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namespace Weathermap\Core;

// TODO - use SpineSearchResult to make results array meaning explicit

 * The basic data structure used to draw links, keeping track of the path, distance along it, and tangents.
 * @package Weathermap\Core
class Spine
    /** @var  SpineElement[] $elements */
    private $elements;

     * Add a SpineElement as-as, assuming the distance inside is correct
     * (used for copying spines around)
     * @param SpineElement $newElement
    private function addRawElement($newElement)
        $this->elements[] = $newElement;

     * Add a point to the end of the spine, calculating the new distance
     * @param Point $newPoint
    public function addPoint($newPoint)
        if (is_null($this->elements)) {
            $this->elements = array();
            $distance = 0;
        } else {
            $lastElement = end($this->elements);


            $lastDistance = $lastElement->distance;
            $lastPoint = $lastElement->point;

            $distance = $lastDistance + $lastPoint->distanceToPoint($newPoint);

        $this->addRawElement(new SpineElement($newPoint, $distance));

    public function pointCount()
        return count($this->elements);

     * @param int $index
     * @return Point
    public function getPoint($index)
        return $this->elements[$index]->point;

     * @return float
    public function totalDistance()
        $lastElement = end($this->elements);

        return $lastElement->distance;

    public function linearExpand()
        if ($this->pointCount() == 2) {
            $e0 = $this->elements[0];
            $e2 = $this->elements[1];

            $d = $e2->distance / 2;
            $p = $e0->point->copy()->LERPWith($e2->point, 0.5);

            $e1 = new SpineElement($p, $d);

            $this->elements = array($e0, $e1, $e2);

        } else {
            throw new WeathermapInternalFail("Trying to linearExpand a large spine");


    public function simplify($epsilon = 1e-9)
        $output = new Spine();

        $maxStartIndex = count($this->elements) - 2;
        $skip = 0;

        for ($n = 1; $n <= $maxStartIndex; $n++) {
            // figure out the area of the triangle formed by this point, and the one before and after
            $area = MathUtility::getTriangleArea(
                $this->elements[$n - 1]->point,
                $this->elements[$n + 1]->point

            if ($area > $epsilon) {
            } else {
                // ignore n

        MapUtility::debug("Skipped $skip points of $maxStartIndex\n");

        $output->addPoint($this->elements[$maxStartIndex + 1]->point);

        return $output;

    public function lastPoint()
        return $this->elements[$this->pointCount() - 1]->point;

    // find the tangent of the spine at a given index (used by DrawComments)
    public function findTangentAtIndex($index)
        $maxIndex = $this->pointCount() - 1;

        if ($index <= 0) {
            // if we're at the start, always use the first two points
            $index = 0;

        if ($index >= $maxIndex) {
            // if we're at the end, always use the last two points
            $index = $maxIndex - 1;

        // just a regular point on the spine
        $point1 = $this->elements[$index]->point;
        $point2 = $this->elements[$index + 1]->point;

        $tangent = $point1->vectorToPoint($point2);

        return $tangent;

    public function findPointAtDistance($targetDistance)
        // We find the nearest lower point for each distance,
        // then linearly interpolate to get a more accurate point
        // this saves having quite so many points-per-curve
        if (count($this->elements) === 0) {
            throw new WeathermapInternalFail('Called findPointAtDistance with an empty WMSpline');

        $foundIndex = $this->findIndexNearDistance($targetDistance);

        // Figure out how far the target distance is between the found point and the next one
        $left = $this->elements[$foundIndex];
        $right = $this->elements[$foundIndex + 1];
        $ratio = ($targetDistance - $left->distance) / ($right->distance - $left->distance);

        // linearly interpolate x and y to get to the actual required distance
        $newPoint = $left->point->LERPWith($right->point, $ratio);

        return array($newPoint, $foundIndex);

    public function findPointAndAngleAtPercentageDistance($targetPercentage)
        $targetDistance = $this->totalDistance() * ($targetPercentage / 100);

        // find the point and angle
        $result = $this->findPointAndAngleAtDistance($targetDistance);
        // append the distance we calculated, in case it's needed by the caller
        // (e.g. arrowhead calcs are part percentage (splitpos) and part absolute (arrrowsize))
        $result[] = $targetDistance;

        return $result;

    public function findPointAndAngleAtDistance($targetDistance)
        // This is the point we need
        list($point, $index) = $this->findPointAtDistance($targetDistance);

        // now to find one either side of it, to get a line to find the angle of
        $left = $index;
        $right = $left + 1;
        $max = count($this->elements) - 1;
        // if we're right up against the last point, then step backwards one
        if ($right > $max) {

        $pointLeft = $this->elements[$left]->point;
        $pointRight = $this->elements[$right]->point;

        $vec = $pointLeft->vectorToPoint($pointRight);
        $angle = $vec->getAngle();

        return array($point, $index, $angle);

     * findIndexNearDistance
     * return the index of the point either at (unlikely) or just before the target distance
     * we will linearly interpolate afterwards to get a true point
     * @param $targetDistance
     * @return int - index of the point found
     * @throws WeathermapInternalFail
    public function findIndexNearDistance($targetDistance)
        $left = 0;
        $right = count($this->elements) - 1;

        if ($left == $right) {
            return $left;

        // if the distance is zero, there's no need to search (and it doesn't work anyway)
        // if it's a point before the start of the line, then just return the start of the line
        // Weathermap should *never* ask for this, anyway, either
        if ($targetDistance <= 0) {
            return $left;

        // if it's a point past the end of the line, then just return the end of the line
        // Weathermap should *never* ask for this, anyway
        if ($this->elements[$right]->distance < $targetDistance) {
            return $right;

        // if somehow we have a 0-length curve, then don't try and search, just give up
        // in a somewhat predictable manner
        if ($this->elements[$left]->distance == $this->elements[$right]->distance) {
            return $left;

        while ($left <= $right) {
            $mid = intval(floor(($left + $right) / 2));

            if (($this->elements[$mid]->distance <= $targetDistance) && ($this->elements[$mid + 1]->distance > $targetDistance)) {
                return $mid;

            if ($targetDistance <= $this->elements[$mid]->distance) {
                $right = $mid - 1;
            } else {
                $left = $mid + 1;

        throw new WeathermapInternalFail("Howie's crappy binary search is wrong after all.\n");

    /** split - split the Spine into two new spines, with splitIndex in the first one
     *  used by the link-drawing code to make one curve into two arrows
     * @param int $splitIndex
     * @return Spine[] two new spines either side of the split
    private function split($splitIndex)
        $spine1 = new Spine();
        $spine2 = new Spine();

        $endCursor = $this->pointCount() - 1;
        $totalDistance = $this->totalDistance();

        // Even if splitIndex is 0, we still want element 0 in the result
        if ($splitIndex == 0) {
            $spine1->addRawElement(clone $this->elements[0]);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $splitIndex; $i++) {
            $spine1->addRawElement(clone $this->elements[$i]);

        // work backwards from the end, finishing with the same point
        // Recalculate the distance from the other end as we go
        for ($i = $endCursor; $i > $splitIndex; $i--) {
            $newElement = clone $this->elements[$i];
            //     MapUtility::wm_debug("  $totalDistance => $newDistance  \n");
            $newElement->distance = $totalDistance - $this->elements[$i]->distance;

        return array($spine1, $spine2);

    public function splitAtDistance($splitDistance)
        $spines[IN] = null;
        $spines[OUT] = null;

        list($halfwayPoint, $halfwayIndex) = $this->findPointAtDistance($splitDistance);

        MapUtility::debug($this . "\n");
        MapUtility::debug("Halfway split (%d) is at index %d %s\n", $splitDistance, $halfwayIndex, $halfwayPoint);

        list($spines[IN], $spines[OUT]) = $this->split($halfwayIndex);

        // Add the actual midpoint back to the end of both spines (on the reverse one, reverse the distance)
        $spines[IN]->addRawElement(new SpineElement($halfwayPoint, $splitDistance));
        $spines[OUT]->addRawElement(new SpineElement($halfwayPoint, $this->totalDistance() - $splitDistance));

        foreach (array(OUT, IN) as $dir) {
            if ($spines[$dir]->pointCount() < 3) {
                MapUtility::debug("Fixing 2-point spine");

        MapUtility::debug($spines[OUT] . "\n");
        MapUtility::debug($spines[IN] . "\n");

        return $spines;

    public function __toString()
        $output = 'SPINE:[';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->pointCount(); $i++) {
            $output .= sprintf('%s[%s]--', $this->elements[$i]->point, $this->elements[$i]->distance);
        $output .= ']';

        return $output;

    public function drawSpine($gdImage, $colour)
        $nPoints = count($this->elements) - 1;

        for ($i = 0; $i < $nPoints; $i++) {
            $point1 = $this->elements[$i]->point;
            $point2 = $this->elements[$i + 1]->point;

    public function drawChain($gdImage, $colour, $size = 10)
        $nPoints = count($this->elements);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $nPoints; $i++) {