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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import os
import time
import io
import hashlib
import binascii

from . import const
from . import gvar
from . import util
from .util import (
    pdbg, pinfo, perr,
    getfilesize, getfilemtime_int,
    joinpath, formatex,
    jsonload, jsondump,

pr = util.pr

def convertbincache(info, key):
    if key in info:
        binhash = info[key]
        strhash = binascii.hexlify(binhash)
        info[key] = strhash

# in Pickle, i saved the hash (MD5, CRC32) in binary format (bytes)
# now i need to pay the price to save them using string format ...
# TODO: Rename
def stringifypickle(picklecache):
    for absdir in picklecache:
        entry = picklecache[absdir]
        for file in entry:
            info = entry[file]
            # 'crc32' is still stored as int (long),
            # as it's supported by JSON, and can't be hexlified
            #for key in ['md5', 'slice_md5', 'crc32']:
            for key in ['md5', 'slice_md5']:
                convertbincache(info, key)

# there is room for more space optimization (like using the tree structure),
# but it's not added at the moment. for now, it's just simple pickle.
# SQLite might be better for portability
# NOTE: file names are case-sensitive
class cached(object):
    ''' simple decorator for hash caching (using pickle) '''
    usecache = True
    verbose = False
    debug = False
    hashcachepath = const.HashCachePath
    cache = {}
    cacheloaded = False
    dirty = False
    semaphore = None
    # we don't do cache loading / unloading here because it's an decorator,
    # and probably multiple instances are created for md5, crc32, etc
    # it's a bit complex, and i thus don't have the confidence to do it in ctor/dtor
    def __init__(self, f):
        super(cached, self).__init__()
        self.f = f

    def __call__(self, *args):
        assert len(args) > 0
        result = None
        path = args[0]
        dir, file = os.path.split(path) # the 'filename' parameter
        absdir = os.path.abspath(dir)
        if absdir in cached.cache:
            entry = cached.cache[absdir]
            if file in entry:
                info = entry[file]
                if self.f.__name__ in info \
                    and info['size'] == getfilesize(path) \
                    and info['mtime'] == getfilemtime_int(path) \
                    and self.f.__name__ in info \
                    and cached.usecache:
                    result = info[self.f.__name__]
                    if cached.debug:
                        pdbg("Cache hit for file '{}',\n{}: {}\nsize: {}\nmtime: {}".format(
                            path, self.f.__name__,
                            info['size'], info['mtime']))
                    result = self.f(*args)
                    self._store(info, path, result)
                result = self.f(*args)
                entry[file] = {}
                info = entry[file]
                self._store(info, path, result)
            result = self.f(*args)
            cached.cache[absdir] = {}
            entry = cached.cache[absdir]
            entry[file] = {}
            info = entry[file]
            self._store(info, path, result)

        return result

    def _store(self, info, path, value):
        cached.dirty = True
        info['size'] = getfilesize(path)
        info['mtime'] = getfilemtime_int(path)
        info[self.f.__name__] = value
        if cached.debug:
            situation = "Storing cache"
            if cached.usecache:
                situation = "Cache miss"
            pdbg((situation + " for file '{}',\n{}: {}\nsize: {}\nmtime: {}").format(
                path, self.f.__name__,
                info['size'], info['mtime']))

        # periodically save to prevent loss in case of system crash
        now = time.time()
        if now - gvar.last_cache_save >= const.CacheSavePeriodInSec:
            if cached.debug:
                pdbg("Periodically saving Hash Cash")
            gvar.last_cache_save = now

    # merge the from 'fromc' cache into the 'to' cache.
    # 'keepto':
    #  - True to keep the entry in 'to' cache when conflicting
    #  - False to keep the entry from 'fromc' cache
    # return number of conflict entries found
    def mergeinto(fromc, to, keepto = True):
        conflicts = 0
        for absdir in fromc:
            entry = fromc[absdir]
            if not absdir in to:
                to[absdir] = {}
            toentry = to[absdir]
            for file in entry:
                if file in toentry:
                    if cached.debug:
                        msg = "Cache merge conflict for: '{}/{}', {}: {}.".format(absdir, file,
                            "Keeping the destination value" if keepto else
                            "Using the source value",
                            toentry[file] if keepto else entry[file])
                    if not keepto:
                        toentry[file] = entry[file]
                    conflicts += 1
                    toentry[file] = entry[file]

        return conflicts

    def ishexchar(c):
        return (c >= '0' and c <= '9') or (c >= 'a' and c <= 'f') or (c >= 'A' and c <= 'F')

    # pay the history debt ..., hashes were in binary format (bytes) in pickle
    def isbincache(cache):
        for absdir in cache:
            entry = cache[absdir]
            for file in entry:
                info = entry[file]
                if 'md5' in info:
                    md5 = info['md5']
                    # due to encrypt_md5()
                    # for c in md5:
                    for c in md5[:9] + md5[10:]:
                        if not cached.ishexchar(c):
                            return True
        return False

    def loadcache(existingcache = {}):
        # load cache even we don't use cached hash values,
        # because we will save (possibly updated) and hash values
        if not cached.cacheloaded: # no double-loading
            if cached.verbose:
                pr("Loading Hash Cache File '{}'...".format(cached.hashcachepath))

            if os.path.exists(cached.hashcachepath):
                    cached.cache = jsonload(cached.hashcachepath)
                    # pay the history debt ...
                    # TODO: Remove some time later when no-body uses the old bin format cache
                    if cached.isbincache(cached.cache):
                        pinfo("ONE TIME conversion for binary format Hash Cache ...")
                        pinfo("ONE TIME conversion finished")
                    if existingcache: # not empty
                        if cached.verbose:
                            pinfo("Merging with existing Hash Cache")
                        cached.mergeinto(existingcache, cached.cache)
                    cached.cacheloaded = True
                    if cached.verbose:
                        pr("Hash Cache File loaded.")
                #except (EOFError, TypeError, ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError) as ex:
                except Exception as ex:
                    perr("Fail to load the Hash Cache, no caching.\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
                    cached.cache = existingcache
                if cached.verbose:
                    pr("Hash Cache File '{}' not found, no caching".format(cached.hashcachepath))
            if cached.verbose:
                pr("Not loading Hash Cache since 'cacheloaded' is '{}'".format(cached.cacheloaded))

        return cached.cacheloaded

    def savecache(force_saving = False):
        saved = False
        # even if we were unable to load the cache, we still save it.
        if cached.dirty or force_saving:
            if cached.verbose:
                pr("Saving Hash Cache...")
                jsondump(cached.cache, cached.hashcachepath, cached.semaphore)
                if cached.verbose:
                    pr("Hash Cache saved.")
                saved = True
                cached.dirty = False
            except Exception as ex:
                perr("Failed to save Hash Cache.\n{}".format(formatex(ex)))
            if cached.verbose:
                pr("Skip saving Hash Cache since it has not been updated.")

        return saved

    def cleancache():
        if cached.loadcache():
            for absdir in cached.cache.keys():
                if not os.path.exists(absdir):
                    if cached.verbose:
                        pr("Directory: '{}' no longer exists, removing the cache entries".format(absdir))
                    cached.dirty = True
                    del cached.cache[absdir]
                    oldfiles = cached.cache[absdir]
                    files = {}
                    needclean = False
                    for f in oldfiles.keys():
                        #p = os.path.join(absdir, f)
                        p = joinpath(absdir, f)
                        if os.path.exists(p):
                            files[f] = oldfiles[f]
                            if cached.verbose:
                                needclean = True
                                pr("File '{}' no longer exists, removing the cache entry".format(p))

                    if needclean:
                        cached.dirty = True
                        cached.cache[absdir] = files

    def remove(path):
        def notfound():
            pdbg("Failed to delete cache: Path '{}' not found in cache.".format(path))

        dir, file = os.path.split(path)
        absdir = os.path.abspath(dir)
        if absdir in cached.cache:
            entry = cached.cache[absdir]
            if file in entry:
                del entry[file]
                pdbg("Cache for '{}' removed.".format(path))
                if not entry:
                    del cached.cache[absdir]
                    pdbg("Empty directory '{}' in cache also removed.".format(absdir))

    def remove_path_and_cache(path):
        result = removepath(path)
        if result == const.ENoError and os.path.isfile(path):
        return result

def md5(filename, slice = const.OneM):
    m = hashlib.md5()
    with io.open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        while True:
            buf = f.read(slice)
            if buf:

    return encrypt_md5(m.hexdigest())

def encrypt_md5(md5str):
    def validate_md5():
        if len(md5str) != 32:
            return md5str
        for i in range(32):
            v = int(md5str[i], 16)
            if v < 0 or v > 16:
                return md5str
    md5str = md5str[8:16] + md5str[0:8] + md5str[24:32] + md5str[16:24]
    encryptstr = ''
    for e in range(len(md5str)):
        encryptstr += hex(int(md5str[e], 16) ^ 15 & e)[2:3]
    return encryptstr[0:9] + chr(ord('g')+int(encryptstr[9], 16)) + encryptstr[10:]

# slice md5 for baidu rapidupload
def slice_md5(filename):
    m = hashlib.md5()
    with io.open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        buf = f.read(256 * const.OneK)

    return m.hexdigest()

def crc32(filename, slice = const.OneM):
    with io.open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        buf = f.read(slice)
        crc = binascii.crc32(buf)
        while True:
            buf = f.read(slice)
            if buf:
                crc = binascii.crc32(buf, crc)

    return crc & 0xffffffff

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