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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import sys
import os

# https://packaging.python.org/single_source_version/
__title__ = 'bypy'
__version__ = '1.8.5'
__author__ = 'Hou Tianze'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__desc__ = 'Python client for Baidu Yun (Personal Cloud Storage) 百度云/百度网盘 Python 客户端'
__url__ = 'https://github.com/houtianze/bypy'

### return (error) codes
# they are put at the top because:
# 1. they have zero dependencies
# 2. can be referred in any abort later, e.g. return error on import failures
ENoError = 0 # plain old OK, fine, no error.
EIncorrectPythonVersion = 1
#EApiNotConfigured = 10 # Deprecated: ApiKey, SecretKey and AppPcsPath not properly configured
EArgument = 10 # invalid program command argument
EAbort = 20 # aborted
EException = 30 # unhandled exception occurred
EParameter = 40 # invalid parameter passed to ByPy
EInvalidJson = 50
EHashMismatch = 60 # MD5 hashes of the local file and remote file don't match each other
EFileWrite = 70
EFileTooBig = 80 # file too big to upload
EFailToCreateLocalDir = 90
EFailToCreateLocalFile = 100
EFailToDeleteDir = 110
EFailToDeleteFile = 120
EFileNotFound = 130
EMaxRetry = 140
ERequestFailed = 150 # request failed
ECacheNotLoaded = 160
EMigrationFailed = 170
EDownloadCerts = 180
EUserRejected = 190 # user's decision
EUpdateNeeded = 200
ESkipped = 210
EFatal = -1 # No way to continue
# internal errors
IEMD5NotFound = 31079 # File md5 not found, you should use upload API to upload the whole file.
IEParameterError = 31023 # {'error_code': 31023, 'error_msg': 'param error', 'request_id': 174129658197460631}
IESuperfileCreationFailed = 31081 # superfile create failed (HTTP 404)
# Undocumented, see #308 , https://paste.ubuntu.com/23672323/
IEBlockMissInSuperFile2 = 31363 # block miss in superfile2 (HTTP 403)
IETaskNotFound = 36016 # Task was not found
IEFileAlreadyExists = 31061 # {"error_code":31061,"error_msg":"file already exists","request_id":2939656146461714799}
IEAppIDIsEmpty = 31024 # {'error_code': 31024, 'error_msg': 'app id is empty', 'request_id': 5638555241104030586} (HTTP 400)

# TODO: Should have use an enum or some sort of data structure for this,
# but now changing this is too time consuming and error-prone
ErrorExplanations = {
    ENoError: "Everything went fine.",
    EIncorrectPythonVersion: "Incorrect Python version",
    EArgument: "Invalid program argument passed in",
    EAbort: "Abort due to unrecovrable errors",
    EException: "Unhandled exception occurred",
    EParameter: "Some or all the parameters passed to the function are invalid",
    EInvalidJson: "Invalid JSON received",
    EHashMismatch: "MD5 hashes of the local file and remote file don't match each other",
    EFileWrite: "Error writing file",
    EFileTooBig: "File too big to upload",
    EFailToCreateLocalDir: "Unable to create some directory(ies)",
    EFailToCreateLocalFile: "Unable to create some local file(s)",
    EFailToDeleteDir:" Unable to delete some directory(ies)",
    EFailToDeleteFile: "Unable to delete some file(s)",
    EFileNotFound: "File not found",
    EMaxRetry: "Maximum retries reached",
    ERequestFailed: "Request failed",
    ECacheNotLoaded: "Failed to load file caches",
    EMigrationFailed: "Failed to migrate from the old cache format",
    EDownloadCerts: "Failed to download certificats", # no long in use
    EUserRejected: "User chose to not to proceed",
    EUpdateNeeded: "Need to update bypy",
    ESkipped: "Some files/directores are skipped",
    EFatal: "Fatal error, unable to continue",
    IEMD5NotFound: "File md5 not found, you should use upload API to upload the whole file.",
    IESuperfileCreationFailed: "superfile create failed (HTTP 404)",
    # Undocumented, see #308 , https://paste.ubuntu.com/23672323/
    IEBlockMissInSuperFile2: "Block miss in superfile2 (HTTP 403)",
    IETaskNotFound: "Task was not found",
    IEFileAlreadyExists: "File already exists"

DownloaderAria2 = 'aria2'
Downloaders = [DownloaderAria2]
DownloaderDefaultArgs = {
    DownloaderAria2 : "-c -k10M -x4 -s4  --file-allocation=none"
DownloaderArgsIsFilePrefix = '@'

PipBinaryName = 'pip' + str(sys.version_info[0])
PipInstallCommand = PipBinaryName + ' install requests'
PipUpgradeCommand = PipBinaryName + ' install -U requests'

#### Definitions that are real world constants
OneK = 1024
OneM = OneK * OneK
OneG = OneM * OneK
OneT = OneG * OneK
OneP = OneT * OneK
OneE = OneP * OneK
OneZ = OneE * OneK
OneY = OneZ * OneK
SIPrefixNames = [ '', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y' ]

SIPrefixTimes = {
    'K' : OneK,
    'M' : OneM,
    'G' : OneG,
    'T' : OneT,
    'E' : OneE,
    'Z' : OneZ,
    'Y' : OneY }

# before this, you don't know me, i don't know you - Eason
TenYearInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 366 * 10
# For Python 3 only, threading.TIMEOUT_MAX is 9223372036854.0 on all *nix systems,
# but it's a little over 49 days for Windows, if we give a value larger than that,
# Python 3 on Windows will throw towel, so we cringe.
FortyNineDaysInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 49

#### Baidu PCS constants
# ==== NOTE ====
# I use server auth, because it's the only method I know that can conceal the SecretKey.
# If you want to perform local authorization using 'Device' method instead, you just need:
# - Paste your own ApiKey and SecretKey. (A non-empty SecretKey will change auth mode to device)
# - Change the AppPcsPath to your own App's directory at Baidu PCS
# Then you are good to go
# replace with your own API key and secret if you are using your own appid, or set env vars
ApiKey = os.environ['BAIDU_API_KEY'] if 'BAIDU_API_KEY' in os.environ else 'q8WE4EpCsau1oS0MplgMKNBn'
SecretKey = os.environ['BAIDU_API_SECRET'] if 'BAIDU_API_SECRET' in os.environ else 'PA4MhwB5RE7DacKtoP2i8ikCnNzAqYTD'
# NOTE: no trailing '/'
AppPcsPath = '/apps/bypy' # change this to the App's directory you specified when creating the app
AppPcsPathLen = len(AppPcsPath)

## Baidu PCS URLs etc.
OpenApiUrl = "https://openapi.baidu.com"
OpenApiVersion = "2.0"
OAuthUrl = OpenApiUrl + "/oauth/" + OpenApiVersion
ServerAuthUrl = OAuthUrl + "/authorize"
DeviceAuthUrl = OAuthUrl + "/device/code"
TokenUrl = OAuthUrl + "/token"
PcsDomain = 'pcs.baidu.com'
RestApiPath = '/rest/2.0/pcs/'
PcsUrl = 'https://' + PcsDomain + RestApiPath
CPcsUrl = 'https://c.pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/'
DPcsUrl = 'https://d.pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/'

## Baidu PCS constants
MinRapidUploadFileSize = 256 * OneK
MaxSliceSize = 2 * OneG
MaxSlicePieces = 1024
MaxListEntries = 1000 # https://github.com/houtianze/bypy/issues/285

### public static properties
HelpMarker = "Usage:"

### ByPy config constants
## directories, for setting, cache, etc
HomeDir = os.path.expanduser('~')
# os.path.join() may not handle unicode well
ConfigDir = HomeDir + os.sep + '.bypy'
TokenFileName = 'bypy.json'
TokenFilePath = ConfigDir + os.sep + TokenFileName
SettingFileName = 'bypy.setting.json'
SettingFilePath = ConfigDir + os.sep + SettingFileName
HashCacheFileName = 'bypy.hashcache.json'
HashCachePath = ConfigDir + os.sep + HashCacheFileName
PickleFileName = 'bypy.pickle'
PicklePath = ConfigDir + os.sep + PickleFileName
# ProgressPath saves the MD5s of uploaded slices, for upload resuming
# format:
# {
#     abspath: [slice_size, [slice1md5, slice2md5, ...]],
# }
ProgressFileName = 'bypy.parts.json'
ProgressPath = ConfigDir + os.sep + ProgressFileName
ByPyCertsFileName = 'bypy.cacerts.pem'
OldByPyCertsPath = ConfigDir + os.sep + ByPyCertsFileName
# Old setting locations, should be moved to ~/.bypy to be clean
OldTokenFilePath = HomeDir + os.sep + '.bypy.json'
OldPicklePath = HomeDir + os.sep + '.bypy.pickle'
RemoteTempDir = AppPcsPath + '/.bypytemp'
SettingKey_OverwriteRemoteTempDir = 'overwriteRemoteTempDir'
SettingKey_LastUpdateCheckTime = 'lastUpdateCheck'

## default config values
PrintFlushPeriodInSec = 5.0
# TODO: Does the following User-Agent emulation help?
UserAgent = None # According to xslidian, User-Agent affects download.
#UserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0'
#UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)"
#UserAgent = 'netdisk;;PC;PC-Windows;6.2.9200;WindowsBaiduYunGuanJia'
DefaultSliceInMB = 20
DefaultSliceSize = 20 * OneM
DefaultDlChunkSize = 20 * OneM
RetryDelayInSec = 10
CacheSavePeriodInSec = 10 * 60.0
# share retries
ShareRapidUploadRetries = 3
DefaultResumeDlRevertCount = 1
DefaultProcessCount = 1

## program switches
CleanOptionShort = '-c'
CleanOptionLong = '--clean'
DisableSslCheckOption = '--disable-ssl-check'
CaCertsOption = '--cacerts'
MultiprocessOption = '--processes'

# vim: tabstop=4 noexpandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 ff=unix fileencoding=utf-8