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#!/usr/bin/env python -tt
# encoding: utf-8
# ===  IMPORTANT  ====
# NOTE: In order to support non-ASCII file names,
#       your system's locale MUST be set to 'utf-8'
# CAVEAT: DOESN'T seem to work with proxy, the underlying reason being
#         the 'requests' package used for http communication doesn't seem
#         to work properly with proxies, reason unclear.
# NOTE: It seems Baidu doesn't handle MD5 quite right after combining files,
#       so it may return erroneous MD5s. Perform a rapidupload again may fix the problem.
#        That's why I changed default behavior to no-verification.
# NOTE: syncup / upload, syncdown / downdir are partially duplicates
#       the difference: syncup/down compare and perform actions
#       while down/up just proceed to download / upload (but still compare during actions)
#       so roughly the same, except that sync can delete extra files
# TODO: Dry run?
# TODO: Use batch functions for better performance
# == NOTE ==
# Proxy is supported by the underlying Requests library,
# you can activate HTTP proxies by setting the HTTP_PROXY and / or
# HTTPS_PROXY environment variables respectively as follows:
#   HTTP_PROXY=http://user:password@domain
#   HTTPS_PROXY=http://user:password@domain
# (More information: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#proxies)
# Though from my experience, it seems that some proxy servers may not be supported properly.

# from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import os
import sys
import io
import signal
import time
import shutil
import tempfile
import posixpath
import json
import hashlib
#import base64
import re
import pprint
import socket
import subprocess
import shlex
import atexit
from collections import deque
#from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
from copy import deepcopy

# unify Python 2 and 3
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    import urllib as ulp
    import cPickle as pickle
    pickleload = pickle.load
elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    import urllib.parse as ulp
    import pickle
    unicode = str
    basestring = str
    long = int
    raw_input = input
    pickleload = partial(pickle.load, encoding="bytes")

from . import const
from . import gvar
from . import printer_console
from . import cached as cachedm
from . import util
from . import printer
from .cached import (cached, stringifypickle, md5, crc32, slice_md5)
from .struct import PathDictTree
from .util import (
    perr, pwarn, pinfo, pdbg,
    jsondump, jsonload, formatex, rb,
    joinpath, get_pcs_path, print_pcs_list, str2bool, str2int,
    human_size, interpret_size, ls_time, ls_type,
    makedir, removedir, movefile, removefile, getfilesize,
from .chkreq import (check_requirements, CheckResult)
from .requester import RequestsRequester

pr = printer_console.pr
prcolor = printer_console.prcolor
ask = printer_console.ask
pprgr = printer_console.pprgr

# there was a WantWriteError uncaught exception for Urllib3:
# https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/pull/412
# it was fixed here:
# https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/pull/413
# commit:
# https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/commit/a89dda000ed144efeb6be4e0b417c0465622fe3f
# and this was included in this commit in the Requests library
# https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/commit/7aa6c62d6d917e11f81b166d1d6c9e60340783ac
# which was included in version 2.5.0 or above
# so minimum 2.5.0 is required
import requests
    from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import ReadTimeoutError
        from urllib3.exceptions import ReadTimeoutError
        perr("Something seems wrong with the urllib3 installation.\nQuitting")

from requests_toolbelt import multipart

# http://stackoverflow.com/a/27320254/404271
    import multiprocess as mp
    from multiprocess import Pool
except ImportError:
    mp = None
    Pool = None
    perr("'multiprocess' library is not available, no parallel dl/ul.")

mpsemaphore = mp.Semaphore(1) if mp else None
cached.semaphore = mpsemaphore

if Pool != None:
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        # enable with statement
        from contextlib import contextmanager
        def UPool(*args, **kwargs):
            yield Pool(*args, **kwargs)
    elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
        UPool = Pool

pcsurl = const.PcsUrl
cpcsurl = const.CPcsUrl
dpcsurl = const.DPcsUrl

# This crap is here to avoid circular imports
# What a fantastic packing architecture Python has!
def makemppr(pr):
    def mppr(msg, *args, **kwargs):
        return pr(mp.current_process().name + ': ' + msg, *args, **kwargs)
    return mppr

def makemppprgr(pprgr):
    def mppprgr(finish, total, start_time = None, existing = 0,
        prefix = '', suffix = '', seg = 20):
        prefix = mp.current_process().name + ': ' + str(prefix)
        pprgr(finish, total, start_time, existing, prefix, suffix, seg)
    return mppprgr

def set_mp_print():
    global pr
    global prcolor
    global ask
    global pprgr
    opr = pr
    oprcolor = prcolor
    oask = ask
    opprgr = pprgr
    def restoremp():
        global pr
        global prcolor
        global ask
        global pprgr
        pr = cachedm.pr = util.pr = opr
        prcolor = util.prcolor = printer.prcolor = oprcolor
        ask = util.ask = oask
        pprgr = util.pprgr = opprgr

    pr = cachedm.pr = util.pr = makemppr(opr)
    prcolor = util.prcolor = printer.prcolor = makemppr(oprcolor)
    ask = util.ask = makemppr(oask)
    pprgr = util.pprgr = makemppprgr(opprgr)

    return restoremp

class ByPy(object):
    '''The main class of the bypy program'''
    # TODO: Apply to configdir instead of ~/.bypy
    def migratesettings():
        result = const.ENoError

        if os.path.exists(const.OldByPyCertsPath):

        filesToMove = [
            [const.OldTokenFilePath, const.TokenFilePath],
            [const.OldPicklePath, const.PicklePath]

        result = makedir(const.ConfigDir, 0o700) and result # make it secretive
        # this directory must exist
        if result != const.ENoError:
            perr("Fail to create config directory '{}'".format(const.ConfigDir))
            return result

        for tomove in filesToMove:
            oldfile = tomove[0]
            newfile = tomove[1]
            if os.path.exists(oldfile):
                dst = newfile
                if os.path.exists(newfile):
                    dst = dst + '.old'
                result = movefile(oldfile, dst) and result

        # we move to JSON for hash caching for better portability
        # http://www.benfrederickson.com/dont-pickle-your-data/
        # https://kovshenin.com/2010/pickle-vs-json-which-is-faster/
        # JSON even outpeforms Pickle and definitely much more portable
        # DON'T bother with pickle.
        if os.path.exists(const.PicklePath):
            oldcache = {}
                with io.open(const.PicklePath, 'rb') as f:
                    oldcache = pickleload(f)
                pinfo("Contents of Pickle (old format hash cache) '{}' "
                "has been merged to '{}'".format(const.PicklePath, const.HashCachePath))
                mergedfile = const.PicklePath + '.merged'
                ok = movefile(const.PicklePath, mergedfile)
                if ok == const.ENoError:
                    pinfo("Pickle (old format hash cache) '{}' "
                    "has been renamed to '{}".format(const.PicklePath, mergedfile))
                    perr("Failed to move Pickle (old format hash cache) '{}' to '{}'".format(const.PicklePath, mergedfile))
            except (
                # the following is for dealing with corrupted cache file
                EOFError, TypeError, ValueError):
                invalidfile = const.PicklePath + '.invalid'
                ok = movefile(const.PicklePath, invalidfile)
                perr("{} invalid Pickle (old format hash cache) file '{}' to '{}'".format(
                    "Moved" if ok == const.ENoError else "Failed to move",
                    const.PicklePath, invalidfile))

        return result

    def setpcsurl(self, mirror):
        global pcsurl
        global cpcsurl
        global dpcsurl
        mirror = 'https://' + mirror + const.RestApiPath
        pcsurl = mirror
        cpcsurl = mirror
        dpcsurl = mirror
        # TODO: the SSL error may have gone, and the following is not needed
#        if mirror != const.PcsDomain:
#            # using a mirror, which has name mismatch SSL error, so need to disable SSL check
#            pwarn("Mirror '{}' used instead of the default PCS server url '{}', ".format(pcsurl, const.PcsUrl) +  \
#                  "we have to disable the SSL cert check in this case.")
#            self._checkssl = False

    def savesetting(self):
            jsondump(self._setting, self._settingpath, mpsemaphore)
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Failed to save settings.\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
            # complaining is enough, no need more actions as this is non-critical

    # def quit(self, retcode = const.ENoError):
    def cleanup(self):
        # saving is the most important
        # we save, but don't clean, why?
        # think about unmount path, moved files,
        # once we discard the information, they are gone.
        # so unless the user specifically request a clean,
        # we don't act too smart.
        # if we flush() on Ctrl-C, we get
        # IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
        # sys.exit(retcode)

    # TODO: this constructor is getting fat ...
    def __init__(self,
        slice_size = const.DefaultSliceSize,
        dl_chunk_size = const.DefaultDlChunkSize,
        verify = True,
        retry = 5, timeout = const.DefaultTimeOutInSeconds,
        quit_when_fail = False,
        resumedownload = True,
        extraupdate = lambda: (),
        incregex = '',
        ondup = '',
        followlink = True,
        checkssl = True,
        cacerts = None,
        rapiduploadonly = False,
        mirror = '',
        selectmirror = False,
        resumedl_revertcount = const.DefaultResumeDlRevertCount,
        deletesource = False,
        verbose = 0, debug = False,
        configdir = const.ConfigDir,
        requester = RequestsRequester,
        apikey = const.ApiKey,
        downloader = "",
        downloader_args = "",
        processes = const.DefaultProcessCount,
        secretkey = const.SecretKey):
        super(ByPy, self).__init__()
        self.jsonq = deque(maxlen = 64)

        # these two variables are without leading double underscore "__" as to export the as public,
        # so if any code using this class can check the current verbose / debug level
        cached.verbose = self.verbose = verbose
        cached.debug = self.debug = debug


        if not cached.usecache:
            pinfo("Forced hash recalculation, hash cache won't be used")

        # handle backward compatibility, a.k.a. history debt
        sr = ByPy.migratesettings()
        if sr != const.ENoError:
            # bail out
            perr("Failed to migrate old settings.")

        self._configdir = configdir.rstrip("/\\ ")
        # os.path.join() may not handle unicode well on Python 2.7
        self._tokenpath = configdir + os.sep + const.TokenFileName
        self._settingpath = configdir + os.sep + const.SettingFileName
        self._setting = {}

        self._downloader = downloader.lower().strip()
        if downloader_args:
            self._downloader_args = downloader_args
            if downloader in const.DownloaderDefaultArgs:
                self._downloader_args = const.DownloaderDefaultArgs[downloader]
                self._downloader_args = ''

        if os.path.exists(self._settingpath):
                self._setting = jsonload(self._settingpath)
            except Exception as ex:
                perr("Error loading settings, using default settings.{}".format(formatex(ex)))
        self._hashcachepath = configdir + os.sep + const.HashCacheFileName
        cached.hashcachepath = self._hashcachepath
        self._certspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), const.ByPyCertsFileName)

        self._requester = requester
        self._apikey = apikey
        self._secretkey = secretkey
        self._use_server_auth = not secretkey

        self._slice_size = slice_size
        self._dl_chunk_size = dl_chunk_size
        self._verify = verify
        self._retry = retry
        self._quit_when_fail = quit_when_fail
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._resumedownload = resumedownload
        self._extraupdate = extraupdate
        self._incregex = incregex
        self._incregmo = re.compile(incregex)
        if ondup and len(ondup) > 0:
            self._ondup = ondup[0].upper()
            self._ondup = 'O' # O - Overwrite* S - Skip P - Prompt
        self._followlink = followlink
        self._rapiduploadonly = rapiduploadonly
        self._resumedl_revertcount = resumedl_revertcount
        self._deletesource = deletesource
        if deletesource:
            self.pd("Forcing verification since we will delete source for successful transfers.")
            self._verify = True
        self.processes = processes

        # in case of abortions, exceptions, etc

        #TODO: SSL verification causes some much trouble for different Python version
        # I give up and disable it for good, or for bad
        checkssl = False
        # set SSL Check flag before mirror configuration, which may change it
        self._checkssl = checkssl
        # --mirror takes precedence over --select-fastest-mirror
        mirror = mirror.lower()
        if len(mirror) > 0 and mirror != const.PcsDomain:
        elif selectmirror:
        # else: already set in global

        if self._checkssl:
            # sort of undocumented by requests
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10667960/python-requests-throwing-up-sslerror
            if cacerts is not None:
                if os.path.isfile(cacerts):
                    self._certspath = cacerts
                    perr("Invalid CA Bundle '{}' specified")

            # falling through here means no customized CA Certs specified
            if self._checkssl is True:
                # use our own CA Bundle if possible
                if os.path.isfile(self._certspath):
                    self._checkssl = self._certspath
                    # Well, disable cert verification
"** SSL Certificate Verification has been disabled **\n\n"
"If you are confident that your CA Bundle can verify "
"Baidu PCS's certs, you can run the prog with the '" + const.CaCertsOption + \
" <your ca cert path>' argument to enable SSL cert verification.\n\n"
"However, most of the time, you can ignore this warning, "
"you are not going to send sensitive data to the cloud plainly right?")
                    self._checkssl = False
        if not checkssl:

        # useful info for debugging
        if debug > 0:
            pr("Verbose level = {}".format(verbose))
            pr("Debug level = {}".format(debug))
            # these informations are useful for debugging
            pr("Config directory: '{}'".format(self._configdir))
            pr("Token file: '{}'".format(self._tokenpath))
            pr("Hash Cache file: '{}'".format(self._hashcachepath))
            pr("App root path at Baidu Yun '{}'".format(const.AppPcsPath))
            pr("sys.stdin.encoding = {}".format(sys.stdin.encoding))
            pr("sys.stdout.encoding = {}".format(sys.stdout.encoding))
            pr("sys.stderr.encoding = {}".format(sys.stderr.encoding))

        # the prophet said: thou shalt initialize
        self._existing_size = 0
        self._json = {}
        self._access_token = ''
        self._remote_json = {}
        self._slice_md5s = []
        self._cookies = {}
        # TODO: whether this works is still to be tried out
        self._isrev = False
        self._rapiduploaded = False

        # store the response object, mainly for testing.
        self.response = object()
        # store function-specific result data
        self.result = {}

        if not self._load_local_json():
            # no need to call _load_local_json() again as _auth() will load the json & acess token.
            result = self._auth()
            if result != const.ENoError:
                perr("Program authorization FAILED.\n"
                    "You need to authorize this program before using any PCS functions.\n"

        for proxy in ['HTTP_PROXY', 'HTTPS_PROXY']:
            if proxy in os.environ:
                pr("{} used: {}".format(proxy, os.environ[proxy]))

        # update check
        check_update = False
        nowsec = int(time.time())
        if const.SettingKey_LastUpdateCheckTime not in self._setting:
            check_update = True
            lastcheck = self._setting[const.SettingKey_LastUpdateCheckTime]
            if nowsec - lastcheck > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: # check every 7 days
                check_update = True

        if check_update:
                r = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/houtianze/bypy/master/update/update.json')
                if r.status_code == 200:
                        j = r.json()
                        min_ver_key = 'minimumRequiredVersion'
                        if min_ver_key in j:
                            minver = j[min_ver_key]
                            if comp_semver(const.__version__, minver) < 0:
                                perr("Your current version ({}) is too low, "
                                    "minimum required version is {}.\n"
                                    "Please run 'pip install -U bypy' to update and try again.".format(
                                        const.__version__, minver))
                                self._setting[const.SettingKey_LastUpdateCheckTime] = nowsec

                        recommended_ver_key = 'recommendedVersion'
                        if recommended_ver_key in j:
                            recver = j[recommended_ver_key]
                            if comp_semver(const.__version__, recver) < 0:
                                pr("Your current version ({}) is low, "
                                    "It's recommended to update to version {}.\n"
                                    "Please run 'pip install -U bypy' to update.".format(
                                        const.__version__, recver))
                    except ValueError:
                        self.pd("Invalid response for update check, skipping.")
                    self.pd("HTTP Status {} while checking update, skipping.".format(r.status_code))
                self.pd("Error occurred while checking update, skipping.")

    def pv(self, msg, **kwargs):
        if self.verbose:

    def pd(self, msg, level = 1, **kwargs):
        if self.debug and self.debug >= level:
            pdbg(msg, kwargs)

    def shalloverwrite(self, prompt):
        if self._ondup == 'S':
            return False
        elif self._ondup == 'P':
            ans = ask(prompt, False).upper()
            if not ans.startswith('Y'):
                return False

        return True

    def _warn_multi_processes(self, process = "dl / ul"):
        if process:
            pwarn("Running multiple ({}) processes for {}, I don't know if things will go awry...".format(
                self.processes, process))

    def _check_prompt_multiprocess(self):
        if self._ondup == 'P' and Pool and self.processes != 1:
            errmsg = "Can't do parallel processing if you want to prompt the user for overwrite confirmation"
            return False
        return True

    def _filter_multi_results(self, results):
        # http://www.diveintopython3.net/porting-code-to-python-3-with-2to3.html#filter
        errors = list(filter(lambda x: x != const.ENoError, results))
        return const.ENoError if len(errors) == 0 else errors[-1]

    def _multi_process(self, worker, iterator, process = "dl / ul"):
        if not self._check_prompt_multiprocess():
            return const.EArgument
        # patch the printer
        restoremp = set_mp_print()
        with UPool(self.processes) as pool:
                # http://stackoverflow.com/a/35134329/404271
                # On Python 2.x, Ctrl-C won't work if we use pool.map(), wait() or get()
                ar = pool.map_async(worker, iterator)
                #results = ar.get(const.TenYearInSeconds)
                results = ar.get(const.FortyNineDaysInSeconds)
                return self._filter_multi_results(results)
            except pickle.PicklingError as pe:
                errmsg = ("Exception:\n{}\n"
                        "Error: Your Python 'multiprocess' library is probably "
                        "not properly installed (missing C extensions). "
                        "You need to install a C compiler and Python headers before "
                        "installing the Python 'multiprocess' library. "
                        "(All these hassles could have been saved if Python's builtin "
                        "'multiprocessing' works properly, sigh.)\n"
                        "Fix for debian derivatives:\n"
                        "- Install gcc: # apt-get install gcc\n"
                        "- Install python-dev: # apt-get install python-dev\n"
                        "- Reinstall Python 'multiprocess' library:\n"
                        "  # pip uninstall -y multiprocess\n"
                        "  # pip install -v multiprocess\n"
                        "- If there's no errors/warnings in the above actions, "
                        "then this error should be gone when you run 'bypy' with '{}' again.\n"
                        ).format(formatex(pe), const.MultiprocessOption)

    def _print_error_json(self, r):
            dj = r.json()
            if 'error_code' in dj and 'error_msg' in dj:
                ec = dj['error_code']
                et = dj['error_msg']
                msg = ''
                if ec == const.IEMD5NotFound:
                    pf = pinfo
                    msg = et
                    pf = perr
                    msg = "Error JSON returned:{}\nError code: {}\nError Description: {}".format(dj, ec, et)
        except Exception as ex:
            perr('Error parsing JSON Error Code from:\n{}\n{}'.format(rb(r.text), formatex(ex)))

    def _dump_exception(self, ex, url, pars, r, act):
        if self.debug or self.verbose:
            perr("Error accessing '{}'".format(url))
            if self.debug:
            perr("Function: {}".format(act.__name__))
            perr("Website parameters: {}".format(pars))
            if r != None:
                # just playing it safe
                if hasattr(r, 'url'):
                    perr("Full URL: {}".format(r.url))
                if hasattr(r, 'status_code') and hasattr(r, 'text'):
                    perr("HTTP Response Status Code: {}".format(r.status_code))
                    if (r.status_code != 200 and r.status_code != 206) \
                        or (not ('method' in pars and pars['method'] == 'download') \
                            and url.find('method=download') == -1 \
                            and url.find('baidupcs.com/file/') == -1):
                        perr("Website returned: {}".format(rb(r.text)))

    # child class override this to to customize error handling
    def _handle_more_response_error(self, r, sc, ec, act, actargs):
        return const.ERequestFailed

    # Workaround for Baidu returning wrong HTTP status code
    # Who in one's right mind would send error with an HTTP 200 status?
    # <D> HTTP Status Code: 200
    # <D> 200 OK, processing action
    # <D> Response: {'error_code': 111, 'error_msg': 'Access token expired'}
    def _is_error_response(self, r):
        # don't attempt on large contents
        isJson = False
        ContentTypeKey = 'Content-Type'
        contentType = r.headers.get(ContentTypeKey)
        if (contentType and 'json' in contentType):
            isJson = True

        if len(r.content) > 10 * 1024 or not isJson:
            return False
            j = r.json()
            if 'error_code' in j and j['error_code'] != 0:
                return True
        except ValueError:
            return False
        return False

    def _get_json_errorcode(self, r, act, defaultec = const.ERequestFailed):
            j = r.json()
            self.pd("Website returned JSON: {}".format(j))
            if 'error_code' in j:
                return j['error_code']
                return defaultec
        except ValueError:
            if hasattr(r, 'text'):
                self.pd("Website Response: {}".format(rb(r.text)))
            if act == self._cdl_act:
                return const.IETaskNotFound
            return defaultec

    def _request_work_die(self, ex, url, pars, r, act):
        result = const.EFatal
        self._dump_exception(ex, url, pars, r, act)
        perr("Fatal Exception, no way to continue.\nQuitting...\n")
        perr("If the error is reproducible, run the program with `-dv` arguments again to get more info.\n")
        # we eat the exception, and use return code as the only
        # error notification method, we don't want to mix them two
        #raise # must notify the caller about the failure

    def _request_work(self, url, pars, act, method, actargs = None, addtoken = True, dumpex = True, **kwargs):
        result = const.ENoError
        r = None

        parsnew = pars.copy()
        if addtoken:
            parsnew['access_token'] = self._access_token

            self.pd(method + ' ' + url)
            self.pd("actargs: {}".format(actargs))
            self.pd("Params: {}".format(pars))

            r = self._requester.request(method, url, params = parsnew, timeout = self._timeout, verify = self._checkssl, **kwargs)
            self.response = r
            sc = r.status_code
            self.pd("Full URL: {}".format(r.url))
            self.pd("HTTP Status Code: {}".format(sc))
            # BUGFIX: DON'T do this, if we are downloading a big file,
            # the program will eat A LOT of memeory and potentially hang / get killed
            #self.pd("Request Headers: {}".format(pprint.pformat(r.request.headers)), 2)
            #self.pd("Response Header: {}".format(pprint.pformat(r.headers)), 2)
            #self.pd("Response: {}".format(rb(r.text)), 3)
            # 206 Partial Content
            if (sc == requests.codes.ok or sc == 206) and not self._is_error_response(r):
                if sc == requests.codes.ok:
                    # #162 https://github.com/houtianze/bypy/pull/162
                    # handle response like this:  {"error_code":0,"error_msg":"no error","request_id":70768340515255385}
                    if not ('method' in pars and pars['method'] == 'download'):
                            j = r.json()
                            if 'error_code' in j and j['error_code'] == 0 and 'error_msg' in j and j['error_msg'] == 'no error':
                                self.pd("Unexpected response: {}".format(j))
                                return const.ERequestFailed
                        except Exception as ex:
                            # TODO: Shall i return this?
                            return const.ERequestFailed

                    self.pd("200 OK, processing action")
                    self.pd("206 Partial Content (this is OK), processing action")
                result = act(r, actargs)
                if result == const.ENoError:
                    self.pd("Request OK")
                ec = self._get_json_errorcode(r, act)
                #   6 (sc: 403): No permission to access user data
                # 110 (sc: 401): Access token invalid or no longer valid
                # 111 (sc: 401): Access token expired
                if ec == 111 or ec == 110 or ec == 6 or ec == const.IEAppIDIsEmpty: # and sc == 401:
                    self.pd("ec = {}".format(ec))
                    self.pd("Need to refresh token, refreshing")
                    if const.ENoError == self._refresh_token(): # refresh the token and re-request
                        # TODO: avoid infinite recursive loops
                        # TODO: properly pass retry
                        result = self._request(url, pars, act, method, actargs, True, addtoken, dumpex, **kwargs)
                        result = const.EFatal
                        perr("FATAL: Token refreshing failed, can't continue.\nQuitting...\n")
                # File md5 not found, you should use upload API to upload the whole file.
                elif ec == const.IEMD5NotFound: # and sc == 404:
                    self.pd("MD5 not found, rapidupload failed")
                    result = ec
                # superfile create failed
                elif ec == const.IESuperfileCreationFailed \
                    or ec == const.IEBlockMissInSuperFile2:
                    self.pd("Failed to combine files from MD5 slices")
                    result = ec
                elif ec == const.IEFileAlreadyExists: # ec == 31061, sc == 400, file already exists
                    # explanations:
                    # this error occurs when we try to create a directory at Baidu PCS when it already exists,
                    # this almost only happens when we upload using multi-process (double/multiple-directory creation).
                    # this error is innocuous, we can safely ignore it
                    # (actually, we don't need to do anything further and should just continue as usual).
                    # so to avoid confusions to the user and potential logic errors (more importantly) in the future,
                    # we just "lie" and force it to "no error".
                    # though this is not 100% accurate technically, i feel it's accurate enough for the users
                    self.pd("Faking error_code {} to {}, this is safe to ignore.".format(
                        const.IEFileAlreadyExists, const.ENoError))
                    result = const.ENoError
                # errors that make retrying meaningless
                elif (
                    ec == 31062 or # sc == 400 file name is invalid
                    ec == 31063 or # sc == 400 file parent path does not exist
                    ec == 31064 or # sc == 403 file is not authorized
                    ec == 31065 or # sc == 400 directory is full
                    ec == 31066 or # sc == 403 (indeed 404) file does not exist
                    ec == const.IETaskNotFound or # 36016 or # sc == 404 Task was not found
                    ec == const.IEParameterError or # sc == 400 param error
                    # the following was found by xslidian, but i have never ecountered before
                    ec == 31390):  # sc == 404 # {"error_code":31390,"error_msg":"Illegal File"} # r.url.find('http://bcscdn.baidu.com/bcs-cdn/wenxintishi') == 0
                    result = ec
                    # TODO: Move this out to cdl_cancel() ?
                    #if ec == const.IETaskNotFound:
                    #    pr(r.json())
                    if dumpex:
                        self._dump_exception(None, url, pars, r, act)
                    # gate for child classes to customize behaviors
                    # the function should return ERequestFailed if it doesn't handle the case
                    result = self._handle_more_response_error(r, sc, ec, act, actargs)
                    if result == const.ERequestFailed and dumpex:
                        self._dump_exception(None, url, pars, r, act)
        except (requests.exceptions.RequestException,
                ReadTimeoutError) as ex:
            # If certificate check failed, no need to continue
            # but prompt the user for work-around and quit
            # why so kludge? because requests' SSLError doesn't set
            # the errno and strerror due to using **kwargs,
            # so we are forced to use string matching
            if isinstance(ex, requests.exceptions.SSLError) \
                and re.match(r'^\[Errno 1\].*error:14090086.*:certificate verify failed$', str(ex), re.I):
                # [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
                result = const.EFatal
                self._dump_exception(ex, url, pars, r, act)
                perr("\n\n== Baidu's Certificate Verification Failure ==\n"
                "We couldn't verify Baidu's SSL Certificate.\n"
                "It's most likely that the system doesn't have "
                "the corresponding CA certificate installed.\n"
                "There are two ways of solving this:\n"
                "Either) Run this prog with the '" + const.CaCertsOption + \
                " <path to " + const.ByPyCertsFileName + "> argument "
                "(" + const.ByPyCertsFileName + " comes along with this prog). "
                "This is the secure way. "
                "However, it won't work after 2020-02-08 when "
                "the certificat expires.\n"
                "Or) Run this prog with the '" + const.DisableSslCheckOption + \
                "' argument. This supresses the CA cert check "
                "and always works.\n")
                # sys.exit(result)

            # why so kludge? because requests' SSLError doesn't set
            # the errno and strerror due to using **kwargs,
            # so we are forced to use string matching
            if isinstance(ex, requests.exceptions.SSLError) \
                and re.match(r'^\[Errno 1\].*error:14090086.*:certificate verify failed$', str(ex), re.I):
                # [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
                perr("\n*** We probably don't have Baidu's CA Certificate ***\n" \
                "This in fact doesn't matter most of the time.\n\n" \
                "However, if you are _really_ concern about it, you can:\n" \
                "Either) Run this prog with the '" + const.CaCertsOption + \
                " <path to bypy.cacerts.pem>' " \
                "argument. This is the secure way.\n" \
                "Or) Run this prog with the '" + const.DisableSslCheckOption + \
                "' argument. This suppresses the CA cert check.\n")

            result = const.ERequestFailed
            if dumpex:
                self._dump_exception(ex, url, pars, r, act)

        # TODO: put this check into the specific funcitons?
        except ValueError as ex:
            if ex.message == 'No JSON object could be decoded':
                result = const.ERequestFailed
                if dumpex:
                    self._dump_exception(ex, url, pars, r, act)
                result = const.EFatal
                # self._request_work_die(ex, url, pars, r, act)

        except Exception as ex:
            # OpenSSL SysCallError
            if ex.args == (10054, 'WSAECONNRESET') \
            or ex.args == (10053, 'WSAECONNABORTED') \
            or ex.args == (104, 'ECONNRESET') \
            or ex.args == (110, 'ETIMEDOUT') \
            or ex.args == (32, 'EPIPE'):
                result = const.ERequestFailed
                if dumpex:
                    self._dump_exception(ex, url, pars, r, act)
                result = const.EFatal
                # self._request_work_die(ex, url, pars, r, act)

        return result

    def _request(self, url, pars, act, method, actargs = None, retry = True, addtoken = True, dumpex = True, **kwargs):
        tries = 1
        if retry:
            tries = self._retry

        result = const.ERequestFailed

        # Change the User-Agent to avoid server fuss
        kwnew = kwargs.copy()
        if 'headers' not in kwnew:
            kwnew['headers'] = { 'User-Agent': const.UserAgent }

        # Now, allow User-Agent to be set in the caller, instead of always using the default UserAgent value.
        if 'User-Agent' not in kwnew['headers']:
            kwnew['headers']['User-Agent'] = const.UserAgent

        i = 0
        while True:
            result = self._request_work(url, pars, act, method, actargs, addtoken, dumpex, **kwnew)
            i += 1
            # only ERequestFailed needs retry, other error still directly return
            if result == const.ERequestFailed:
                if i < tries:
                    # algo changed: delay more after each failure
                    delay = const.RetryDelayInSec * i
                    perr("Waiting {} seconds before retrying...".format(delay))
                    perr("Request Try #{} / {}".format(i + 1, tries))
                    result = const.EMaxRetry
                    perr("Maximum number ({}) of tries failed.".format(tries))
                    if self._quit_when_fail:

        return result

    def _get(self, url, pars, act, actargs = None, retry = True, addtoken = True, dumpex = True, **kwargs):
        return self._request(url, pars, act, 'GET', actargs, retry, addtoken, dumpex, **kwargs)

    def _post(self, url, pars, act, actargs = None, retry = True, addtoken = True, dumpex = True, **kwargs):
        return self._request(url, pars, act, 'POST', actargs, retry, addtoken, dumpex, **kwargs)

    # direction: True - upload, False - download
    def _shallinclude(self, lpath, rpath, direction):
        arrow = '==>' if direction else '<=='
        checkpath = lpath if direction else rpath
        # TODO: bad practice, see os.access() document for more info
        if direction: # upload
            if not os.path.exists(lpath):
                perr("'{}' {} '{}' skipped since local path no longer exists".format(
                    lpath, arrow, rpath))
                return False
        else: # download
            if os.path.exists(lpath) and (not os.access(lpath, os.R_OK)):
                perr("'{}' {} '{}' skipped due to permission".format(
                    lpath, arrow, rpath))
                return False

        if '\\' in os.path.basename(checkpath):
            perr("'{}' {} '{}' skipped due to problemic '\\' in the path".format(
                lpath, arrow, rpath))
            return False

        include = (not self._incregex) or self._incregmo.match(checkpath)
        if not include:
            self.pv("'{}' {} '{}' skipped as it's not included in the regex pattern".format(
                lpath, arrow, rpath))

        return include

    ListFormatDict = {
        '$t' : (lambda json: ls_type(json['isdir'])),
        '$f' : (lambda json: json['path'].split('/')[-1]),
        '$c' : (lambda json: ls_time(json['ctime'])),
        '$m' : (lambda json: ls_time(json['mtime'])),
        '$d' : (lambda json: str(json['md5'] if 'md5' in json else '')),
        '$s' : (lambda json: str(json['size'])),
        '$i' : (lambda json: str(json['fs_id'])),
        '$b' : (lambda json: str(json['block_list'] if 'block_list' in json else '')),
        '$u' : (lambda json: 'HasSubDir' if 'ifhassubdir' in json and json['ifhassubdir'] else 'NoSubDir'),

    def _replace_list_format(self, fmt, j):
        output = fmt
        for k, v in ByPy.ListFormatDict.items():
            output = output.replace(k, v(j))
        return output

    def _load_local_json(self):
            self._json = jsonload(self._tokenpath)
            self._access_token = self._json['access_token']
            self.pd("Token loaded:")
            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.pd("Error while loading baidu pcs token.\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
            return False

    def _store_json_only(self, j):
        self._json = j
        self._access_token = self._json['access_token']
        self.pd("access token: " + self._access_token)
        self.pd("Authorize JSON:")
        tokenmode = 0o600
            jsondump(self._json, self._tokenpath, mpsemaphore)
            os.chmod(self._tokenpath, tokenmode)
            return const.ENoError
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Exception occured while trying to store access token:\n{}".format(
            return const.EFileWrite

    def _prompt_clean(self):
        pinfo('-' * 64)
        pinfo("""This is most likely caused by authorization errors.
Possible causes:
 - You didn't run this program for a long time (more than a month).
 - You changed your Baidu password after authorizing this program.
 - You didn't give this program the 'netdisk' access while authorizing.
 - ...
Possible fixes:
 1. Remove the authorization token by running with the parameter '{}', and then re-run this program.
 2. If (1) still doesn't solve the problem, you may have to go to:
    and remove the authorization of this program, and then re-run this program.""".format(const.CleanOptionShort))
        return const.EInvalidJson

    def _store_json(self, r):
        j = {}
            j = r.json()
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Failed to decode JSON:\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
            perr("Error response:\n{}".format(r.text))
            return self._prompt_clean()

        if 'access_token' not in j:
            perr("Invalid token JSON:\n{}".format(j))
            return const.EInvalidJson
        return self._store_json_only(j)

    def _server_auth_act(self, r, args):
        return self._store_json(r)

    def _local_auth_act(self, r, args):
        return self._store_json(r)

    def _repr_timeout(self):
        return self._timeout if self._timeout else 'infinite'

    def _load_auth_server_list(self):
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/58941536/404271
        import pkgutil
        j = json.loads(pkgutil.get_data(__name__, 'res/auth.json'))
        self.pd('Auth servers loaded: {}'.format(j))
        self.AuthServerList = j['AuthServerList']
        self.RefreshServerList = j['RefreshServerList']

    def _update_auth_server_list(self):
            r = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/houtianze/bypy/master/bypy/res/auth.json')
            if r.status_code == 200:
                    j = r.json()
                    self.pd('Auth servers updated: {}'.format(j))
                    self.AuthServerList = j['AuthServerList']
                    self.RefreshServerList = j['RefreshServerList']
                except ValueError:
                    self.pd("Invalid response for auth servers update, skipping.")
                self.pd("HTTP Status {} while updating auth servers, skipping.".format(r.status_code))
            self.pd("Error occurred while updating auth servers, skipping.")

    def _auth(self):
        params = {
            'client_id' : self._apikey,
            'response_type' : 'code',
            'redirect_uri' : 'oob',
            'scope' : 'basic netdisk' }
        pars = ulp.urlencode(params)
        msg = 'Please visit:\n{}\nAnd authorize this app'.format(const.ServerAuthUrl + '?' + pars) + \
            '\nPaste the Authorization Code here within 10 minutes.'
        auth_code = ''
        while True:
            auth_code = ask(msg).strip()
            if auth_code and len(auth_code) >= 16: # 16 is just random lower bound
        self.pd("auth_code: {}".format(auth_code))
        pr('Authorizing, please be patient, it may take upto {} seconds...'.format(self._repr_timeout()))

        if self._use_server_auth:
            pars = {
                'code' : auth_code,
                'bypy_version' : const.__version__,
                'redirect_uri' : 'oob' }

            result = None
            # TODO: hacky
            global perr
            savedperr = perr
            if not self.debug:
                perr = nop

            for auth in self.AuthServerList:
                (url, retry, msg) = auth
                result = self._get(url, pars, self._server_auth_act, retry = retry, addtoken = False)
                if result == const.ENoError:
            if not self.debug:
                perr = savedperr

            if result == const.ENoError:
                pr("Successfully authorized")
                perr("Fatal: All server authorizations failed.")
            pars = {
                'grant_type' : 'authorization_code',
                'code' : auth_code,
                'client_id' : self._apikey,
                'client_secret' : self._secretkey,
                'redirect_uri' : 'oob'
            result = self._post(const.TokenUrl, pars, self._local_auth_act, addtoken = False)

        return result

    def _device_auth_act(self, r, args):
        dj = r.json()
        self.pd('device response: {}'.format(dj))
        return self._get_token(dj)

    def _device_auth(self):
        pars = {
            'client_id' : self._apikey,
            'response_type' : 'device_code',
            'scope' : 'basic netdisk'}
        return self._get(const.DeviceAuthUrl, pars, self._device_auth_act, addtoken = False)

    def _get_token_act(self, r, args):
        return self._store_json(r)

    def _get_token(self, deviceJson):
        # msg = "Please visit:{}\n" + deviceJson['verification_url'] + \
        #       "\nwithin " + str(deviceJson['expires_in']) + " seconds\n"
        # "Input the CODE: {}\n".format(deviceJson['user_code'])" + \
        #     "and Authorize this little app.\n"
        msg = "Please visit:\n{}\nwithin {} seconds\n" \
            "Input the CODE: {}\n" \
            "and Authorize this little app.\n".format(

        pars = {
            'grant_type' : 'device_token',
            'code' :  deviceJson['device_code'],
            'client_id' : self._apikey,
            'client_secret' : self._secretkey}

        return self._get(const.TokenUrl, pars, self._get_token_act, addtoken = False)

    def _refresh_token_act(self, r, args):
        return self._store_json(r)

    def _refresh_token(self):
        if self._use_server_auth:
            pr('Refreshing, please be patient, it may take upto {} seconds...'.format(self._repr_timeout()))

            pars = {
                'bypy_version' : const.__version__,
                'refresh_token' : self._json['refresh_token'] }

            result = None
            # TODO: hacky
            global perr
            savedperr = perr
            if not self.debug:
                perr = nop
            for refresh in self.RefreshServerList:
                (url, retry, msg) = refresh
                result = self._get(url, pars, self._refresh_token_act, retry = retry, addtoken = False)
                if result == const.ENoError:
            if not self.debug:
                perr = savedperr

            if result == const.ENoError:
                pr("Token successfully refreshed")
                perr("Token-refreshing on all the servers failed")

            return result
            pars = {
                'grant_type' : 'refresh_token',
                'refresh_token' : self._json['refresh_token'],
                'client_secret' : self._secretkey,
                'client_id' : self._apikey}
            return self._post(const.TokenUrl, pars, self._refresh_token_act)

    def _walk_normal_file(self, dir):
        #dirb = dir.encode(FileSystemEncoding)
        for walk in os.walk(dir, followlinks=self._followlink):
            normalfiles = [t for t in walk[-1]
                                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(walk[0], t))]
            normalwalk = walk[:-1] + (normalfiles,)
            yield normalwalk

    def _quota_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        pr('Quota: ' + human_size(j['quota']))
        pr('Used: ' + human_size(j['used']))
        return const.ENoError

    def help(command): # this comes first to make it easy to spot
        ''' Usage: help <command> - provide some information for the command '''
        for i, v in ByPy.__dict__.items():
            if callable(v) and v.__doc__ and v.__name__ == command :
                help = v.__doc__.strip()
                pos = help.find(const.HelpMarker)
                if pos != -1:
                    pr("Usage: " + help[pos + len(const.HelpMarker):].strip())

    def refreshtoken(self):
        ''' Usage: refreshtoken - refresh the access token '''
        return self._refresh_token()

    def _remove_remote_on_success(self, remotepath):
        if self._deletesource:
            self.pd("Removing remote path '{}' after successful download.".format(remotepath))
            result = self._delete(remotepath)
            if result == const.ENoError:
                self.pd("Remote path '{}' removed.".format(remotepath))
                perr("Failed to remove remote path '{}'.".format(remotepath))
            return result

    def _remove_local_on_success(self, localpath):
        if self._deletesource:
            self.pd("Removing local path '{}' after successful upload.".format(localpath))
            result = cached.remove_path_and_cache(localpath)
            if result == const.ENoError:
                self.pd("Local path '{}' removed.".format(localpath))
                perr("Failed to remove local path '{}'.".format(localpath))
            return result

    def info(self):
        return self.quota()

    def quota(self):
        ''' Usage: quota/info - display the quota information '''
        pars = {
            'method' : 'info' }
        return self._get(pcsurl + 'quota', pars, self._quota_act)

    def _whoami_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        self.pd("Response: {}".format(j))
        pr('User id: ' + j['userid'])
        pr('Username: ' + j['username'])
        return const.ENoError

    def whoami(self):
        ''' Usage: whoami - display the user information '''
        pars = {}
        return self._get(const.OpenApiUrl + '/rest/2.0/passport/users/getInfo', pars, self._whoami_act)

    # return:
    #   0: local and remote files are of same size
    #   1: local file is larger
    #   2: remote file is larger
    #  -1: inconclusive (probably invalid remote json)
    def _compare_size(self, lsize, rjson):
        if 'size' in rjson:
            rsize = rjson['size']
            if lsize == rsize:
                return 0
            elif lsize > rsize:
                return 1
                return 2
            return -1

    def _verify_current_file(self, j, gotlmd5):
        # if we really don't want to verify
        if self._current_file == '/dev/null' and not self._verify:
            return const.ENoError

        rsize = 0
        rmd5 = 0

        # always perform size check even _verify is False
        if 'size' in j:
            rsize = j['size']
            perr("Unable to verify JSON: '{}', as no 'size' entry found".format(j))
            return const.EHashMismatch

        if 'md5' in j:
            rmd5 = j['md5']
        #elif 'block_list' in j and len(j['block_list']) > 0:
        #    rmd5 = j['block_list'][0]
        #    # quick hack for meta's 'block_list' field
        #    pwarn("No 'md5' nor 'block_list' found in json:\n{}".format(j))
        #    pwarn("Assuming MD5s match, checking size ONLY.")
        #    rmd5 = self._current_file_md5
            perr("Unable to verify JSON: '{}', as no 'md5' entry found".format(j))
            return const.EHashMismatch

        self.pd("Comparing local file '{}' and remote file '{}'".format(
            self._current_file, j['path']))
        self.pd("Local file size : {}".format(self._current_file_size))
        self.pd("Remote file size: {}".format(rsize))

        if self._current_file_size == rsize:
            self.pd("Local and remote file size matches")
            if self._verify:
                if not gotlmd5:
                    self._current_file_md5 = md5(self._current_file)
                self.pd("Local file MD5 : {}".format(self._current_file_md5))
                self.pd("Remote file MD5: {}".format(rmd5))

                if self._current_file_md5 == rmd5:
                    self.pd("Local and remote file hash matches")
                    return const.ENoError
                    pinfo("Local and remote file hash DOESN'T match")
                    return const.EHashMismatch
                return const.ENoError
            pinfo("Local and remote file size DOESN'T match")
            return const.EHashMismatch

    def _get_file_info_act(self, r, args):
            remotefile = args[0]
            j = r.json()
            self.pd("List json: {}".format(j))
            if not 'list' in j:
                return const.EFileNotFound
            args[1] = len(j['list'])
            for f in j['list']:
                if f['path'] == remotefile: # case-sensitive
                    self._remote_json = f
                    self.pd("File info json: {}".format(self._remote_json))
                    return const.ENoError

            return const.EFileNotFound
        except KeyError as ex:
            return const.ERequestFailed

    # the 'meta' command sucks, since it doesn't supply MD5 ...
    # now the JSON is written to self._remote_json, due to Python call-by-reference chaos
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/986006/python-how-do-i-pass-a-variable-by-reference
    # as if not enough confusion in Python call-by-reference
    def _get_file_info(self, remotefile, **kwargs):
        if remotefile == const.AppPcsPath: # root path
            # fake it
            rj = {}
            rj['isdir'] = 1
            rj['ctime'] = 0
            rj['fs_id'] = 0
            rj['mtime'] = 0
            rj['path'] = const.AppPcsPath
            rj['md5'] = ''
            rj['size'] = 0
            self._remote_json = rj
            self.pd("File info json: {}".format(self._remote_json))
            return const.ENoError

        rdir, rfile = posixpath.split(remotefile)
        self.pd("__get_file_info(): rdir : {} | rfile: {}".format(rdir, rfile))
        # while refactoring to use _walk_proceed_remote_dir is more dry, it might be less performant -
        # we want to stop once we found the file we need
        if rdir and rfile:
            listStart = 0
            while True:
                pars = {
                    'method' : 'list',
                    'path' : rdir,
                    'by' : 'name', # sort in case we can use binary-search, etc in the futrue.
                    'order' : 'asc',
                    'limit': '{}-{}'.format(listStart, listStart + const.MaxListEntries)}
                reqargs = [remotefile, 0]
                result = self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._get_file_info_act, reqargs, **kwargs)
                if result == const.ENoError or reqargs[1] < const.MaxListEntries:
                listStart += const.MaxListEntries
            return result
            perr("Invalid remotefile '{}' specified.".format(remotefile))
            return const.EArgument

    def get_file_info(self, remotefile = '/'):
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotefile)
        return self._get_file_info(rpath)

    def _list_act(self, r, args):
        (remotedir, fmt) = args
        j = r.json()
        self.pd("Response: {}".format(j))
        pr("{} ({}):".format(remotedir, fmt))
        for f in j['list']:
            pr(self._replace_list_format(fmt, f))

        return const.ENoError

    def _proceed_list(self, walkresult, remotepath, dirjs, filejs, args):
        result = walkresult
        fmt = args
        # cutfront = const.AppPcsPathLen
        cutfront = len(remotepath) + 1
        pathlol = [deepcopy(dirjs), deepcopy(filejs)]
        self.pd("Files listl: {}".format(pathlol))
        for path in pathlol:
            for p in path:
                if 'path' in p:
                    p['path'] = p['path'][cutfront:]
                    pr(self._replace_list_format(fmt, p))
        return result

    def ls(self, remotepath = '',
        fmt = '$t $f $s $m $d',
        sort = 'name', order = 'asc'):
        return self.list(remotepath, fmt, sort, order)

    def list(self, remotepath = '',
        fmt = '$t $f $s $m $d',
        sort = 'name', order = 'asc'):
        ''' Usage: list/ls [remotepath] [format] [sort] [order] - list the 'remotepath' directory at Baidu PCS
    remotepath - the remote path at Baidu PCS. default: root directory '/'
    format - specifies how the list are displayed
      $t - Type: Directory ('D') or File ('F')
      $f - File name
      $c - Creation time
      $m - Modification time
      $d - MD5 hash
      $s - Size
      Because of the interpolation, you need to escape the $ sign,
      so '\$t - \$f - \$s - \$' will display "Type - File - Size - $'
      Default format: '$t $f $s $m $d'
    # sort - sorting by [name, time, size]. default: 'name'
    # order - sorting order [asc, desc]. default: 'asc'
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)
        pr("{} ({}):".format(rpath, fmt))
        return self._walk_proceed_remote_dir(rpath, self._proceed_list, args = fmt, recursive = False)

        # pars = {
        #     'method' : 'list',
        #     'path' : rpath,
        #     'by' : sort,
        #     'order' : order }

        # return self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._list_act, (rpath, fmt))

    def _meta_act(self, r, args):
        return self._list_act(r, args)

    def _meta(self, rpath, fmt):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'meta',
            'path' : rpath }
        return self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars,
            self._meta_act, (rpath, fmt))

    # multi-file meta is not implemented for its low usage
    def meta(self, remotepath = '/', fmt = '$t $u $f $s $c $m $i $b'):
        ''' Usage: meta <remotepath> [format] - \
get information of the given path (dir / file) at Baidu Yun.
  remotepath - the remote path
  format - specifies how the list are displayed
    it supports all the format variables in the 'list' command, and additionally the followings:
    $i - fs_id
    $b - MD5 block_list
    $u - Has sub directory or not
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)
        return self._meta(rpath, fmt)

    # this 'is_revision' parameter sometimes gives the following error (e.g. for rapidupload):
    # {u'error_code': 31066, u'error_msg': u'file does not exist'}
    # and maintain it is also an extra burden, so it's disabled for now
    def _add_isrev_param(self, ondup, pars):
        #if self._isrev and ondup != 'newcopy':
        #    pars['is_revision'] = 1

    def _combine_file_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        result = self._verify_current_file(j, False)
        if result == const.ENoError:
            self.pv("'{}' =C=> '{}' OK.".format(self._current_file, args))
            perr("'{}' =C=> '{}' FAILED.".format(self._current_file, args))
        # save the md5 list, in case we add in resume function later to this program
        self._last_slice_md5s = self._slice_md5s
        self._slice_md5s = []

        return result

    def _combine_file(self, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'createsuperfile',
            'path' : remotepath,
            'ondup' : ondup }
        self._add_isrev_param(ondup, pars)

        # always print this, so that we can use these data to combine file later
        pr("Combining the following MD5 slices:")
        for m in self._slice_md5s:

        param = { 'block_list' : self._slice_md5s }
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'file',
                pars, self._combine_file_act,
                data = { 'param' : json.dumps(param) } )

    def _upload_slice_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        # slices must be verified and re-upload if MD5s don't match,
        # otherwise, it makes the uploading slower at the end
        rsmd5 = j['md5']
        self.pd("Uploaded MD5 slice: " + rsmd5)
        if self._current_slice_md5 == rsmd5:
            self.pv("'{}' >>==> '{}' OK.".format(self._current_file, args))
            return const.ENoError
            perr("'{}' >>==> '{}' FAILED.".format(self._current_file, args))
            return const.EHashMismatch

    # want to be proper? properness doesn't work
    # there seems to be a bug at Baidu's handling of http text:
    # Content-Disposition: ...  filename=utf-8''yourfile.ext
    # (pass '-ddd' to this program to verify this)
    # when you specify a unicode file name, which will be encoded
    # using the utf-8'' syntax
    # so, we put a work-around here: we always call our file 'file'
    # NOTE: an empty file name '' doesn't seem to work, so we
    # need to give it a name at will, but empty one.
    # apperantly, Baidu PCS doesn't use this file name for
    # checking / verification, so we are probably safe here.
    #files = { 'file' : (os.path.basename(self._current_file), self._current_slice) } )
    #files = { 'file' : (os.path.basename(localpath), f) })
    #files = { 'file' : ('file', f) })
    def _stream_upload(self, fo, pars, act, remotepath,
            url = cpcsurl + 'file',
            uploadfilename = 'file'):
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/35784072/404271
        form = multipart.encoder.MultipartEncoder({
            'file': (uploadfilename, fo, 'application/octet-stream')})
        headers = {"Content-Type": form.content_type}
        return self._post(url,
            pars, act, remotepath,
            headers=headers, data=form)

    def _upload_slice(self, remotepath):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'upload',
            'type' : 'tmpfile'}

        return self._stream_upload(self._current_slice,
                pars, self._upload_slice_act, remotepath)

    def _update_progress_entry(self, fullpath):
        progress = {}

            progress = jsonload(const.ProgressPath)
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Error loading the progress for: '{}'.\n{}.".format(fullpath, formatex(ex)))

        self.pd("Updating slice upload progress for {}".format(fullpath))
        progress[fullpath] = (self._slice_size, self._slice_md5s)

            jsondump(progress, const.ProgressPath, mpsemaphore)
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Error updating the progress for: '{}'.\n{}.".format(fullpath, formatex(ex)))

    def _delete_progress_entry(self, fullpath):
            progress = jsonload(const.ProgressPath)
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11277432/how-to-remove-a-key-from-a-python-dictionary
            #del progress[fullpath]
            self.pd("Removing slice upload progress for {}".format(fullpath))
            progress.pop(fullpath, None)
            jsondump(progress, const.ProgressPath, mpsemaphore)
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Error deleting the progress for: '{}'.\n{}.".format(fullpath, formatex(ex)))

    def _upload_file_slices(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        pieces = const.MaxSlicePieces
        slice = self._slice_size
        if self._current_file_size <= self._slice_size * const.MaxSlicePieces:
            # slice them using slice size
            pieces = (self._current_file_size + self._slice_size - 1 ) // self._slice_size
            # the following comparision is done in the caller:
            # elif self._current_file_size <= MaxSliceSize * MaxSlicePieces:

            # no choice, but need to slice them to 'MaxSlicePieces' pieces
            slice = (self._current_file_size + const.MaxSlicePieces - 1) // const.MaxSlicePieces

        self.pd("Slice size: {}, Pieces: {}".format(slice, pieces))

        i = 0
        ec = const.ENoError

        fullpath = os.path.abspath(self._current_file)
        progress = {}
        initial_offset = 0
        # create an empty progress file first
        if not os.path.exists(const.ProgressPath):
                jsondump(progress, const.ProgressPath, mpsemaphore)
            except Exception as ex:
                perr("Error savingprogress, no resumption.\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))

            progress = jsonload(const.ProgressPath)
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Error loading progress, no resumption.\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))

        if fullpath in progress:
            self.pd("Find the progress entry resume uploading")
            (slice, md5s) = progress[fullpath]
            self._slice_md5s = []
            with io.open(self._current_file, 'rb') as f:
                self.pd("Verifying the md5s. Total count = {}".format(len(md5s)))
                for md in md5s:
                    cslice = f.read(slice)
                    cm = hashlib.md5(cslice)
                    if (cm.hexdigest() == md):
                        self.pd("{} verified".format(md))
                        # TODO: a more rigorous check would be also verifying
                        # slices exist at Baidu Yun as well (rapidupload test?)
                        # but that's a bit complex. for now, we don't check
                        # this but simply delete the progress entry if later
                        # we got error combining the slices.
                self.pd("verified md5 count = {}".format(len(self._slice_md5s)))
            i = len(self._slice_md5s)
            initial_offset = i * slice
            self.pd("Start from offset {}".format(initial_offset))

        with io.open(self._current_file, 'rb') as f:
            start_time = time.time()
            f.seek(initial_offset, os.SEEK_SET)
            while i < pieces:
                self._current_slice = f.read(slice)
                m = hashlib.md5()
                self._current_slice_md5 = m.hexdigest()
                self.pd("Uploading MD5 slice: {}, #{} / {}".format(
                    i + 1, pieces))
                j = 0
                while True:
                    ec = self._upload_slice(remotepath)
                    if ec == const.ENoError:
                        self.pd("Slice MD5 match, continuing next slice")
                        pprgr(f.tell(), self._current_file_size, start_time, initial_offset)
                    elif j < self._retry:
                        j += 1
                        # TODO: Improve or make it DRY with the _request retry logic
                        perr("Slice MD5 mismatch, waiting {} seconds before retrying...".format(const.RetryDelayInSec))
                        perr("Retrying #{} / {}".format(j + 1, self._retry))
                        self._slice_md5s = []
                if ec != const.ENoError:
                i += 1

        if ec != const.ENoError:
            return ec
            #self.pd("Sleep 2 seconds before combining, just to be safer.")
            ec = self._combine_file(remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite')
            if ec == const.ENoError \
                or ec == const.IESuperfileCreationFailed \
                or ec == const.IEBlockMissInSuperFile2 \
                or ec == const.EMaxRetry: # to handle undocumented error codes if any
                # we delete on success or failure caused by
                # the slices uploaded expired / became invalid
                # (needed for a fresh re-upload later)
            return ec

    def _rapidupload_file_act(self, r, args):
        if self._verify:
            self.pd("Not strong-consistent, sleep 1 second before verification")
            return self._verify_current_file(r.json(), True)
            return const.ENoError

    def _rapidupload_file_post(self, rpath, size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'rapidupload',
            'path' : rpath,
            'content-length' : size,
            'content-md5' : md5str,
            'slice-md5' : slicemd5str,
            'content-crc32' : crcstr,
            'ondup' : ondup }
        self._add_isrev_param(ondup, pars)

        self.pd("RapidUploading Length: {} MD5: {}, Slice-MD5: {}, CRC: {}".format(
            size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr))
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._rapidupload_file_act)

    def _get_hashes_for_rapidupload(self, lpath, setlocalfile = False):
        if setlocalfile:
            self._current_file = lpath
            self._current_file_size = getfilesize(lpath)

        self._current_file_md5 = md5(self._current_file)
        self._current_file_slice_md5 = slice_md5(self._current_file)
        self._current_file_crc32 = crc32(self._current_file)

    def _rapidupload_file(self, lpath, rpath, ondup = 'overwrite', setlocalfile = False):
        self._get_hashes_for_rapidupload(lpath, setlocalfile)

        md5str = self._current_file_md5
        slicemd5str =  self._current_file_slice_md5
        crcstr = hex(self._current_file_crc32)
        return self._rapidupload_file_post(rpath, self._current_file_size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr, ondup)

    def _upload_one_file_act(self, r, args):
        result = self._verify_current_file(r.json(), False)
        if result == const.ENoError:
            self.pv("'{}' ==> '{}' OK.".format(self._current_file, args))
            perr("'{}' ==> '{}' FAILED.".format(self._current_file, args))

        return result

    def _upload_one_file(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'upload',
            'path' : remotepath,
            'ondup' : ondup }
        self._add_isrev_param(ondup, pars)

        with io.open(localpath, 'rb') as f:
            return self._stream_upload(f, pars,
                    self._upload_one_file_act, remotepath)

    #TODO: upload empty directories as well?
    def _walk_upload(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup, walk):
        (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = walk

        rdir = os.path.relpath(dirpath, localpath)
        if rdir == '.':
            rdir = ''
            rdir = rdir.replace('\\', '/')

        rdir = (remotepath + '/' + rdir).rstrip('/') # '/' bites

        result = const.ENoError
        for name in filenames:
            #lfile = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
            lfile = joinpath(dirpath, name)
            self._current_file = lfile
            self._current_file_size = getfilesize(lfile)
            rfile = rdir + '/' + name.replace('\\', '/')
            # if the corresponding file matches at Baidu Yun, then don't upload
            upload = True
            self._isrev = False
            self._remote_json = {}
            subresult = self._get_file_info(rfile, dumpex = False)
            if subresult == const.ENoError: # same-name remote file exists
                self._isrev = True
                if const.ENoError == self._verify_current_file(self._remote_json, False):
                    # the two files are the same
                    upload = False
                    self.pv("Remote file '{}' already exists, skip uploading".format(rfile))
                else: # the two files are different
                    if not self.shalloverwrite("Remote file '{}' exists but is different, "
                            "do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]".format(rfile)):
                        upload = False
                self._isrev = False

            if upload:
                fileresult = self._upload_file(lfile, rfile, ondup)
                if fileresult != const.ENoError:
                    result = fileresult # we still continue
                pinfo("Remote file '{}' exists and is the same, skip uploading".format(rfile))
                # next / continue

        return result

    def _upload_dir_single(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        result = const.ENoError
        # it's so minor that we don't care about the return value
        #self._mkdir(remotepath, retry = False, dumpex = False)
        #for walk in os.walk(localpath, followlinks=self._followlink):
        for walk in self._walk_normal_file(localpath):
            thisresult = self._walk_upload(localpath, remotepath, ondup, walk)
            # we continue even if some upload failed, but keep the last error code
            if thisresult != const.ENoError:
                result = thisresult

        return result

    def _upload_dir_multi(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        worker = partial(self._walk_upload, localpath, remotepath, ondup)
        return self._multi_process(worker, self._walk_normal_file(localpath),
            "Direcory Upload")

    def _upload_dir(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        self.pd("Uploading directory '{}' to '{}'".format(localpath, remotepath))
        result = const.ENoError
        if Pool and self.processes > 1:
            result = self._upload_dir_multi(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
            result =  self._upload_dir_single(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
        if result == const.ENoError:
        return result

    def _upload_file(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
        # TODO: this is a quick patch
        if not self._shallinclude(localpath, remotepath, True):
            # since we are not going to upload it, there is no error
            #return const.ENoError
            return const.ESkipped

        self._current_file = localpath
        self._current_file_size = getfilesize(localpath)

        result = const.ENoError
        if self._current_file_size > const.MinRapidUploadFileSize:
            self.pd("'{}' is being RapidUploaded.".format(self._current_file))
            result = self._rapidupload_file(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
            if result == const.ENoError:
                self.pv("RapidUpload: '{}' =R=> '{}' OK.".format(localpath, remotepath))
                self._rapiduploaded = True
                self._rapiduploaded = False
                if not self._rapiduploadonly:
                    self.pd("'{}' can't be RapidUploaded, now trying normal uploading.".format(
                    # rapid upload failed, we have to upload manually
                    if self._current_file_size <= self._slice_size:
                        self.pd("'{}' is being non-slicing uploaded.".format(self._current_file))
                        # no-slicing upload
                        result = self._upload_one_file(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
                    elif self._current_file_size <= const.MaxSliceSize * const.MaxSlicePieces:
                        # slice them using slice size
                        self.pd("'{}' is being slicing uploaded.".format(self._current_file))
                        result = self._upload_file_slices(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
                        result = const.EFileTooBig
                        perr("Error: size of file '{}' - {} is too big".format(
                    self.pv("'{}' can't be rapidly uploaded, so it's skipped since we are in the rapid-upload-only mode.".format(localpath))
                    result = const.ESkipped
        elif self._rapiduploadonly:
            self.pv("'{}' is too small to be rapidly uploaded, so it's skipped since we are in the rapid-upload-only mode.".format(localpath))
            result = const.ESkipped
            # very small file, must be uploaded manually and no slicing is needed
            self.pd("'{}' is small and being non-slicing uploaded.".format(self._current_file))
            result = self._upload_one_file(localpath, remotepath, ondup)

        if result == const.ENoError:
        return result

    def upload(self, localpath = '', remotepath = '', ondup = "overwrite"):
        ''' Usage: upload [localpath] [remotepath] [ondup] - \
upload a file or directory (recursively)
    localpath - local path, is the current directory '.' if not specified
    remotepath - remote path at Baidu Yun (after app root directory at Baidu Yun)
    ondup - what to do upon duplication ('overwrite' or 'newcopy'), default: 'overwrite'
        # copying since Python is call-by-reference by default,
        # so we shall not modify the passed-in parameters
        lpath = localpath.rstrip('\\/ ') # no trailing slashes
        lpathbase = os.path.basename(lpath)
        rpath = remotepath
        if not lpath:
            # so, if you don't specify the local path, it will always be the current directory
            # and thus isdir(localpath) is always true
            lpath = os.path.abspath(".")
            self.pd("localpath not set, set it to current directory '{}'".format(localpath))

        if os.path.isfile(lpath):
            self.pd("Uploading file '{}'".format(lpath))
            if not rpath or rpath == '/': # to root we go
                rpath = lpathbase
            if rpath[-1] == '/': # user intends to upload to this DIR
                rpath = get_pcs_path(rpath + lpathbase)
                rpath = get_pcs_path(rpath)
                # avoid uploading a file and destroy a directory by accident
                subresult = self._get_file_info(rpath)
                if subresult == const.ENoError: # remote path exists, check is dir or file
                    if self._remote_json['isdir']: # do this only for dir
                        rpath += '/' + lpathbase # rpath is guaranteed no '/' ended
            self.pd("remote path is '{}'".format(rpath))
            return self._upload_file(lpath, rpath, ondup)
        elif os.path.isdir(lpath):
            self.pd("Uploading directory '{}' recursively".format(lpath))
            rpath = get_pcs_path(rpath)
            return self._upload_dir(lpath, rpath, ondup)
            perr("Error: invalid local path '{}' for uploading specified.".format(localpath))
            return const.EParameter

    # The parameter 'localfile' is a bit kluge as it carries double meanings,
    # but this is to be command line friendly (one can not input an empty string '' from the command line),
    # so let's just leave it like this unless we can devise a cleverer / clearer weay
    def combine(self, remotefile, localfile = '*', *args):
        ''' Usage: combine <remotefile> [localfile] [md5s] - \
try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
  remotefile - remote file at Baidu Yun (after app root directory at Baidu Yun)
  localfile - local file to verify against, passing in a star '*' or '/dev/null' means no verification
  md5s - MD5 digests of the slices, can be:
    - list of MD5 hex strings separated by spaces
    - a string in the form of 'l<path>' where <path> points to a text file containing MD5 hex strings separated by spaces or line-by-line
        self._slice_md5s = []
        if args:
            if args[0].upper() == 'L':
                    with io.open(args[1:], 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
                        contents = f.read()
                        digests = filter(None, contents.split())
                        for d in digests:
                except IOError as ex:
                    perr("Exception occured while reading file '{}'.\n{}".format(
                        localfile, formatex(ex)))
                for arg in args:
            perr("You MUST provide the MD5s hex strings through arguments or a file.")
            return const.EArgument

        original_verify = self._verify
        if not localfile or localfile == '*' or localfile == '/dev/null':
            self._current_file = '/dev/null' # Force no verify
            self._verify = False
            self._current_file = localfile
            self._current_file_size = getfilesize(localfile)

        result = self._combine_file(get_pcs_path(remotefile))
        self._verify = original_verify
        return result

    # no longer used
    def _get_meta_act(self, r, args):
        parse_ok = False
        j = r.json()
        if 'list' in j:
            lj = j['list']
            if len(lj) > 0:
                self._remote_json = lj[0] # TODO: ugly patch
                # patch for inconsistency between 'list' and 'meta' json
                #self._remote_json['md5'] = self._remote_json['block_list'].strip('[]"')
                self.pd("self._remote_json: {}".format(self._remote_json))
                parse_ok = True
                return const.ENoError

        if not parse_ok:
            self._remote_json = {}
            perr("Invalid JSON:\n{}".format(j))
            return const.EInvalidJson

    # no longer used
    def _get_meta(self, remotefile):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'meta',
            'path' : remotefile }
        return self._get(
            pcsurl + 'file', pars,

    def _downfile_act(self, r, args):
        rfile, offset = args
        with io.open(self._current_file, 'r+b' if offset > 0 else 'wb') as f:
            if offset > 0:

            rsize = self._remote_json['size']
            start_time = time.time()
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size = self._dl_chunk_size):
                if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
                    pprgr(f.tell(), rsize, start_time)
                    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7127075/what-exactly-the-pythons-file-flush-is-doing

        # No exception above, then everything goes fine
        result = const.ENoError
        if self._verify:
            self._current_file_size = getfilesize(self._current_file)
            result = self._verify_current_file(self._remote_json, False)

        if result == const.ENoError:
            self.pv("'{}' <== '{}' OK".format(self._current_file, rfile))
            perr("'{}' <== '{}' FAILED".format(self._current_file, rfile))

        return result

    def _downchunks_act(self, r, args):
        rfile, offset, rsize, start_time = args

        expectedBytes = self._dl_chunk_size
        if rsize - offset < self._dl_chunk_size:
            expectedBytes = rsize - offset

        if len(r.content) != expectedBytes:
            return const.ERequestFailed
            with io.open(self._current_file, 'r+b' if offset > 0 else 'wb') as f:
                if offset > 0:

                pos = f.tell()
                pprgr(pos, rsize, start_time, existing = self._existing_size)
                if pos - offset == expectedBytes:
                    return const.ENoError
                    return const.EFileWrite

    def _down_aria2c(self, remotefile, localfile):
        url = "{}{}".format(dpcsurl, "file")
        # i think encoding in UTF-8 before escaping is presumably the best practice
        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/913653/404271
        pars = {
            "method": "download",
            "path": remotefile.encode('utf-8'),
            "access_token": self._access_token,
        full_url = "{}?{}".format(url, ulp.urlencode(pars))
        cmd = ['aria2c', '--user-agent="{}"'.format(const.UserAgent)] \
            + shlex.split(self._downloader_args) \
            + ['-o', localfile, full_url]

        tries = self._retry
        subret = 0
        i = 0
        while True:
            self.pd("call: {}".format(cmd))
            subret = subprocess.call(cmd)
            self.pd("aria2c exited with status: {}".format(subret))
            if subret == 0:
                return const.ENoError
            i += 1
            if i < tries:
                # algo changed: delay more after each failure
                delay = const.RetryDelayInSec * i
                perr("Waiting {} seconds before retrying...".format(delay))
                perr("Request Try #{} / {}".format(i + 1, tries))
                perr("Maximum number ({}) of tries failed.".format(tries))
                if self._quit_when_fail:
                return const.EMaxRetry

    # requirement: self._remote_json is already gotten
    def _downchunks(self, rfile, start):
        rsize = self._remote_json['size']

        pars = {
            'method' : 'download',
            # Do they cause some side effects?
            #'app_id': 250528,
            #'check_blue' : '1',
            #'ec' : '1',
            'path' : rfile }

        offset = start
        self._existing_size = offset
        start_time = time.time()
        while True:
            nextoffset = offset + self._dl_chunk_size
            if nextoffset < rsize:
                headers = { "Range" : "bytes={}-{}".format(
                    offset, nextoffset - 1) }
            elif offset > 0:
                headers = { "Range" : "bytes={}-".format(offset) }
            elif rsize >= 1: # offset == 0
                # Fix chunked + gzip response,
                # seems we need to specify the Range for the first chunk as well:
                # https://github.com/houtianze/bypy/pull/161
                #headers = { "Range" : "bytes=0-".format(rsize - 1) }
                headers = { "Range" : "bytes=0-{}".format(rsize - 1) }
                headers = {}

            # this _may_ solve #163: { "error_code":31326, "error_msg":"anti hotlinking"}
#            if 'Range' in headers:
#                rangemagic = base64.standard_b64encode(headers['Range'][6:].encode('utf-8'))
#                self.pd("headers['Range'][6:]: {} {}".format(headers['Range'][6:], rangemagic))
#                #pars['ru'] = rangemagic

            subresult = self._get(dpcsurl + 'file', pars,
                self._downchunks_act, (rfile, offset, rsize, start_time), headers = headers, cookies = self._cookies)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                return subresult

            if nextoffset < rsize:
                offset += self._dl_chunk_size

        # No exception above, then everything goes fine
        result = const.ENoError
        if self._verify:
            self._current_file_size = getfilesize(self._current_file)
            result = self._verify_current_file(self._remote_json, False)

        if result == const.ENoError:
            self.pv("'{}' <== '{}' OK".format(self._current_file, rfile))
            perr("'{}' <== '{}' FAILED".format(self._current_file, rfile))

        return result

    def _downfile(self, remotefile, localfile):
        pinfo('{} <- {}'.format(localfile, remotefile))
        # TODO: this is a quick patch
        if not self._shallinclude(localfile, remotefile, False):
            # since we are not going to download it, there is no error
            #return const.ENoError
            return const.ESkipped

        result = const.ENoError
        rfile = remotefile

        self._remote_json = {}
        self.pd("Downloading '{}' as '{}'".format(rfile, localfile))
        self._current_file = localfile
        #if self._verify or self._resumedownload:
        self.pd("Getting info of remote file '{}' for later verification".format(rfile))
        result = self._get_file_info(rfile)
        if result != const.ENoError:
            return result

        offset = 0
        self.pd("Checking if we already have the copy locally")
        if os.path.isfile(localfile):
            self.pd("Same-name local file '{}' exists, checking if contents match".format(localfile))
            self._current_file_size = getfilesize(self._current_file)
            if const.ENoError == self._verify_current_file(self._remote_json, False) \
                and not (self._downloader[:5] == const.DownloaderAria2 and os.path.exists(localfile + '.aria2')):
                self.pd("Same local file '{}' already exists, skip downloading".format(localfile))
                return const.ENoError
                if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name locale file '{}' exists but is different, "
                        "do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
                    pinfo("Same-name local file '{}' exists but is different, skip downloading".format(localfile))
                    #return const.ENoError
                    return const.ESkipped

            if self._resumedownload and \
                self._compare_size(self._current_file_size, self._remote_json) == 2:
                if self._resumedl_revertcount < 0:
                    if self._current_file_size:
                        offset = self._current_file_size
                    # revert back at least self._resumedl_revertcount download chunk(s), default: one
                    pieces = self._current_file_size // self._dl_chunk_size
                    if pieces > self._resumedl_revertcount:
                        offset = (pieces - self._resumedl_revertcount) * self._dl_chunk_size
        elif os.path.isdir(localfile):
            if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name directory '{}' exists, "
                "do you want to remove it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
                pinfo("Same-name directory '{}' exists, skip downloading".format(localfile))
                #return const.ENoError
                return const.ESkipped

            self.pv("Directory with the same name '{}' exists, removing ...".format(localfile))
            result = removedir(localfile, self.verbose)
            if result == const.ENoError:
                perr("Error removing the directory '{}'".format(localfile))
                return result

        ldir, file = os.path.split(localfile)
        if ldir and not os.path.exists(ldir):
            result = makedir(ldir, verbose = self.verbose)
            if result != const.ENoError:
                perr("Fail to make directory '{}'".format(ldir))
                return result

        if self._downloader[:5] == const.DownloaderAria2:
            result = self._down_aria2c(rfile, localfile)
            result = self._downchunks(rfile, offset)

        if result == const.ENoError:

        return result

    def downfile(self, remotefile, localpath = ''):
        ''' Usage: downfile <remotefile> [localpath] - \
download a remote file.
  remotefile - remote file at Baidu Yun (after app root directory at Baidu Yun)
  localpath - local path.
    if it ends with '/' or '\\', it specifies the local directory
    if it specifies an existing directory, it is the local directory
    if not specified, the local directory is the current directory '.'
    otherwise, it specifies the local file name
To stream a file using downfile, you can use the 'mkfifo' trick with omxplayer etc.:
  mkfifo /tmp/omx
  bypy.py downfile <remotepath> /tmp/omx &
  omxplayer /tmp/omx
        localfile = localpath
        if not localpath:
            localfile = os.path.basename(remotefile)
        elif localpath[-1] == '\\' or \
            localpath[-1] == '/' or \
            #localfile = os.path.join(localpath, os.path.basename(remotefile))
            localfile = joinpath(localpath, os.path.basename(remotefile))
            localfile = localpath

        pcsrpath = get_pcs_path(remotefile)
        return self._downfile(pcsrpath, localfile)

    def _stream_act_actual(self, r, args):
        pipe, csize = args
        with io.open(pipe, 'wb') as f:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size = csize):
                if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
                    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7127075/what-exactly-the-pythons-file-flush-is-doing

    def _streaming_act(self, r, args):
        return self._stream_act_actual(r, args)

    def streaming(self, remotefile, localpipe, fmt = 'M3U8_480_360', chunk = 4 * const.OneM):
        ''' Usage: stream <remotefile> <localpipe> [format] [chunk] - \
stream a video / audio file converted to M3U format at cloud side, to a pipe.
  remotefile - remote file at Baidu Yun (after app root directory at Baidu Yun)
  localpipe - the local pipe file to write to
  format - output video format (M3U8_320_240 | M3U8_480_224 | \
M3U8_480_360 | M3U8_640_480 | M3U8_854_480). Default: M3U8_480_360
  chunk - chunk (initial buffering) size for streaming (default: 4M)
To stream a file, you can use the 'mkfifo' trick with omxplayer etc.:
  mkfifo /tmp/omx
  bypy.py downfile <remotepath> /tmp/omx &
  omxplayer /tmp/omx
  *** NOT WORKING YET ****
        pars = {
            'method' : 'streaming',
            'path' : get_pcs_path(remotefile),
            'type' : fmt }

        return self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars,
            self._streaming_act, (localpipe, chunk), stream = True)

    def _walk_proceed_remote_dir_act(self, r, args):
        dirjs, filejs = args
        j = r.json()
        if 'list' not in j:
            self.pd("Key 'list' not found in the response of directory listing request:\n{}".format(j))
            return const.ERequestFailed

        paths = j['list']
        for path in paths:
            if path['isdir']:

        return const.ENoError

    def _walk_remote_dir(self, remotepath, remoterootpath, args = None, skip_remote_only_dirs = False, recursive = True):
        dirjs = []
        filejs = []
        listStart = 0
        # https://github.com/houtianze/bypy/issues/285
        while True:
            pars = {
                'method' : 'list',
                'path' : remotepath,
                'by' : 'name',
                'order' : 'asc',
                'limit' : '{}-{}'.format(listStart, listStart + const.MaxListEntries)}
            # Python parameters are by-reference and mutable, so they are 'out' by default
            result = self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._walk_proceed_remote_dir_act, (dirjs, filejs))
            if len(dirjs) + len(filejs) - listStart < const.MaxListEntries:
            listStart += const.MaxListEntries
        yield [result, remotepath, dirjs, filejs, args]
        if result == const.ENoError:
            self.pd("Remote dirs: {}".format(dirjs))
            self.pd("Remote files: {}".format(filejs))
            if recursive:
                for dirj in dirjs:
                    crpath = dirj['path'] # crpath - current remote path
                    if skip_remote_only_dirs and remoterootpath != None and \
                        self._local_dir_contents.get(posixpath.relpath(crpath, remoterootpath)) == None:
                        self.pd("Skipping remote-only sub-directory '{}'.".format(crpath))

                    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/8991864/404271
                    # for Python 3.3+, "yield from" reads better
                    for y in self._walk_remote_dir(crpath, remoterootpath, args, skip_remote_only_dirs):
                        yield y

    def _walk_proceed_remote_dir(self, remotepath, proceed, args = None, skip_remote_only_dirs = False, recursive = True):
        result = const.ENoError
        for walk in self._walk_remote_dir(remotepath, remotepath, args, skip_remote_only_dirs, recursive):
            subresult = proceed(*walk)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        return result

    def _prepare_local_dir(self, localdir):
        result = const.ENoError
        if os.path.isfile(localdir):
            result = removefile(localdir, self.verbose)

        if result == const.ENoError:
            if localdir and not os.path.exists(localdir):
                result = makedir(localdir, verbose = self.verbose)

        return result

    def _proceed_downdir(self, walkresult, remotepath, dirjs, filejs, args):
        result = walkresult
        rootrpath, localpath = args
        #rlen = len(remotepath) + 1
        rootlen = len(rootrpath) + 1 # '+ 1' for the trailing '/', it bites.

        subresult = self._prepare_local_dir(localpath)
        if subresult != const.ENoError:
            perr("Fail to prepare local directory '{}' for downloading, ABORT!".format(localpath))
            return subresult

        for dirj in dirjs:
            rdir = dirj['path']
            reldir = rdir[rootlen:]
            #ldir = os.path.join(localpath, reldir)
            ldir = joinpath(localpath, reldir)
            subresult = self._prepare_local_dir(ldir)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                perr("Fail to prepare local directory '{}' for downloading, ABORT!".format(ldir))
                return subresult

        for filej in filejs:
            rfile = filej['path']
            relfile = rfile[rootlen:]
            #lfile = os.path.join(localpath, relfile)
            lfile = joinpath(localpath, relfile)
            subresult = self._downfile(rfile, lfile)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult

        return result

    def _downdir_single(self, rpath, lpath):
        return self._walk_proceed_remote_dir(rpath, self._proceed_downdir, (rpath, lpath))

    def _proceed_downdir_worker(self, arglist):
        return self._proceed_downdir(*arglist)

    def _downdir_multi(self, rpath, lpath):
        return self._multi_process(self._proceed_downdir_worker,
            self._walk_remote_dir(rpath, rpath, (rpath, lpath)),
            "Directory Download")

    def _downdir(self, rpath, lpath):
        result = const.ENoError
        if Pool and self.processes > 1:
            result = self._downdir_multi(rpath, lpath)
            result = self._downdir_single(rpath, lpath)
        if result == const.ENoError:
        return result

    def downdir(self, remotepath = None, localpath = None):
        ''' Usage: downdir [remotedir] [localdir] - \
download a remote directory (recursively)
  remotedir - remote directory at Baidu Yun (after app root directory), if not specified, it is set to the root directory at Baidu Yun
  localdir - local directory. if not specified, it is set to the current directory
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)
        lpath = localpath
        if not lpath:
            lpath = '' # empty string does it, no need '.'
        lpath = lpath.rstrip('/\\ ')
        return self._downdir(rpath, lpath)

    def download(self, remotepath = '/', localpath = ''):
        ''' Usage: download [remotepath] [localpath] - \
download a remote directory (recursively) / file
  remotepath - remote path at Baidu Yun (after app root directory), if not specified, it is set to the root directory at Baidu Yun
  localpath - local path. if not specified, it is set to the current directory
        subr = self.get_file_info(remotepath)
        if const.ENoError == subr:
            if 'isdir' in self._remote_json:
                if self._remote_json['isdir']:
                    return self.downdir(remotepath, localpath)
                    return self.downfile(remotepath, localpath)
                perr("Malformed path info JSON '{}' returned".format(self._remote_json))
                return const.EFatal
        elif const.EFileNotFound == subr:
            perr("Remote path '{}' does not exist".format(remotepath))
            return subr
            perr("Error {} while getting info for remote path '{}'".format(subr, remotepath))
            return subr

    def _mkdir_act(self, r, args):
        if self.verbose:
            j = r.json()
            pr("path, ctime, mtime, fs_id")
            pr("{path}, {ctime}, {mtime}, {fs_id}".format(**j))

        return const.ENoError

    def _mkdir(self, rpath, **kwargs):
        # TODO: this is a quick patch
        # the code still works because Baidu Yun doesn't require
        # parent directory to exist remotely to upload / create a file
        if not self._shallinclude('.', rpath, True):
            #return const.ENoError
            return const.ESkipped

        self.pd("Making remote directory '{}'".format(rpath))

        pars = {
            'method' : 'mkdir',
            'path' : rpath }
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._mkdir_act, **kwargs)

    def mkdir(self, remotepath):
        ''' Usage: mkdir <remotedir> - \
create a directory at Baidu Yun
  remotedir - the remote directory
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)
        return self._mkdir(rpath)

    def _move_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        list = j['extra']['list']
        fromp = list[0]['from']
        to = list[0]['to']
        self.pd("Remote move: '{}' =mm-> '{}' OK".format(fromp, to))

    # aliases
    def mv(self, fromp, to):
        return self.move(fromp, to)

    def rename(self, fromp, to):
        return self.move(fromp, to)

    def ren(self, fromp, to):
        return self.move(fromp, to)

    def move(self, fromp, to):
        ''' Usage: move/mv/rename/ren <from> <to> - \
move a file / dir remotely at Baidu Yun
  from - source path (file / dir)
  to - destination path (file / dir)
        frompp = get_pcs_path(fromp)
        top = get_pcs_path(to)
        pars = {
            'method' : 'move',
            'from' : frompp,
            'to' : top }

        self.pd("Remote moving: '{}' =mm=> '{}'".format(fromp, to))
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._move_act)

    def _copy_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        for list in j['extra']['list']:
            fromp = list['from']
            to = list['to']
            self.pd("Remote copy: '{}' =cc=> '{}' OK".format(fromp, to))

        return const.ENoError

    # alias
    def cp(self, fromp, to):
        return self.copy(fromp, to)

    def copy(self, fromp, to):
        ''' Usage: copy/cp <from> <to> - \
copy a file / dir remotely at Baidu Yun
  from - source path (file / dir)
  to - destination path (file / dir)
        frompp = get_pcs_path(fromp)
        top = get_pcs_path(to)
        pars = {
            'method' : 'copy',
            'from' : frompp,
            'to' : top }

        self.pd("Remote copying '{}' =cc=> '{}'".format(frompp, top))
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._copy_act)

    def _delete_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        rid = j['request_id']
        if rid:
            pr("Deletion request '{}' OK".format(rid))
            pr("Use 'list' command to confirm")

            return const.ENoError
            perr("Deletion failed")
            return const.EFailToDeleteFile

    def _delete(self, rpath):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'delete',
            'path' : rpath }

        self.pd("Remote deleting: '{}'".format(rpath))
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._delete_act)

    def _delete_children_act(self, r, args):
        result = const.ENoError
        j = r.json()
        for f in j['list']:
            # we continue even if some upload failed, but keep the last error code
            thisresult = self._delete(f['path'])
            if thisresult != const.ENoError:
                result = thisresult

        return result

    def _delete_children(self, rpath):
        pars = {
            'method' : 'list',
            'path' : rpath}

        return self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._delete_children_act, None)

    # aliases
    def remove(self, remotepath):
        return self.delete(remotepath)

    def rm(self, remotepath):
        return self.delete(remotepath)

    def delete(self, remotepath):
        ''' Usage: delete/remove/rm <remotepath> - \
delete a file / dir remotely at Baidu Yun
  remotepath - destination path (file / dir)
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)
        #if is_pcs_root_path(rpath):
        #    return self._delete_children(rpath)
        return self._delete(rpath)

    def _search_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        return const.ENoError

    def search(self, keyword, remotepath = None, recursive = True):
        ''' Usage: search <keyword> [remotepath] [recursive] - \
search for a file using keyword at Baidu Yun
  keyword - the keyword to search
  remotepath - remote path at Baidu Yun, if not specified, it's app's root directory
  resursive - search recursively or not. default is true
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)

        pars = {
            'method' : 'search',
            'path' : rpath,
            'wd' : keyword,
            're' : '1' if str2bool(recursive) else '0'}

        self.pd("Searching: '{}'".format(rpath))
        return self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._search_act)

    def _listrecycle_act(self, r, args):
        return const.ENoError

    def listrecycle(self, start = 0, limit = 1000):
        ''' Usage: listrecycle [start] [limit] - \
list the recycle contents
  start - starting point, default: 0
  limit - maximum number of items to display. default: 1000
        pars = {
            'method' : 'listrecycle',
            'start' : str2int(start),
            'limit' : str2int(limit) }

        self.pd("Listing recycle '{}'")
        return self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._listrecycle_act)

    def _restore_act(self, r, args):
        path = args
        pr("'{}' found and restored".format(path))
        return const.ENoError

    def _restore_search_act(self, r, args):
        path = args
        flist = r.json()['list']
        fsid = None
        for f in flist:
            if os.path.normpath(f['path'].lower()) == os.path.normpath(path.lower()):
                fsid = f['fs_id']
                self.pd("fs_id for restoring '{}' found".format(fsid))
        if fsid:
            pars = {
                'method' : 'restore',
                'fs_id' : fsid }
            return self._post(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._restore_act, path)
            perr("'{}' not found in the recycle bin".format(path))

    def restore(self, remotepath):
        ''' Usage: restore <remotepath> - \
restore a file from the recycle bin
  remotepath - the remote path to restore
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)
        # by default, only 1000 items, more than that sounds a bit crazy
        pars = {
            'method' : 'listrecycle' }

        self.pd("Searching for fs_id to restore")
        return self._get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self._restore_search_act, rpath)

    def _proceed_local_gather(self, dirlen, walk):
        (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = walk

        files = []
        for name in filenames:
            #fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
            fullname = joinpath(dirpath, name)
            # ignore broken symbolic links
            if not os.path.exists(fullname):
                self.pd("Local path '{}' does not exist (broken symbolic link?)".format(fullname))
            files.append((name, getfilesize(fullname), md5(fullname)))

        reldir = dirpath[dirlen:].replace('\\', '/')
        place = self._local_dir_contents.get(reldir)
        for dir in dirnames:
            place.add(dir, PathDictTree('D'))
        for file in files:
            place.add(file[0], PathDictTree('F', size = file[1], md5 = file[2]))

        return const.ENoError

    def _gather_local_dir(self, dir):
        self._local_dir_contents = PathDictTree()
        #for walk in os.walk(dir, followlinks=self._followlink):
        for walk in self._walk_normal_file(dir):
            self._proceed_local_gather(len(dir), walk)

    def _proceed_remote_gather(self, walkresult, remotepath, dirjs, filejs, args = None):
        # NOTE: the '+ 1' is due to the trailing slash '/'
        # be careful about the trailing '/', it bit me once, bitterly
        rootrdir = args
        rootlen = len(rootrdir)
        dlen = len(remotepath) + 1
        for d in dirjs:
                d['path'][dlen:], PathDictTree('D', size = d['size'], md5 = d['md5'] if 'md5' in d else ''))

        # Baidu made another fuck up here:
        # f['md5'] doesn't have the correct MD5 value, but f['block_list'][0] has
        # This makes no sense, and I'm not going to change the correct code to adapt its wrong behaviors
        # --- Code below for reference ---
        # fmd5 = f['md5']
        # bl = 'block_list'
        # if bl in f and f[bl]:
        #     fmd5 = f[bl][0]
        # f['path'][dlen:], PathDictTree('F', size = f['size'], md5 = fmd5))
        for f in filejs:
                f['path'][dlen:], PathDictTree('F', size = f['size'], md5 = f['md5']))

        return walkresult

    def _gather_remote_dir(self, rdir, skip_remote_only_dirs = False):
        self._remote_dir_contents = PathDictTree()
        self._walk_proceed_remote_dir(rdir, self._proceed_remote_gather, rdir, skip_remote_only_dirs)
        self.pd("---- Remote Dir Contents ---")

    def _compare(self, remotedir = None, localdir = None, skip_remote_only_dirs = False):
        if not localdir:
            localdir = '.'

        self.pv("Gathering local directory ...")
        self.pv("Gathering remote directory ...")
        self._gather_remote_dir(remotedir, skip_remote_only_dirs)
        self.pv("Comparing ...")
        # list merge, where Python shines
        commonsame = []
        commondiff = []
        localonly = []
        remoteonly = []
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1319338/combining-two-lists-and-removing-duplicates-without-removing-duplicates-in-orig
        lps = self._local_dir_contents.allpath()
        rps = self._remote_dir_contents.allpath()
        dps = set(rps) - set(lps)
        allpath = lps + list(dps)
        for p in allpath:
            local = self._local_dir_contents.get(p)
            remote = self._remote_dir_contents.get(p)
            if local is None: # must be in the remote dir, since p is from allpath
                remoteonly.append((remote.type, p))
            elif remote is None:
                localonly.append((local.type, p))
            else: # all here
                same = False
                if local.type == 'D' and remote.type == 'D':
                    type = 'D'
                    same = True
                elif local.type == 'F' and remote.type == 'F':
                    type = 'F'
                    if local.extra['size'] == remote.extra['size'] and \
                        local.extra['md5'] == remote.extra['md5']:
                        same = True
                        same = False
                    type = local.type + remote.type
                    same = False

                if same:
                    commonsame.append((type, p))
                    commondiff.append((type, p))

        return commonsame, commondiff, localonly, remoteonly

    def compare(self, remotedir = None, localdir = None, skip_remote_only_dirs = False):
        ''' Usage: compare [remotedir] [localdir] - \
compare the remote directory with the local directory
  remotedir - the remote directory at Baidu Yun (after app's directory). \
if not specified, it defaults to the root directory.
  localdir - the local directory, if not specified, it defaults to the current directory.
  skip_remote_only_dirs - skip remote-only sub-directories (faster if the remote \
directory is much larger than the local one). it defaults to False.
        same, diff, local, remote = self._compare(get_pcs_path(remotedir), localdir, str2bool(skip_remote_only_dirs))

        pr("==== Same files ===")
        for c in same:
            pr("{} - {}".format(c[0], c[1]))

        pr("==== Different files ===")
        for d in diff:
            pr("{} - {}".format(d[0], d[1]))

        pr("==== Local only ====")
        for l in local:
            pr("{} - {}".format(l[0], l[1]))

        pr("==== Remote only ====")
        for r in remote:
            pr("{} - {}".format(r[0], r[1]))

        pr("Same: {}".format(len(same)))
        pr("Different: {}".format(len(diff)))
        pr("Local only: {}".format(len(local)))
        pr("Remote only: {}".format(len(remote)))

        self.result['same'] = same
        self.result['diff'] = diff
        self.result['local'] = local
        self.result['remote'] = remote

        return const.ENoError

    def _syncdown_diff_one(self, rpath, localdir, d):
        result = const.ENoError
        t = d[0]
        p = d[1]
        #lcpath = os.path.join(localdir, p) # local complete path
        lcpath = joinpath(localdir, p) # local complete path
        rcpath = rpath + '/' + p # remote complete path
        if t == 'DF':
            result = removedir(lcpath, self.verbose)
            subresult = self._downfile(rcpath, lcpath)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        elif t == 'FD':
            result = removefile(lcpath, self.verbose)
            subresult = makedir(lcpath, verbose = self.verbose)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        else: # " t == 'F' " must be true
            result = self._downfile(rcpath, lcpath)

        return result

    def _syncdown_remote_one(self, rpath, localdir, r):
        result = const.ENoError
        t = r[0]
        p = r[1]
        #lcpath = os.path.join(localdir, p) # local complete path
        lcpath = joinpath(localdir, p) # local complete path
        rcpath = rpath + '/' + p # remote complete path
        if t == 'F':
            subresult = self._downfile(rcpath, lcpath)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        else: # " t == 'D' " must be true
            subresult = makedir(lcpath, verbose = self.verbose)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult

        return result

    def _syncdown_delete_local(self, localdir, local):
        result = const.ENoError
        for l in local:
            # use os.path.isfile()/isdir() instead of l[0], because we need to check file/dir existence.
            # as we may have removed the parent dir previously during the iteration
            #p = os.path.join(localdir, l[1])
            p = joinpath(localdir, l[1])
            if os.path.isfile(p):
                subresult = removefile(p, self.verbose)
                if subresult != const.ENoError:
                    result = subresult
            elif os.path.isdir(p):
                subresult = removedir(p, self.verbose)
                if subresult != const.ENoError:
                    result = subresult

        return result

    def _syncdown_single(self, rpath, localdir, compare_result):
        result = const.ENoError
        same, diff, local, remote = compare_result
        # clear the way
        for d in diff:
            subresult = self._syncdown_diff_one(rpath, localdir, d)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        for r in remote:
            subresult = self._syncdown_remote_one(rpath, localdir, r)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        return result

    def _syncdown_multi(self, rpath, localdir, compare_result):
        result = const.ENoError
        same, diff, local, remote = compare_result
        # clear the way
        worker = partial(self._syncdown_diff_one, rpath, localdir)
        subresult = self._multi_process(worker, diff, "Sync down")
        if subresult != const.ENoError:
            result = subresult
        worker = partial(self._syncdown_remote_one, rpath, localdir)
        subresult = self._multi_process(worker, remote, "")
        if subresult != const.ENoError:
            result = subresult
        return result

    def syncdown(self, remotedir = '', localdir = '', deletelocal = False):
        ''' Usage: syncdown [remotedir] [localdir] [deletelocal] - \
sync down from the remote directory to the local directory
  remotedir - the remote directory at Baidu Yun (after app's directory) to sync from. \
if not specified, it defaults to the root directory
  localdir - the local directory to sync to if not specified, it defaults to the current directory.
  deletelocal - delete local files that are not inside Baidu Yun directory, default is False
        result = const.ENoError
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotedir)
        compare_result = self._compare(rpath, localdir, False)
        same, diff, local, remote = compare_result
        if Pool and self.processes > 1:
            subresult = self._syncdown_multi(rpath, localdir, compare_result)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
            subresult = self._syncdown_single(rpath, localdir, compare_result)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        if str2bool(deletelocal):
            subresult = self._syncdown_delete_local(localdir, local)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult

        if result == const.ENoError:
        return result

    def _syncup_diff_one(self, rpath, localdir, d):
        result = const.ENoError
        t = d[0] # type
        p = d[1] # path
        #lcpath = os.path.join(localdir, p) # local complete path
        lcpath = joinpath(localdir, p) # local complete path
        rcpath = rpath + '/' + p # remote complete path
        if self.shalloverwrite("Do you want to overwrite '{}' at Baidu Yun? [y/N]".format(p)):
            # this path is before get_pcs_path() since delete() expects so.
            #result = self.delete(rpartialdir + '/' + p)
            result = self._delete(rcpath)
#                self.pd("diff type: {}".format(t))
#                self._isrev = True
#                if t != 'F':
#                    result = self.move(remotedir + '/' + p, remotedir + '/' + p + '.moved_by_bypy.' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
#                    self._isrev = False
            if t == 'F' or t == 'FD':
                subresult = self._upload_file(lcpath, rcpath)
                if subresult != const.ENoError:
                    result = subresult
            else: # " t == 'DF' " must be true
                subresult = self._mkdir(rcpath)
                if subresult != const.ENoError and subresult != const.IEFileAlreadyExists:
                    result = subresult
            pinfo("Uploading '{}' skipped".format(lcpath))

        return result

    def _syncup_local_one(self, rpath, localdir, l):
        result = const.ENoError
        t = l[0]
        p = l[1]
        #lcpath = os.path.join(localdir, p) # local complete path
        lcpath = joinpath(localdir, p) # local complete path
        rcpath = rpath + '/' + p # remote complete path
        self.pd("local type: {}".format(t))
        self._isrev = False
        if t == 'F':
            subresult = self._upload_file(lcpath, rcpath)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        else: # " t == 'D' " must be true
            subresult = self._mkdir(rcpath)
            if subresult != const.ENoError and subresult != const.IEFileAlreadyExists:
                result = subresult

        return result

    def _syncup_delete_remote(self, rpath, remote):
        result = const.ENoError
        # i think the list is built top-down, so directories appearing later are either
        # children or another set of directories
        pp = '\\' # previous path, setting to '\\' make sure it won't be found in the first step
        for r in remote:
            #p = rpartialdir + '/' + r[1]
            p = rpath + '/' + r[1]
            if 0 != p.find(pp): # another path
                #subresult = self.delete(p)
                subresult = self._delete(p)
                if subresult != const.ENoError:
                    result = subresult
            pp = p

        return result

    def _syncup_single(self, localdir, rpath, compare_result):
        result = const.ENoError
        same, diff, local, remote = compare_result
        # clear the way
        for d in diff:
            subresult = self._syncup_diff_one(rpath, localdir, d)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        for l in local:
            subresult = self._syncup_local_one(rpath, localdir, l)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        return result

    def _syncup_multi(self, localdir, rpath, compare_result):
        result = const.ENoError
        same, diff, local, remote = compare_result
        # clear the way
        worker = partial(self._syncup_diff_one, rpath, localdir)
        subresult = self._multi_process(worker, diff, "Sync up")
        if subresult != const.ENoError:
            result = subresult
        worker = partial(self._syncup_local_one, rpath, localdir)
        subresult = self._multi_process(worker, local, "")
        if subresult != const.ENoError:
            result = subresult
        return result

    def syncup(self, localdir = '', remotedir = '', deleteremote = False):
        ''' Usage: syncup [localdir] [remotedir] [deleteremote] - \
sync up from the local directory to the remote directory
  localdir - the local directory to sync from if not specified, it defaults to the current directory.
  remotedir - the remote directory at Baidu Yun (after app's directory) to sync to. \
if not specified, it defaults to the root directory
  deleteremote - delete remote files that are not inside the local directory, default is False
        result = const.ENoError
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotedir)
        #rpartialdir = remotedir.rstrip('/ ')
        compare_result = self._compare(rpath, localdir, True)
        same, diff, local, remote = compare_result
        if Pool and self.processes > 1:
            subresult = self._syncup_multi(localdir, rpath, compare_result)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
            subresult = self._syncup_single(localdir, rpath, compare_result)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        if str2bool(deleteremote):
            subresult = self._syncup_delete_remote(rpath, remote)
            if subresult != const.ENoError:
                result = subresult
        if result == const.ENoError:
        return result

    def dumpcache(self):
        ''' Usage: dumpcache - display file hash cache'''
        if cached.cacheloaded:
            return const.ENoError
            perr("Cache not loaded.")
            return const.ECacheNotLoaded

    def cleancache(self):
        ''' Usage: cleancache - remove invalid entries from hash cache file'''
        if os.path.exists(self._hashcachepath):
                # backup first
                backup = self._hashcachepath + '.lastclean'
                shutil.copy(self._hashcachepath, backup)
                self.pd("Hash Cache file '{}' backed up as '{}".format(
                    self._hashcachepath, backup))
                return const.ENoError
            except Exception as ex:
                return const.EException
            return const.EFileNotFound

    def _cdl_act(self, r, args):
            return const.ENoError
            pr(pprint.pformat({ 'text': rb(r.text) }))
            return const.IETaskNotFound

    def _prepare_cdl_add(self, source_url, rpath, timeout):
        pr("Adding cloud download task:")
        pr("{} =cdl=> {}".format(source_url, rpath))
        pars = {
            'method': 'add_task',
            'source_url': source_url,
            'save_path': rpath,
            'timeout': 3600 }
        return pars

    def _cdl_add(self, source_url, rpath, timeout):
        pars = self._prepare_cdl_add(source_url, rpath, timeout)
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'services/cloud_dl', pars, self._cdl_act)

    def _get_cdl_dest(self, source_url, save_path):
        rpath = get_pcs_path(save_path)
        # download to /apps/bypy root
        if rpath == const.AppPcsPath \
            or (const.ENoError == self._get_file_info(rpath) \
                and self._remote_json['isdir']):
            filename = source_url.split('/')[-1]
            rpath += '/' + filename
        return rpath

    def cdl_add(self, source_url, save_path = '/', timeout = 3600):
        ''' Usage: cdl_add <source_url> [save_path] [timeout] - add an offline (cloud) download task
  source_url - the URL to download file from.
  save_path - path on PCS to save file to. default is to save to root directory '/'.
  timeout - timeout in seconds. default is 3600 seconds.
        rpath = self._get_cdl_dest(source_url, save_path)
        return self._cdl_add(source_url, rpath, timeout)

    def _get_cdl_query_pars(self, task_ids, op_type):
        pars = {
            'method': 'query_task',
            'task_ids': task_ids,
            'op_type': op_type}
        return pars

    def _cdl_query(self, task_ids, op_type):
        pars =  self._get_cdl_query_pars(task_ids, op_type)
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'services/cloud_dl', pars, self._cdl_act)

    def cdl_query(self, task_ids, op_type = 1):
        ''' Usage: cdl_query <task_ids>  - query existing offline (cloud) download tasks
  task_ids - task ids seperated by comma (,).
  op_type - 0 for task info; 1 for progress info. default is 1
        return self._cdl_query(task_ids, op_type)

    def _cdl_mon_act(self, r, args):
            task_id, start_time, done = args
            j = r.json()
            ti = j['task_info'][str(task_id)]
            if ('file_size' not in ti) or ('finished_size' not in ti):
                done[0] = True
                total = int(ti['file_size'])
                finish = int(ti['finished_size'])
                done[0] = (total != 0 and (total == finish))
                pprgr(finish, total, start_time)
                if done[0]:
            return const.ENoError
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Exception while monitoring offline (cloud) download task:\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
            perr("Baidu returned:\n{}".format(rb(r.text)))
            return const.EInvalidJson

    def _cdl_addmon_act(self, r, args):
            args[0] = r.json()
            return const.ENoError
        except Exception as ex:
            perr("Exception while adding offline (cloud) download task:\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
            perr("Baidu returned:\n{}".format(rb(r.text)))
            return const.EInvalidJson

    def _cdl_sighandler(self, signum, frame):
        pr("Cancelling offline (cloud) download task: {}".format(self._cdl_task_id))
        result = self._cdl_cancel(self._cdl_task_id)
        pr("Result: {}".format(result))

    def _cdl_addmon(self, source_url, rpath, timeout = 3600):
        pars = self._prepare_cdl_add(source_url, rpath, timeout)
        jc = [{}] # out param
        result = self._post(pcsurl + 'services/cloud_dl',
            pars, self._cdl_addmon_act, jc)
        if result == const.ENoError:
            if not 'task_id' in jc[0]:
                return const.EInvalidJson
            task_id = jc[0]['task_id']
            pars = self._get_cdl_query_pars(task_id, 1)
            start_time = time.time()
            done = [ False ] # out param
            # cancel task on Ctrl-C
            pr("Press Ctrl-C to cancel the download task")
            self._cdl_task_id = task_id
            setsighandler(signal.SIGINT, self._cdl_sighandler)
            setsighandler(signal.SIGHUP, self._cdl_sighandler)
                while True:
                    result = self._post(
                        pcsurl + 'services/cloud_dl', pars, self._cdl_mon_act,
                        (task_id, start_time, done))
                    if result == const.ENoError:
                        if done[0] == True:
                            return const.ENoError
                        return result
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                pr("Canceling offline (cloud) downloa task: {}".format(task_id))
                return const.EAbort
            return result

    def cdl_addmon(self, source_url, save_path = '/', timeout = 3600):
        ''' Usage: cdl_addmon <source_url> [save_path] [timeout] - add an offline (cloud) download task and monitor the download progress
  source_url - the URL to download file from.
  save_path - path on PCS to save file to. default is to save to root directory '/'.
  timeout - timeout in seconds. default is 3600 seconds.
        rpath = self._get_cdl_dest(source_url, save_path)
        return self._cdl_addmon(source_url, rpath, timeout)

    def _cdl_list(self):
        pars = {
            'method': 'list_task' }
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'services/cloud_dl', pars, self._cdl_act)

    def cdl_list(self):
        ''' Usage: cdl_list - list offline (cloud) download tasks
        return self._cdl_list()

    def _cdl_cancel(self, task_id):
        pars = {
            'method': 'cancel_task',
            'task_id': task_id }
        return self._post(pcsurl + 'services/cloud_dl', pars, self._cdl_act)

    def cdl_cancel(self, task_id):
        ''' Usage: cdl_cancel <task_id>  - cancel an offline (cloud) download task
  task_id - id of the task to be canceled.
        return self._cdl_cancel(task_id)

    def _get_accept_cmd(self, rpath):
        md5str = self._current_file_md5
        slicemd5str =  self._current_file_slice_md5
        crcstr = hex(self._current_file_crc32)
        remotepath = rpath[const.AppPcsPathLen:]
        if len(remotepath) == 0:
            remotepath = 'PATH_NAME_MISSING'
        cmd = "bypy accept {} {} {} {} {}".format(
            remotepath, self._current_file_size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr)
        return cmd

    def _share_local_file(self, lpath, rpath, fast):
        filesize = getfilesize(lpath)
        if filesize < const.MinRapidUploadFileSize:
            perr("File size ({}) of '{}' is too small (must be greater or equal than {}) to be shared".format(
                human_size(filesize), lpath, human_size(const.MinRapidUploadFileSize)))
            return const.EParameter

        if fast:
            self._get_hashes_for_rapidupload(lpath, setlocalfile = True)
            return const.ENoError

        ulrpath = const.RemoteTempDir + '/' + posixpath.basename(lpath)
        result = self._upload_file(lpath, ulrpath)
        if result != const.ENoError:
            perr("Unable to share as uploading failed")
            return result

        if not self._rapiduploaded:
            i = 0
            while i < const.ShareRapidUploadRetries:
                i += 1
                result = self._rapidupload_file(lpath, ulrpath, setlocalfile = True)
                if result == const.ENoError: # or result == IEMD5NotFound: # retrying if MD5 not found _may_ make the file available?
                    self.pd("Retrying #{} for sharing '{}'".format(i, lpath))

        if result == const.ENoError:
            return const.ENoError
        elif result == const.IEMD5NotFound:
            pr("# Sharing (RapidUpload) not possible for '{}', error: {}".format(lpath, result))
            return result
            pr("# Error sharing '{}', error: {}".format(lpath, result))
            return result

    def _share_local_dir(self, lpath, rpath, fast):
        result = const.ENoError
        for walk in self._walk_normal_file(lpath):
            (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = walk
            for filename in filenames:
                rpart = os.path.relpath(dirpath, lpath)
                if rpart == '.':
                    rpart = ''
                subr = self._share_local_file(
                    joinpath(dirpath, filename),
                    posixpath.join(rpath, rpart, filename),
                if subr != const.ENoError:
                    result = subr
        return result

    # assuming the caller asks once only
    def _ok_to_use_remote_temp_dir(self):
        if const.SettingKey_OverwriteRemoteTempDir in self._setting and \
            return True

        # need to check existence of the remote temp dir
        fir = self._get_file_info(const.RemoteTempDir)
        if fir == const.ENoError: # path exists
            msg = '''
In order to use this functionality, we need to use a temporary directory '{}' \
at Baidu Cloud Storage. However, this remote path exists already.
Is it OK to empty this directory? (Unless coincidentally you uploaded files there, \
it's probably safe to allow this)
y/N/a (yes/NO/always)?
            ans = ask(msg).lower()
            if len(ans) >= 0:
                a = ans[0]
                if a == 'y':
                    return True
                elif a == 'a':
                    # persist
                    self._setting[const.SettingKey_OverwriteRemoteTempDir] = True
                    return True
                    return False
                return False
        elif fir == const.EFileNotFound:
            return True
        elif fir == const.ERequestFailed:
            perr("Request to get info of the remote temp dir '{}' failed, can't continue.".format(const.RemoteTempDir))
            return False
            assert 0 == "Future work handling (more return code) needed"
            return False

    def _share_local(self, lpath, rpath, fast):
        if not os.path.exists(lpath):
            perr("Local path '{}' does not exist.".format(lpath))
            return const.EParameter

        if not self._ok_to_use_remote_temp_dir():
            perr("Can't continue unless you allow the program to use the remote temporary directory '{}'".format(const.RemoteTempDir))
            return const.EUserRejected

        if fast:
            pr("# fast (unverified) sharing, no network I/O needed (for local sharing), but the other person may not be able to accept some of your files")
        if os.path.isfile(lpath):
            # keep the same file name
            lname = os.path.basename(lpath)
            rfile = joinpath(rpath, lname, '/')
            return self._share_local_file(lpath, rfile, fast)
        elif os.path.isdir(lpath):
            return self._share_local_dir(lpath, rpath, fast)
            perr("Local path '{}' is not a file or directory.".format(lpath))
            return const.EParameter

    def _share_remote_file(self, tmpdir, rpath, srpath, fast):
        rdir, rfile = posixpath.split(rpath)
        lpath = joinpath(tmpdir, rfile)
        subr = self._downfile(rpath, lpath)
        if subr != const.ENoError:
            perr("Fatal: Error {} while downloading remote file '{}'".format(subr, rpath))
            return subr

        return self._share_local_file(lpath, srpath, fast)

    def _proceed_share_remote(self, walkresult, rpath, dirjs, filejs, args):
        remoterootlen, tmpdir, srpath, fast = args
        result = walkresult
        for filej in filejs:
            rfile = filej['path']
            subr = self._share_remote_file(tmpdir, rfile, joinpath(srpath, rfile[remoterootlen:], sep = '/'), fast)
            if subr != const.ENoError:
                result = subr
        return result

    def _share_remote_dir(self, tmpdir, rpath, srpath, fast):
        return self._walk_proceed_remote_dir(rpath, self._proceed_share_remote, (len(rpath), tmpdir, srpath, fast))

    def _share_remote(self, tmpdir, rpath, srpath, fast): # srpath - share remote path (full path)
        subr = self._get_file_info(rpath)
        if const.ENoError == subr:
            if 'isdir' in self._remote_json:
                if self._remote_json['isdir']:
                    return self._share_remote_dir(tmpdir, rpath, srpath, fast)
                    return self._share_remote_file(tmpdir, rpath, srpath, fast)
                perr("Malformed path info JSON '{}' returned".format(self._remote_json))
                return const.EFatal
        elif const.EFileNotFound == subr:
            perr("Remote path '{}' does not exist".format(rpath))
            return subr
            perr("Error {} while getting info for remote path '{}'".format(subr, rpath))
            return subr

    def share(self, path = '.', sharepath = '/', islocal = True, fast = False):
        islocal = str2bool(islocal)
        fast = str2bool(fast)
        if islocal:
            lpath = path
            rpath = get_pcs_path(sharepath)
            result = self._share_local(lpath, rpath, fast)
            if not fast:
                # not critical
            return result
            rpath = get_pcs_path(path)
            srpath = get_pcs_path(sharepath)
            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'bypy_')
            self.pd("Using local temporary directory '{}' for sharing".format(tmpdir))
                result = self._share_remote(tmpdir, rpath, srpath, fast)
            except Exception as ex:
                result = const.EFatal
                perr("Exception while sharing remote path '{}'.\n{}".format(
                    rpath, formatex(ex)))
            return result

    def _accept(self, rpath, size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr):
        # we have no file to verify against
        verify = self._verify
        self._verify = False
        result = self._rapidupload_file_post(rpath, size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr)
        self._verify = verify
        if result == const.ENoError:
            self.pv("Accepted: {}".format(rpath))
            perr("Unable to accept: {}, Error: {}".format(rpath, result))
        return result

    def accept(self, remotepath, size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr):
        rpath = get_pcs_path(remotepath)
        return self._accept(rpath, size, md5str, slicemd5str, crcstr)

    def _locate_fastest_upload_server_act(self, r, args):
        global cpcsurl
        j = r.json()
        cpcsurl = j['host']
        return const.ENoError

    # public Baidu API, no token needed, and not much useful. #127
    def _locate_fastest_upload_server(self):
        url = const.PcsUrl + 'file'
        pars = { 'method': 'locateupload'}
        return self._get(url, pars, self._locate_fastest_upload_server_act, addtoken = False)

    def _list_pcs_hosts_act(self, r, args):
        j = r.json()
        return const.ENoError

    def _list_pcs_hosts(self):
        url = const.PcsUrl + 'manage'
        pars = { 'method': 'listhost'}
        return self._get(url, pars, self._list_pcs_hosts_act, addtoken = False)

    def _test_speed(self, url, repeats = 1):
        self.pd("Speed testing (GET) ({}x): {}".format(repeats, url))
        start = time.time()
        for i in range(repeats):
        stop = time.time()
        duration = stop - start
        self.pd("Time taken: {:.3f}s".format(duration))
        return duration

    def _select_fastest_mirror_act(self, r, args):
        pr("Selecting fastest mirror")
        j = r.json()
        self.pv("List of PCS mirrors:\n" + pprint.pformat(j))
        if 'path' not in j:
            return const.EInvalidJson
        pcspath = j['path']
        if 'list' not in j:
            return const.EInvalidJson
        hosts = j['list']
        if len(hosts) < 1:
            return const.EInvalidJson
        selected_host = hosts[0]['host']
        shortest_time = float('inf')
        for h in hosts:
            host = h['host']
            time_taken = self._test_speed('https://' + host + pcspath, 3)
            if time_taken < shortest_time:
                selected_host = host
                shortest_time = time_taken
        pr("Selected mirror: " + selected_host)
        return const.ENoError

    def _select_fastest_mirror(self):
        url = const.PcsUrl + 'manage'
        pars = { 'method': 'listhost'}
        return self._get(url, pars, self._select_fastest_mirror_act, addtoken = False)

def sighandler(signum, frame):
    pr("Signal {} received, Abort".format(signum))

# http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Basic-Signal-Handling.html
def setsighandler(signum, handler):
    oldhandler = signal.signal(signum, handler)
    if oldhandler == signal.SIG_IGN:
        signal.signal(signum, signal.SIG_IGN)
    return oldhandler

def setuphandlers():
    if iswindows():
        # setsighandler(signal.CTRL_C_EVENT, sighandler)
        # setsighandler(signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, sighandler)
        # bug, see: http://bugs.python.org/issue9524
        setsighandler(signal.SIGBUS, sighandler)
        setsighandler(signal.SIGHUP, sighandler)
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/108183/how-to-prevent-sigpipes-or-handle-them-properly
        setsighandler(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_IGN)
        setsighandler(signal.SIGQUIT, sighandler)
        setsighandler(signal.SIGSYS, sighandler)
    setsighandler(signal.SIGABRT, sighandler)
    setsighandler(signal.SIGFPE, sighandler)
    setsighandler(signal.SIGILL, sighandler)
    setsighandler(signal.SIGINT, sighandler)
    setsighandler(signal.SIGSEGV, sighandler)
    setsighandler(signal.SIGTERM, sighandler)

def getparser():
    #name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    version = "v%s" % const.__version__
    version_message = '%%(prog)s %s' % (version)
    desc = "{} - {}".format(version_message, const.__desc__)

    # setup argument parser
    epilog = "Commands:\n"
    summary = []
    for k, v in ByPy.__dict__.items():
        if callable(v):
            if v.__doc__:
                help = v.__doc__.strip()
                pos = help.find(const.HelpMarker)
                if pos != -1:
                    pos_body = pos + len(const.HelpMarker)
                    helpbody = help[pos_body:]
                    helpline = helpbody.split('\n')[0].strip() + '\n'
                    if helpline.find('help') == 0:
                        summary.insert(0, helpline)
                    #commands.append(v.__name__) # append command name

    remaining = summary[1:]
    summary = [summary[0]] + remaining
    epilog += ''.join(summary)

    parser = ArgumentParser(
        prog = const.__title__,
        formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=epilog)

    # help, version, program information etc
    parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=version_message)

    # debug, logging
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug",
        dest="debug", action="count", default=0,
        help="set debugging level (-dd to increase debugging level, -ddd to enable HTPP traffic debugging as well (very talkative)) [default: %(default)s]")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=0, action="count", help="set verbosity level [default: %(default)s]")

    # program tunning, configration (those will be passed to class ByPy)
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--retry",
        dest="retry", default=5, type=int,
        help="number of retry attempts on network error [default: %(default)i times]")
    parser.add_argument("-q", "--quit-when-fail",
        dest="quit", action="store_true",
        help="quit when maximum number of retry failed [default: %(default)s]")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout",
        dest="timeout", default=const.DefaultTimeOutInSeconds, type=float,
        help="network timeout in seconds [default: %(default)s]")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--slice",
        dest="slice", default=const.DefaultSliceSize,
        help="size of file upload slice (can use '1024', '2k', '3MB', etc) [default: {} MB]".format(const.DefaultSliceInMB))
        dest="chunk", default=const.DefaultDlChunkSize,
        help="size of file download chunk (can use '1024', '2k', '3MB', etc) [default: {} MB]".format(const.DefaultDlChunkSize // const.OneM))
    parser.add_argument("-e", "--verify",
        dest="verify", action="store_true",
        help="verify upload / download [default : %(default)s]")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--force-hash",
        dest="forcehash", action="store_true",
        help="force file MD5 / CRC32 calculation instead of using cached value")
        dest="resumedl", action="store_false",
        help="resume instead of restarting when downloading if local file already exists [default: %(default)s]")
        dest="incregex", default='',
        help="regular expression of files to include. if not specified (default), everything is included. for download, the regex applies to the remote files; for upload, the regex applies to the local files. to exclude files, think about your regex, some tips here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/406230/regular-expression-to-match-string-not-containing-a-word [default: %(default)s]")
        dest="ondup", default='overwrite',
        help="what to do when the same file / folder exists in the destination: 'overwrite', 'skip', 'prompt' [default: %(default)s]")
        dest="followlink", action="store_false",
        help="DON'T follow symbol links when uploading / syncing up")
        dest="checkssl", action="store_false",
        help="DON'T verify host SSL cerificate")
        dest="cacerts", default=None,
        help="Specify the path for CA Bundle [default: %(default)s]")
        dest="mirror", default='',
        help="Specify the PCS mirror (e.g. bj.baidupcs.com. Open 'https://pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/manage?method=listhost' to get the list) to use. [default: " + const.PcsDomain + "]")
        dest="selectmirror", action="store_true",
        help="Let the program run some tests and select the fastest PCS mirror it detectes. [default: %(default)s]")
        dest="rapiduploadonly", action="store_true",
        help="only upload large files that can be rapidly uploaded")
        dest="resumedl_revertcount", default=const.DefaultResumeDlRevertCount,
        type=int, metavar='RCOUNT',
        help="Revert back at least %(metavar)s download chunk(s) and align to chunk boundary when resuming the download. A negative value means NO reverts. [default: %(default)s]")
        dest="deletesource", action="store_true",
        help="Delete source files/directories after download/upload/syncdown/syncup is successful (This will force verification of the files). [default: %(default)s]")
    if Pool:
            dest="processes", default=const.DefaultProcessCount, type=int,
            help="Number of parallel processes. (Only applies to dir sync/dl/ul). [default: %(default)s]")

    # support aria2c
        dest="downloader", default="",
        help="downloader to use (use python if not specified). valid values: {} [default: %(default)s]".format(const.Downloaders))
        dest="downloader_args", default="",
        help=("arguments for the downloader:\n"
            "normally, the string is the arguments to be passed to the downloader. "
            "however, when it begins with '{0}', it will be treated as the name of file, "
            "whose contents will be used as the downloader arguments "
            "(example: when specifying '{0}args.txt', file contents of 'args.txt' will be "
            "used as the downloader arguments, not the string '@args.txt' itself).\n"
            "you can also use environment variable '{1}' to specify the downloader arguments "
            "(the environment variable has lower priority compared to this argument).\n"
            "default values: {2}"

    # expose this to provide a primitive multi-user support
    parser.add_argument("--config-dir", dest="configdir", default=const.ConfigDir, help="specify the config path [default: %(default)s]")

    # action
    parser.add_argument(const.CleanOptionShort, const.CleanOptionLong,
        dest="clean", action="count", default=0,
        help="remove the token file (need re-auth) and upload progress file, "
            "-cc: clean hash cache file as well")

    # the MAIN parameter - what command to perform
    parser.add_argument("command", nargs='*', help = "operations (quota, list, etc)")

    return parser

def clean_prog_files(cleanlevel, verbose, configdir = const.ConfigDir):
    tokenpath = os.path.join(configdir, const.TokenFileName)
    result = removefile(tokenpath, verbose)
    if result == const.ENoError:
        pr("Token file '{}' removed. You need to re-authorize "
           "the application upon next run".format(tokenpath))
        perr("Failed to remove the token file '{}'".format(tokenpath))
        perr("You need to remove it manually")

    prgrpath = os.path.join(configdir, const.ProgressFileName)
    subresult = removefile(prgrpath, verbose)
    if result == const.ENoError:
        pr("Progress file '{}' removed, "
            "any upload will be started from the beginning.".format(prgrpath))
        perr("Failed to remove the progress file '{}'".format(prgrpath))
        result = subresult

    if cleanlevel >= 2:
        cachepath = os.path.join(configdir, const.HashCacheFileName)
        subresult = os.remove(cachepath)
        if subresult == const.ENoError:
            pr("Hash Cache File '{}' removed.".format(cachepath))
            perr("Failed to remove the Hash Cache File '{}'".format(cachepath))
            perr("You need to remove it manually")
            result = subresult

    return result

def printBaiduBanner():
    banner ='''
Baidu PCS currently gives totally WRONG MD5 hash for remote files, and I AM NOT GOING TO ADAPT TO IT!
So if it doesn't work, install version '1.6.10' using the following command:
pip install bypy==1.6.10
Version 1.6.10 has a workaround for this.
### Seeking maintainer for this `bypy` project, if you are interested, please create an issue at github, thanks. ###
所以你发现比较功能等不能正确工作时,请安装 1.6.10 版本:
pip install bypy==1.6.10
### 寻求这个`bypy`项目维护者,有意的话请去github上建issue,谢谢。###

def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111
    ''' Main Entry '''
    # printBaiduBanner()

    by = None
    reqres = check_requirements()
    if reqres == CheckResult.Error:
        perr("Requirement checking failed")

    result = const.ENoError
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv


    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dl_args = ''
    if not args.downloader_args:
        if const.DownloaderArgsEnvKey in os.environ:
            dl_args = os.environ[const.DownloaderArgsEnvKey]
        prefixlen = len(const.DownloaderArgsIsFilePrefix)
        if args.downloader_args[:prefixlen] == const.DownloaderArgsIsFilePrefix: # file
            with io.open(args.downloader_args[prefixlen:], 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
                dl_args = f.read().strip()
            dl_args = args.downloader_args

    # house-keeping reminder
    # TODO: may need to move into ByPy for customized config dir
    if os.path.exists(const.HashCachePath):
        cachesize = getfilesize(const.HashCachePath)
        if cachesize > 10 * const.OneM or cachesize == -1:
                "*** WARNING ***\n"
                "Hash Cache file '{0}' is very large ({1}).\n"
                "This may affect program's performance (high memory consumption).\n"
                "You can first try to run 'bypy.py cleancache' to slim the file.\n"
                "But if the file size won't reduce (this warning persists),"
                " you may consider deleting / moving the Hash Cache file '{0}'\n"
                "*** WARNING ***\n\n\n").format(const.HashCachePath, human_size(cachesize)))

    # check for situations that require no ByPy object creation first
    if args.clean >= 1:
        return clean_prog_files(args.clean, args.verbose, args.configdir)

    # some arguments need some processing
        slice_size = interpret_size(args.slice)
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        perr("Error: Invalid slice size specified '{}'".format(args.slice))
        return const.EArgument

        chunk_size = interpret_size(args.chunk)
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        perr("Error: Invalid slice size specified '{}'".format(args.slice))
        return const.EArgument

    if len(args.command) <= 0 or \
        (len(args.command) == 1 and args.command[0].lower() == 'help'):
        return const.EArgument
    elif len(args.command) == 2 and args.command[0].lower() == 'help':
        return const.EArgument
    elif args.command[0] in ByPy.__dict__: # dir(ByPy), dir(by)
        #timeout = args.timeout or None

        cached.usecache = not args.forcehash
        bypyopt = {
            'slice_size': slice_size,
            'dl_chunk_size': chunk_size,
            'verify': args.verify,
            'retry': args.retry,
            'timeout': args.timeout,
            'quit_when_fail': args.quit,
            'resumedownload': args.resumedl,
            'incregex': args.incregex,
            'ondup': args.ondup,
            'followlink': args.followlink,
            'checkssl': args.checkssl,
            'cacerts': args.cacerts,
            'rapiduploadonly': args.rapiduploadonly,
            'mirror': args.mirror,
            'selectmirror': args.selectmirror,
            'configdir': args.configdir,
            'resumedl_revertcount': args.resumedl_revertcount,
            'deletesource': args.deletesource,
            'downloader': args.downloader,
            'downloader_args': dl_args,
            'verbose': args.verbose,
            'debug': args.debug}
        if Pool:
            bypyopt['processes'] = args.processes

        # we construct a ByPy object here.
        # if you want to try PanAPI, simply replace ByPy with PanAPI, and all the bduss related function _should_ work
        # I didn't use PanAPI here as I have never tried out those functions inside
        by = ByPy(**bypyopt)
        uargs = []
        for arg in args.command[1:]:
            if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
                uargs.append(unicode(arg, gvar.SystemEncoding))
        result = getattr(by, args.command[0])(*uargs)
        if result != const.ENoError:
            errmsg = '-' * 64 + "\nError {}{}".format(result, ': ' + const.ErrorExplanations[result] if result in const.ErrorExplanations else '')
        perr("Error: Command '{}' not available.".format(args.command[0]))
        return const.EParameter

    # just let it spew exceptions so that we have the stack trace on death
    # except KeyboardInterrupt:
    #     # handle keyboard interrupt
    #     pr("KeyboardInterrupt")
    #     pr("Abort")
    # except Exception as ex:
    #     # NOTE: Capturing the exeption as 'ex' seems to matter, otherwise this:
    #     # except Exception:
    #     # will sometimes give exception ...
    #     perr("Exception occurred:\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
    #     pr("Abort")
    #    raise

if __name__ == "__main__":

# vim: tabstop=4 noexpandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 ff=unix fileencoding=utf-8