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namespace Weathermap\CLI;

use GetOpt\GetOpt;
use GetOpt\Option;
use GetOpt\ArgumentException;
use Weathermap\Core\Map;
use Weathermap\Core\MapUtility;

 * The CLI map-creation tool
 * @package Weathermap\CLI
class Runner
    /** @var GetOpt $getOpt */
    private $getOpt;
    private $defines = array();
    private $optionsOutput = array();

    /** @var Map $map */
    private $map;
    private $configFile;
    private $imageFile = "";
    private $htmlFile = "";

    public function run()
        $rrdtool = "/usr/bin/rrdtool";


        $this->map = new Map();
        $this->map->rrdtool = $rrdtool;
        $this->map->context = "cli";

        if ($this->makeMap()) {

    private function getOptions()
        $this->getOpt = new GetOpt(null, [GetOpt::SETTING_STRICT_OPERANDS => true]);


        // process arguments and catch user errors
        try {
        } catch (ArgumentException $exception) {
            file_put_contents('php://stderr', $exception->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
            echo PHP_EOL . $this->getOpt->getHelpText();

        // show version and quit
        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('version')) {
            echo sprintf('PHP Network Weathermap %s' . PHP_EOL, WEATHERMAP_VERSION);

        // show help and quit
        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('help')) {
            echo $this->getOpt->getHelpText();

     * @param GetOpt $opt
    private function addMainOptions($opt)
                Option::create(null, 'version', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                    ->setDescription('Show version info and quit'),
                Option::create('h', 'help', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                    ->setDescription('Show this help and quit'),

                Option::create(null, 'config', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
                    ->setDescription('filename to read from. Default weathermap.conf')
                Option::create(null, 'output', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
                    ->setDescription('filename to write image. Default weathermap.png')
                Option::create(null, 'htmloutput', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
                    ->setDescription('filename to write HTML. Default weathermap.html')
                Option::create(null, 'image-uri', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
                    ->setDescription('URI to prefix <img> tags in HTML output'),

     * @param GetOpt $opt
    private function addExpertOptions($opt)
            Option::create(null, 'define', GetOpt::MULTIPLE_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('Define internal variables (equivalent to global SET in config file)'),

            Option::create(null, 'bulge', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('Enable link-bulging mode. See manual.'),
            Option::create(null, 'no-data', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('skip the data-reading process (just a \'grey\' map)'),
            Option::create(null, 'sizedebug', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('show the maximum possible value instead of the current one'),

            Option::create(null, 'debug', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('produce (LOTS) of debugging information during run'),
            Option::create(null, 'no-warn', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('suppress warnings with listed errorcodes (comma-separated)')

     * @param GetOpt $opt
    private function addDevOptions($opt)
            Option::create(null, 'randomdata', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('skip the data-reading process, generate random data'),
            Option::create(null, 'uberdebug', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('produce even more debug information'),
            Option::create(null, 'setdebug', GetOpt::NO_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('produce debug information related to map variables (SET)'),

            Option::create(null, 'dump-config', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('(development) dump config to a new file (testing editor)'),
            Option::create(null, 'dump-json', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
                ->setDescription('(development) dump JSON config to a new file'),

    private function translateRuntimeOptionsToSettings()
        global $weathermap_error_suppress;

        $this->configFile = $this->getOpt->getOption('config');
        $this->htmlFile = $this->getOpt->getOption('htmloutput');
        $this->imageFile = $this->getOpt->getOption('output');
        $this->optionsOutput['imageuri'] = $this->getOpt->getOption('image-uri');

        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('bulge') === 1) {
            $this->optionsOutput['widthmod'] = true;
        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('sizedebug') === 1) {
            $this->optionsOutput['sizedebug'] = true;
        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('no-data') === 1) {
            $this->optionsOutput['sizedebug'] = true;

        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('no-warn') != '') {
            // allow disabling of warnings from the command-line, too (mainly for the rrdtool warning)
            $suppressedWarnings = explode(",", $this->getOpt->getOption('no-warn'));
            foreach ($suppressedWarnings as $s) {
                $weathermap_error_suppress[] = strtoupper($s);

        $defineList = $this->getOpt->getOption('define');
        foreach ($defineList as $define) {
            preg_match("/^([^=]+)=(.*)\s*$/", $define, $matches);
            if (isset($matches[2])) {
                $varname = $matches[1];
                $value = $matches[2];
                MapUtility::debug(">> $varname = '$value'\n");
                // save this for later, so that when the map object exists, it can be defined
                $this->defines[$varname] = $value;
            } else {
                print "WARNING: --define format is:  --define name=value\n";

    private function translateDebugOptionsToSettings()
        global $weathermap_debug_suppress;
        global $weathermap_debugging;

        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('debug') === 1) {
            $this->optionsOutput['debugging'] = true;
        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('uberdebug') === 1) {
            $this->optionsOutput['debugging'] = true;
            // allow ALL trace messages (normally we block some of the chatty ones)
            $weathermap_debug_suppress = array();

        // set this BEFORE we create the map object, so we get the debug output from Reset(), as well
        if (isset($this->optionsOutput['debugging']) && $this->optionsOutput['debugging']) {
            $weathermap_debugging = true;
            // enable assertion handling
            assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1);
            assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
            assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1);

            // Set up the callback
            assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'my_assert_handler');

            MapUtility::debug("Starting PHP-Weathermap run, with config: $this->configFile\n");

    private function makeMap()
        // now stuff in all the others, that we got from getopts
        foreach ($this->optionsOutput as $key => $value) {
            $this->map->$key = $value;

        if ($this->map->readConfig($this->configFile)) {

            // TODO: it would be good if this used MapRuntime (would need a stub ApplicationInterface)

            if ($this->imageFile != '') {
                $this->map->imagefile = $this->imageFile;


            return true;
        return false;

    private function mapFileSettings()
        // allow command-lines to override the config file, but provide a default if neither are present
        $this->imageFile = $this->imageFile ?: $this->map->imageoutputfile ?: "weathermap.png";
        $this->htmlFile = $this->htmlFile ?: $this->map->htmloutputfile ?: "";

    private function mapSettingsPostConfig()
        // feed in any command-line defaults, so that they appear as if SET lines in the config
        foreach ($this->defines as $hintname => $hint) {
            $this->map->addHint($hintname, $hint);

        // now stuff in all the others, that we got from getopts
        foreach ($this->optionsOutput as $key => $value) {
            $this->map->addHint($key, $value);

    private function getMapData()
        if ($this->map->sizedebug) {

        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('randomdata') === 1) {


    private function outputHTML()
        if ($this->htmlFile != '') {
            MapUtility::debug("Writing HTML to $this->htmlFile\n");

            $fd = fopen($this->htmlFile, 'w');
                '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"><html xmlns=""><head>'
            if ($this->map->htmlstylesheet != '') {
                fwrite($fd, '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $this->map->htmlstylesheet . '" />');
                '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300" /><title>' . $this->map->processString(
                ) . '</title></head><body>'

            if ($this->map->htmlstyle == "overlib") {
                    "<div id=\"overDiv\" style=\"position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;\"></div>\n"
                    "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"overlib.js\"><!-- overLIB (c) Erik Bosrup --></script> \n"

            fwrite($fd, $this->map->makeHTML());
                '<hr /><span id="byline">Network Map created with <a href="' . WEATHERMAP_VERSION . '">PHP Network Weathermap v' . WEATHERMAP_VERSION . '</a></span></body></html>'

    private function postRun()
        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('dump-config') != '') {

        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('dump-json') != '') {
            $fd = fopen($this->getOpt->getOption('dump-json'), "w");
            fputs($fd, $this->map->getJSONConfig());

        if ($this->map->dataoutputfile != '') {

        if ($this->getOpt->getOption('setdebug') === 1) {

    private function dumpSetDebugInfo()
        foreach ($this->map->buildAllItemsList() as $item) {
            print "$item->name :\n";
            foreach ($item->hints as $n => $v) {
                print "  SET $n = $v\n";
            foreach ($item->notes as $n => $v) {
                print "  -> $n = $v\n";
            print "\n";