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// Convert image data from the RGBE format to a 32-bit floating point format
// See https://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/theses/matkovic/node84.html for a description of the RGBE format

import { rgbeToFloat } from './rgbeToFloat';
import { clamp } from './util';
import * as THREE from 'three';

  width: 2048,
  height: 1024,

// Tools for generating and modify env maps for lighting from scene component data

export function generateBackgroundMapFromSceneBackground(background) {
  let backgroundImage;

  if (background.isColor) {
    backgroundImage = generateSolidMap(1, 1, background);
  } else if (background.encoding === THREE.RGBEEncoding) {
      backgroundImage = {
        width: background.image.width,
        height: background.image.height,
        data: background.image.data,
      backgroundImage.data = rgbeToFloat(backgroundImage.data);
  return backgroundImage;

export function generateEnvMapFromSceneComponents(directionalLights, ambientLights, environmentLights) {
  let envImage = initializeEnvMap(environmentLights);
  ambientLights.forEach( light => { addAmbientLightToEnvMap(light, envImage); });
  directionalLights.forEach( light => { envImage.data = addDirectionalLightToEnvMap(light, envImage); });

  return envImage;

export function initializeEnvMap(environmentLights) {
  let envImage;

  // Initialize map from environment light if present
  if (environmentLights.length > 0) {
    // TODO: support multiple environment lights (what if they have different resolutions?)
    const environmentLight = environmentLights[0];
    envImage = {
      width: environmentLight.map.image.width,
      height: environmentLight.map.image.height,
      data: environmentLight.map.image.data,
    envImage.data = rgbeToFloat(envImage.data, environmentLight.intensity);
  } else {
    // initialize blank map
    envImage = generateSolidMap(DEFAULT_MAP_RESOLUTION.width, DEFAULT_MAP_RESOLUTION.height);

  return envImage;

export function generateSolidMap(width, height, color, intensity) {
  const texels = width * height;
  const floatBuffer = new Float32Array(texels * 3);
  if (color && color.isColor) {
    setBufferToColor(floatBuffer, color, intensity);
  return {
    width: width,
    height: height,
    data: floatBuffer,

function setBufferToColor(buffer, color, intensity = 1) {
  buffer.forEach(function(part, index) {
    const component = index % 3;
    if (component === 0) {
      buffer[index] = color.r * intensity;
    else if (component === 1) {
      buffer[index] = color.g * intensity;
    else if (component === 2) {
      buffer[index] = color.b * intensity;
  return buffer;

export function addAmbientLightToEnvMap(light, image) {
  const color = light.color;
  image.data.forEach(function(part, index) {
    const component = index % 3;
    if (component === 0) {
      image.data[index] += color.r * light.intensity;
    else if (component === 1) {
      image.data[index] += color.g * light.intensity;
    else if (component === 2) {
      image.data[index] += color.b * light.intensity;

export function addDirectionalLightToEnvMap(light, image) {
  const sphericalCoords = new THREE.Spherical();
  const lightDirection = light.position.clone().sub(light.target.position);

  sphericalCoords.theta = (Math.PI * 3 / 2) - sphericalCoords.theta;

  return addLightAtCoordinates(light, image, sphericalCoords);

// Perform modifications on env map to match input scene
function addLightAtCoordinates(light, image, originCoords) {
  const floatBuffer = image.data;
  const width = image.width;
  const height = image.height;
  const xTexels = floatBuffer.length / (3 * height);
  const yTexels = floatBuffer.length / (3 * width);

  // default softness for standard directional lights is 0.01, i.e. a hard shadow
  const softness = light.softness || 0.01;

  // angle from center of light at which no more contributions are projected
  const threshold = findThreshold(softness);

  // if too few texels are rejected by the threshold then the time to evaluate it is no longer worth it
  const useThreshold = threshold < Math.PI / 5;

  // functional trick to keep the conditional check out of the main loop
  const intensityFromAngleFunction = useThreshold ? getIntensityFromAngleDifferentialThresholded : getIntensityFromAngleDifferential;

  let begunAddingContributions = false;
  let currentCoords = new THREE.Spherical();

  // Iterates over each row from top to bottom
  for (let i = 0; i < xTexels; i++) {

    let encounteredInThisRow = false;

    // Iterates over each texel in row
    for (let j = 0; j < yTexels; j++) {
      const bufferIndex = j * width + i;
      currentCoords = equirectangularToSpherical(i, j, width, height, currentCoords);
      const falloff = intensityFromAngleFunction(originCoords, currentCoords, softness, threshold);

      if(falloff > 0) {
        encounteredInThisRow = true;
        begunAddingContributions = true;

      const intensity = light.intensity * falloff;

      floatBuffer[bufferIndex * 3] += intensity * light.color.r;
      floatBuffer[bufferIndex * 3 + 1] += intensity * light.color.g;
      floatBuffer[bufferIndex * 3 + 2] += intensity * light.color.b;

    // First row to not add a contribution since adding began
    // This means the entire light has been added and we can exit early
    if(!encounteredInThisRow && begunAddingContributions) {
      return floatBuffer;

  return floatBuffer;

function findThreshold(softness) {
  const step = Math.PI / 128;
  const maxSteps = (2.0 * Math.PI) / step;

  for (let i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++) {
    const angle = i * step;
    const falloff = getFalloffAtAngle(angle, softness);
    if (falloff <= 0.0001) {
      return angle;

function getIntensityFromAngleDifferentialThresholded(originCoords, currentCoords, softness, threshold) {
  const deltaPhi = getAngleDelta(originCoords.phi, currentCoords.phi);
  const deltaTheta =  getAngleDelta(originCoords.theta, currentCoords.theta);

  if(deltaTheta > threshold && deltaPhi > threshold) {
    return 0;

  const angle = angleBetweenSphericals(originCoords, currentCoords);
  return getFalloffAtAngle(angle, softness);

function getIntensityFromAngleDifferential(originCoords, currentCoords, softness) {
  const angle = angleBetweenSphericals(originCoords, currentCoords);
  return getFalloffAtAngle(angle, softness);

export function getAngleDelta(angleA, angleB) {
  const diff = Math.abs(angleA - angleB) % (2 * Math.PI);
  return diff > Math.PI ? (2 * Math.PI - diff) : diff;

const angleBetweenSphericals = function() {
  const originVector = new THREE.Vector3();
  const currentVector = new THREE.Vector3();

  return (originCoords, currentCoords) => {
    return originVector.angleTo(currentVector);

  // TODO: possibly clean this up and optimize it
  // This function was arrived at through experimentation, it provides good
  // looking results with percieved softness that scale relatively linearly with
  //  the softness value in the 0 - 1 range
  // For now it doesn't incur too much of a performance penalty because for most of our use cases (lights without too much softness)
  // the threshold cutoff in getIntensityFromAngleDifferential stops us from running it too many times
function getFalloffAtAngle(angle, softness) {
  const softnessCoefficient = Math.pow(2, 14.5 * Math.max(0.001, 1.0 - clamp(softness, 0.0, 1.0)));
  const falloff = Math.pow(softnessCoefficient, 1.1) * Math.pow(8, -softnessCoefficient * Math.pow(angle, 1.8));
  return falloff;

export function equirectangularToSpherical(x, y, width, height, target) {
  target.phi = (Math.PI * y) / height;
  target.theta = (2.0 * Math.PI * x) / width;
  return target;