namespace Weathermap\Core;
* The in-map display of a scale
* @package Weathermap\Core
class Legend extends MapItem
/** @var MapScale $scale */
private $scale;
/** @var Map $owner */
public $colourtable;
public $keypos;
public $keytitle;
public $keystyle;
public $keysize;
public $keytextcolour;
public $keyoutlinecolour;
public $keybgcolour;
public $scalemisscolour;
/** @var Font */
public $keyfont;
public function __construct($name, $owner, $scale)
$this->name = $name;
$this->scale = $scale;
$this->owner = $owner;
$this->zorder = 1000;
$this->inheritedFieldList = array(
'scaleType' => 'percent',
'keystyle' => 'classic',
'keybgcolour' => new Colour(255, 255, 255),
'keyoutlinecolour' => new Colour(0, 0, 0),
'keytextcolour' => new Colour(0, 0, 0),
'scalemisscolour' => new Colour(255, 255, 255),
'keypos' => null,
'keytitle' => 'Traffic Load',
'keysize' => 0
public function reset(&$owner)
$this->owner = $owner;
foreach (array_keys($this->inheritedFieldList) as $fld) {
$this->$fld = $this->inheritedFieldList[$fld];
// $this->setColour("KEYBG", new Colour(255, 255, 255));
// $this->setColour("KEYOUTLINE", new Colour(0, 0, 0));
// $this->setColour("KEYTEXT", new Colour(0, 0, 0));
// $this->setColour("SCALEMISS", new Colour(255, 255, 255));
public function myType()
return 'LEGEND';
* @param Point $newPosition
public function setPosition($newPosition)
$this->keypos = $newPosition;
public function setColour($name, $colour)
$valid = array(
'KEYTEXT' => 'keytextcolour',
'KEYBG' => 'keybgcolour',
'KEYOUTLINE' => 'keyoutlinecolour',
'SCALEMISS' => 'scalemisscolour'
$k = strtoupper($name);
if (array_key_exists($k, $valid)) {
$prop = $valid[$k];
$this->$prop = $colour;
$this->colourtable[$name] = $colour;
} else {
MapUtility::warn('Unexpected colour name in WeatherMapScale->SetColour');
private function drawLegendImage($gdTargetImage, $gdScaleImage)
$xTarget = $this->keypos->x;
$yTarget = $this->keypos->y;
$width = imagesx($gdScaleImage);
$height = imagesy($gdScaleImage);
MapUtility::debug("New scale - blitting\n");
imagecopy($gdTargetImage, $gdScaleImage, $xTarget, $yTarget, 0, 0, $width, $height);
* @param $gdScaleImage
private function createImageMapArea($gdScaleImage)
$xTarget = $this->keypos->x;
$yTarget = $this->keypos->y;
$width = imagesx($gdScaleImage);
$height = imagesy($gdScaleImage);
$areaName = 'LEGEND:' . $this->name;
$newArea = new HTMLImageMapAreaRectangle(
$xTarget + $width,
$yTarget + $height
// TODO: this shouldn't be necessary if these are added to the ZLayers
// $this->owner->imap->addArea($newArea);
// TODO: stop tracking z-order separately. addArea() should take the z layer
$this->imagemapAreas[] = $newArea;
public function asConfigData()
$config = parent::asConfigData();
// $config['pos'] = array($this->keypos->x, $this->keypos->y);
// $config['font'] = $this->keyfont->asConfigData();
$config['textcolour'] = $this->keytextcolour->asArray();
$config['bgcolour'] = $this->keybgcolour->asArray();
$config['outlinecolour'] = $this->keyoutlinecolour->asArray();
$config['misscolour'] = $this->scalemisscolour->asArray();
$config['style'] = $this->keystyle;
$config['size'] = $this->keysize;
return $config;
public function getConfig()
$output = '';
if ($this->keypos != $this->inheritedFieldList['keypos']) {
$output .= sprintf(
"\tKEYPOS %s %d %d %s\n",
if ($this->keystyle != $this->inheritedFieldList['keystyle']) {
if ($this->keysize != $this->inheritedFieldList['keysize']) {
$output .= sprintf(
"\tKEYSTYLE %s %s %d\n",
} else {
$output .= sprintf(
"\tKEYSTYLE %s %s\n",
// TODO - these aren't actually defined per-legend at the moment!
$output .= sprintf("\tKEYBGCOLOR %s %s\n",
$output .= sprintf("\tKEYTEXTCOLOR %s %s\n",
$output .= sprintf("\tKEYOUTLINECOLOR %s %s\n",
$output .= sprintf("\tSCALEMISSCOLOR %s %s\n",
if ($output != '') {
$output .= "\n";
if ($output != '') {
$output = '# All settings for legend ' . $this->name . "\n" . $output . "\n";
return $output;
public function draw($gdTargetImage)
// don't draw if the position is the default -1,-1
if (null === $this->keypos || $this->keypos->x == -1 && $this->keypos->y == -1) {
$gdScaleImage = $this->drawLegend();
$this->drawLegendImage($gdTargetImage, $gdScaleImage);
public function drawLegend()
switch ($this->keystyle) {
case 'classic':
return $this->drawLegendClassic(false);
case 'horizontal':
return $this->drawLegendHorizontal($this->keysize);
case 'vertical':
return $this->drawLegendVertical($this->keysize);
case 'inverted':
return $this->drawLegendVertical($this->keysize, true);
case 'tags':
return $this->drawLegendClassic(true);
return null;
private function drawLegendClassic($useTags = false)
$nScales = $this->scale->spanCount();
MapUtility::debug("Drawing $nScales colours into SCALE\n");
$hideZero = intval($this->owner->getHint('key_hidezero_' . $this->name));
$hidePercentSign = intval($this->owner->getHint('key_hidepercent_' . $this->name));
// did we actually hide anything?
$didHideZero = false;
if (($hideZero == 1) && isset($this->scale->entries['0_0'])) {
$didHideZero = true;
MapUtility::debug("HIDE for $this->name: ZERO $hideZero($didHideZero) PERCENT $hidePercentSign\n");
$fontObject = $this->keyfont;
list($tileWidth, $tileHeight) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize('MMMM');
$tileHeight = $tileHeight * 1.1;
$tileSpacing = $tileHeight + 2;
list($minWidth,) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize('MMMM 100%-100%');
list($minMinWidth,) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize('MMMM ');
list($boxWidth,) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize($this->keytitle);
// pre-calculate all the text for the legend, and its size
$maxTextSize = 0;
foreach ($this->scale->entries as $index => $scaleEntry) {
$labelString = sprintf('%s-%s', $scaleEntry->bottom, $scaleEntry->top);
if ($hidePercentSign == 0) {
$labelString .= '%';
if ($useTags) {
$labelString = '';
if (isset($scaleEntry->tag)) {
$labelString = $scaleEntry->tag;
$scaleEntry->label = $labelString;
list($w,) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize($labelString);
$maxTextSize = max($maxTextSize, $w);
$minWidth = max($minMinWidth + $maxTextSize, $minWidth);
$boxWidth = max($boxWidth + 10, $minWidth + 10);
$boxHeight = $tileSpacing * ($nScales + 1) + 10;
MapUtility::debug("Scale Box is %dx%d\n", $boxWidth + 1, $boxHeight + 1);
$gdScaleImage = ImageUtility::createTransparentImage($boxWidth + 1, $boxHeight + 1);
$bgColour = $this->keybgcolour;
$outlineColour = $this->keyoutlinecolour;
if ($bgColour->isRealColour()) {
imagefilledrectangle($gdScaleImage, 0, 0, $boxWidth, $boxHeight, $bgColour->gdAllocate($gdScaleImage));
if ($outlineColour->isRealColour()) {
imagerectangle($gdScaleImage, 0, 0, $boxWidth, $boxHeight, $outlineColour->gdAllocate($gdScaleImage));
4 + $tileHeight,
$rowNumber = 1;
foreach ($this->scale->entries as $key => $scaleEntry) {
// pick a value in the middle...
$value = ($scaleEntry->bottom + $scaleEntry->top) / 2;
"%f-%f (%f) %s\n",
if (($hideZero == 0) || $key != '0_0') {
$y = $tileSpacing * $rowNumber + 8;
$x = 6;
$fudgeFactor = 0;
if ($didHideZero && $scaleEntry->bottom == 0) {
// calculate a small offset that can be added, which will hide the zero-value in a
// gradient, but not make the scale incorrect. A quarter of a pixel should do it.
$fudgeFactor = ($scaleEntry->top - $scaleEntry->bottom) / ($tileWidth * 4);
// if it's a gradient, red2 is defined, and we need to sweep the values
if (isset($scaleEntry->c2) && !$scaleEntry->c1->equals($scaleEntry->c2)) {
for ($n = 0; $n <= $tileWidth; $n++) {
$value = $fudgeFactor + $scaleEntry->bottom + ($n / $tileWidth) * ($scaleEntry->top - $scaleEntry->bottom);
list($entryColour,) = $this->scale->findScaleHit($value);
$gdColourRef = $entryColour->gdallocate($gdScaleImage);
imagefilledrectangle($gdScaleImage, $x + $n, $y, $x + $n, $y + $tileHeight, $gdColourRef);
} else {
// pick a value in the middle...
list($entryColour,) = $this->scale->findScaleHit($value);
$gdColourRef = $entryColour->gdallocate($gdScaleImage);
imagefilledrectangle($gdScaleImage, $x, $y, $x + $tileWidth, $y + $tileHeight, $gdColourRef);
$x + 4 + $tileWidth,
$y + $tileHeight,
return $gdScaleImage;
private function drawLegendHorizontal($keyWidth = 400)
$title = $this->keytitle;
$nScales = $this->scale->spanCount();
MapUtility::debug("Drawing $nScales colours into SCALE\n");
/** @var Font $fontObject */
$fontObject = $this->keyfont;
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$scaleFactor = $keyWidth / 100;
list($tileWidth, $tileHeight) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize('100%');
$boxLeft = $x;
$scaleLeft = $boxLeft + 4 + $scaleFactor / 2;
$boxRight = $scaleLeft + $keyWidth + $tileWidth + 4 + $scaleFactor / 2;
$boxTop = $y;
$scaleTop = $boxTop + $tileHeight + 6;
$scaleBottom = $scaleTop + $tileHeight * 1.5;
$boxBottom = $scaleBottom + $tileHeight * 2 + 6;
MapUtility::debug("Size is %dx%d (From %dx%d tile)\n", $boxRight + 1, $boxBottom + 1, $tileWidth, $tileHeight);
$gdScaleImage = ImageUtility::createTransparentImage($boxRight + 1, $boxBottom + 1);
/** @var Colour $bgColour */
$bgColour = $this->keybgcolour;
/** @var Colour $outlineColour */
$outlineColour = $this->keyoutlinecolour;
MapUtility::debug("BG is $bgColour, Outline is $outlineColour\n");
if ($bgColour->isRealColour()) {
if ($outlineColour->isRealColour()) {
$scaleBottom + $tileHeight * 2 + 2,
for ($percentage = 0; $percentage <= 100; $percentage++) {
$xOffset = $percentage * $scaleFactor;
if (($percentage % 25) == 0) {
$scaleLeft + $xOffset,
$scaleTop - $tileHeight,
$scaleLeft + $xOffset,
$scaleBottom + $tileHeight,
$labelString = sprintf('%d%%', $percentage);
$scaleLeft + $xOffset + 2,
$scaleTop - 2,
list($col,) = $this->scale->findScaleHit($percentage);
if ($col->isRealColour()) {
$gdColourRef = $col->gdAllocate($gdScaleImage);
$scaleLeft + $xOffset - $scaleFactor / 2,
$scaleLeft + $xOffset + $scaleFactor / 2,
return $gdScaleImage;
* @param int $keyHeight
* @param bool $inverted
* @return resource
private function drawLegendVertical($keyHeight = 400, $inverted = false)
$title = $this->keytitle;
$nScales = $this->scale->spanCount();
MapUtility::debug("Drawing $nScales colours into SCALE\n");
/** @var Font $fontObject */
$fontObject = $this->keyfont;
$scaleFactor = $keyHeight / 100;
list($tileWidth, $tileHeight) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize('100%');
$scaleLeft = $scaleFactor * 2 + 4;
$scaleRight = $scaleLeft + $tileHeight * 2;
$boxRight = $scaleRight + $tileWidth + $scaleFactor * 2 + 4;
list($titleWidth,) = $fontObject->calculateImageStringSize($title);
if (($titleWidth + $scaleFactor * 3) > $boxRight) {
$boxRight = $scaleFactor * 4 + $titleWidth;
$scaleTop = 4 + $scaleFactor + $tileHeight * 2;
$scaleBottom = $scaleTop + $keyHeight;
$boxBottom = $scaleBottom + $scaleFactor + $tileHeight / 2 + 4;
$gdScaleImage = ImageUtility::createTransparentImage($boxRight + 1, $boxBottom + 1);
/** @var Colour $bgColour */
$bgColour = $this->keybgcolour;
/** @var Colour $outlineColour */
$outlineColour = $this->keyoutlinecolour;
MapUtility::debug("BG is $bgColour, Outline is $outlineColour\n");
if ($bgColour->isRealColour()) {
imagefilledrectangle($gdScaleImage, 0, 0, $boxRight, $boxBottom, $bgColour->gdAllocate($gdScaleImage));
if ($outlineColour->isRealColour()) {
imagerectangle($gdScaleImage, 0, 0, $boxRight, $boxBottom, $outlineColour->gdAllocate($gdScaleImage));
$scaleLeft - $scaleFactor,
$scaleTop - $tileHeight,
for ($percentage = 0; $percentage <= 100; $percentage++) {
if ($inverted) {
$deltaY = (100 - $percentage) * $scaleFactor;
} else {
$deltaY = $percentage * $scaleFactor;
if (($percentage % 25) == 0) {
$scaleLeft - $scaleFactor,
$scaleTop + $deltaY,
$scaleRight + $scaleFactor,
$scaleTop + $deltaY,
$labelString = sprintf('%d%%', $percentage);
$scaleRight + $scaleFactor * 2,
$scaleTop + $deltaY + $tileHeight / 2,
/** @var Colour $col */
list($col,) = $this->scale->findScaleHit($percentage);
if ($col->isRealColour()) {
$gdColourRef = $col->gdAllocate($gdScaleImage);
$scaleTop + $deltaY - $scaleFactor / 2,
$scaleTop + $deltaY + $scaleFactor / 2,
return $gdScaleImage;
public function isTemplate()
return false;