namespace Weathermap\Core;
* string-handling/formatting utility functions
class StringUtility
* Aka 'screenshotify' - takes a string and masks out any word longer than 2 characters
* Also turns any IP address to
* Intended to allow a quick global setting to remove all private (text) information from
* a map for sharing.
* @param string $input The string to clean
* @return string the cleaned result
public static function stringAnonymise($input)
$output = $input;
$output = preg_replace('/\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b/', '', $output);
$output = preg_replace_callback('/([A-Za-z]{3,})/', array('self', 'stringAnonymiseReplacer'), $output);
return $output;
// PHP < 5.3 doesn't support anonymous functions, so here's a little function for wmStringAnonymise (screenshotify)
public static function stringAnonymiseReplacer($matches)
return str_repeat('x', strlen($matches[1]));
public static function formatTimeTicks($value, $prefix, $tokenCharacter, $precision)
$joinCharacter = ' ';
if ($prefix == '-') {
$joinCharacter = '';
// special formatting for time_t (t) and SNMP TimeTicks (T)
if ($tokenCharacter == 'T') {
$value = $value / 100;
$results = array();
$periods = array(
'y' => 24 * 60 * 60 * 365,
'd' => 24 * 60 * 60,
'h' => 60 * 60,
'm' => 60,
's' => 1
foreach ($periods as $periodSuffix => $timePeriod) {
$slot = floor($value / $timePeriod);
$value = $value - $slot * $timePeriod;
if ($slot > 0) {
$results [] = sprintf('%d%s', $slot, $periodSuffix);
if (count($results) == 0) {
return '0s';
return implode($joinCharacter, array_slice($results, 0, $precision));
// given a compass-point, and a width & height, return a tuple of the x,y offsets
public static function interpretNumberWithMetricSuffixOrNull($inputString, $kilo = 1000)
if ($inputString == '-') {
return null;
return self::interpretNumberWithMetricSuffix($inputString, $kilo);
* Take a string with SI suffix and make a real number out of it
* @param $inputString string of the number to interpret, with any SI suffix
* @param int $kilo base for kilo (usually 1000 or 1024)
* @return float
public static function interpretNumberWithMetricSuffix($inputString, $kilo = 1000)
$lookup = array(
'K' => $kilo,
'M' => $kilo * $kilo,
'G' => $kilo * $kilo * $kilo,
'T' => $kilo * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo,
'm' => 1 / $kilo,
'u' => 1 / ($kilo * $kilo)
if (preg_match('/([0-9\.]+)(M|G|K|T|m|u)/', $inputString, $matches)) {
$number = floatval($matches[1]);
if (isset($lookup[$matches[2]])) {
return $number * $lookup[$matches[2]];
return floatval($inputString);
* Format a number using the most-appropriate SI suffix
* @param float $number The number to format
* @param int $kilo What value to use for a K (1000 or 1024 usually)
* @param int $decimals how many decimal places to display
* @return string the resulting formatted number
public static function formatNumberWithMetricSuffix($number, $kilo = 1000, $decimals = 1)
$lookup = array(
'T' => $kilo * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo,
'G' => $kilo * $kilo * $kilo,
'M' => $kilo * $kilo,
'K' => $kilo,
'' => 1,
'm' => 1 / $kilo,
'u' => 1 / ($kilo * $kilo),
'n' => 1 / ($kilo * $kilo * $kilo)
$prefix = '';
if ($number == 0) {
return '0';
if ($number < 0) {
$number = -$number;
$prefix = '-';
foreach ($lookup as $suffix => $unit) {
if ($number >= $unit) {
return $prefix . self::formatNumber($number / $unit, $decimals) . $suffix;
return $prefix . self::formatNumber($number, $decimals);
// These next two are based on perl's Number::Format module
// by William R. Ward, chopped down to just what I needed
public static function formatNumber($number, $precision = 2)
$sign = 1;
if ($number < 0) {
$number = abs($number);
$sign = -1;
$number = round($number, $precision);
$integer = intval($number);
if (strlen($integer) < strlen($number)) {
$decimal = substr($number, strlen($integer) + 1);
if (!isset($decimal)) {
$decimal = '';
$integer = $sign * $integer;
if ($decimal == '') {
return $integer;
return $integer . '.' . $decimal;
* Extend the real sprintf() with some weathermap-specific additional tokens.
* %k for kilo-based suffixes (KGMT)
* %T and %t for SNMP timeticks
* Assumptions - this is called from ProcessString, so there will only ever be one token in
* the format string, and nothing else.
* @param string $format a format string
* @param mixed $value a value to be formatted
* @param int $kilo the base value for kilo,mega,giga calculations (1000 or 1024 usually)
* @return string the resulting string
public static function sprintf($format, $value, $kilo = 1000)
// if we get a null, it probably means no-data from the datasource plugin
// don't coerce that into a zero
if ($value === null) {
return '?';
if (preg_match('/%(\d*)\.?(\d*)k/', $format, $matches)) {
$places = 2;
// we don't really need the justification (pre-.) part...
if ($matches[2] != '') {
$places = intval($matches[2]);
return self::formatNumberWithMetricSuffix($value, $kilo, $places);
} elseif (preg_match('/%(-*)(\d*)([Tt])/', $format, $matches)) {
$precision = ($matches[2] == '' ? 10 : intval($matches[2]));
return self::formatTimeTicks($value, $matches[1], $matches[3], $precision);
return sprintf($format, $value);
* Escape a string ready for embedding in Javascript code
* @param string $str string to escape
* @return string
public static function jsEscape($str)
$str = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str);
$str = str_replace('"', '\\"', $str);
$str = '"' . $str . '"';
return $str;
* Print either a value, or the word 'null'.
* A recurring pattern in the readdata/ds plugins code where we're logging data values.
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public static function valueOrNull($value)
return $value === null ? '{null}' : $value;