/*"

  # Timers
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Houston can be configured to run jobs at a variety of intervals.

  load "timers/**/*"

  # Perform any other initialization
  load "initializers/*"