namespace Weathermap\Poller;
use Weathermap\Core\MapUtility;
use Weathermap\Core\StringUtility;
use Weathermap\Integrations\MapManager;
use Weathermap\Core\Utility;
use Weathermap\Core\Map;
* A single map's worth of the surrounding stuff to make a map from a config file.
class MapRuntime
private $mapConfigFileName;
private $htmlOutputFileName;
private $imageOutputFileName;
private $resultsFileName;
private $tempImageFileName;
private $thumbnailFileName;
private $pollerConfig;
public $warncount;
public $duration;
private $manager;
private $mapConfig;
private $rrdtoolPath;
private $thumbnailSize;
private $description;
private $times = array();
private $memory = array();
private $stats = array();
* MapRuntime constructor.
* @param PollerConfig $pollerConfig
* @param stdClass $mapSpec
* @param MapManager $manager
public function __construct($pollerConfig, $mapSpec, $manager)
$this->manager = $manager;
$this->mapConfig = $mapSpec;
$this->pollerConfig = $pollerConfig;
$this->rrdtoolPath = $pollerConfig->rrdtoolFileName;
$this->thumbnailSize = $pollerConfig->thumbnailSize;
$this->mapConfigFileName = $pollerConfig->configDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mapSpec->configfile;
$this->htmlOutputFileName = $pollerConfig->outputDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mapSpec->filehash . ".html";
$this->imageOutputFileName = $pollerConfig->outputDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mapSpec->filehash . "." . $pollerConfig->imageFormat;
$this->thumbnailFileName = $pollerConfig->outputDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mapSpec->filehash . ".thumb." . $pollerConfig->imageFormat;
$this->resultsFileName = $pollerConfig->outputDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mapSpec->filehash . ".results.txt";
$this->tempImageFileName = $pollerConfig->outputDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mapSpec->filehash . ".tmp.png";
$this->duration = 0;
$this->warncount = 0;
$this->description = "[Map " . $mapSpec->id . "] " . $mapSpec->configfile;
public function __toString()
return sprintf(
"Runtime: %s -> %s & %s",
private function preChecks()
if (!file_exists($this->mapConfigFileName)) {
MapUtility::warn("Mapfile $this->mapConfigFileName is not readable or doesn't exist [WMPOLL04]\n");
return false;
return true;
private function timeStamp($name)
$this->times[$name] = microtime(true);
private function memoryStamp($name)
$this->memory[$name] = StringUtility::formatNumberWithMetricSuffix(memory_get_usage());
private function checkCron()
return Utility::checkCronString($this->pollerConfig->cronTime, $this->mapConfig->schedule);
private function checkPoint($name)
public function run()
if (!$this->preChecks()) {
return false;
if (!$this->checkCron()) {
MapUtility::debug("Skipping " . $this->mapConfig->id . " (" . $this->mapConfig->configfile . ") due to schedule.\n");
return false;
"Map: $this->mapConfigFileName -> $this->htmlOutputFileName & $this->imageOutputFileName\n",
$this->manager->application->setAppSetting("weathermap_last_started_file", $this->description);
$this->memory['_limit_'] = $memAllowed = ini_get("memory_limit");
$map = new Map;
$map->context = "cacti";
// we can grab the rrdtool path from Cacti's config, in this case
$map->rrdtool = $this->rrdtoolPath;
$map->addHint("mapgroup", $this->mapConfig->groupname);
$map->addHint("mapgroupextra", ($this->mapConfig->group_id == 1 ? "" : $this->mapConfig->groupname));
$configuredImageURI = $map->imageuri;
$map->imageuri = $this->manager->application->getMapImageURL($this->mapConfig->filehash);
$note = Utility::buildMemoryCheckString("");
"About to write image file. If this is the last message in your log, increase memory_limit in php.ini () [WMPOLL01] $note\n",
// Write the image to a temporary file first - it turns out that libpng is not that fast
// and this way we avoid showing half a map
// Firstly, don't move or delete anything if the image saving failed
if (file_exists($this->tempImageFileName)) {
// Don't try and delete a non-existent file (first run)
if (file_exists($this->imageOutputFileName)) {
rename($this->tempImageFileName, $this->imageOutputFileName);
MapUtility::notice("Wrote map to $this->imageOutputFileName and $this->thumbnailFileName\n", true);
$this->writeHTMLFile($this->htmlOutputFileName, $map, $this->mapConfig->filehash);
// put back the configured imageuri
$map->imageuri = $configuredImageURI;
// if an htmloutputfile was configured, output the HTML there too but using the configured imageuri and imagefilename
if ($map->htmloutputfile != "") {
MapUtility::debug("Writing additional HTML file to " . $map->htmloutputfile);
$this->writeHTMLFile($map->htmloutputfile, $map, $this->mapConfig->filehash);
if ($map->imageoutputfile != "" && $map->imageoutputfile != "weathermap.png" && file_exists($this->imageOutputFileName)) {
// copy the existing image file to the configured location too
MapUtility::debug("Writing additional Image file to " . $map->imageoutputfile);
@copy($this->imageOutputFileName, $map->imageoutputfile);
// if the user explicitly defined a data file, write it there too
if ($map->dataoutputfile) {
// TODO: will this ever be 0?
if (intval($map->thumbWidth) > 0) {
'thumb_width' => intval($map->thumbWidth),
'thumb_height' => intval($map->thumbHeight)
$mapDuration = $this->times['end'] - $this->times['start'];
$conf = $this->mapConfig->configfile;
MapUtility::debug("TIME: $conf took $mapDuration seconds.\n");
$map->stats->set("duration", $mapDuration);
$map->stats->set("warnings", $this->warncount);
$this->stats = $map->stats->get();
$this->manager->application->setAppSetting("weathermap_last_finished_file", $this->description);
'titlecache' => $map->processString($map->title, $map),
'warncount' => intval($this->warncount),
'runtime' => floatval($mapDuration)
return true;
public function getStats()
return array(
"memory" => $this->memory,
"times" => $this->times,
"stats" => $this->stats,
* @param string $filename
* @param Map $map
* @param string $filehash
private function writeHTMLFile($filename, $map, $filehash)
$fd = @fopen($filename, 'w');
if ($fd != false) {
fwrite($fd, $map->makeHTML('weathermap_' . $filehash . '_imap'));
MapUtility::debug("Wrote HTML to $filename");
} else {
if (file_exists($filename)) {
MapUtility::warn("Failed to overwrite $filename - permissions of existing file are wrong? [WMPOLL02]\n");
} else {
MapUtility::warn("Failed to create $filename - permissions of output directory are wrong? [WMPOLL03]\n");
* @param Map $map
private function importMapSettings($map)
global $weathermap_error_suppress;
# in the order of precedence - global extras, group extras, and finally map extras
$settingsGlobal = $this->manager->getMapSettings(0);
$settingsGroup = $this->manager->getMapSettings(-$this->mapConfig->group_id);
$settingsMap = $this->manager->getMapSettings($this->mapConfig->id);
$extraSettings = array(
"all maps" => $settingsGlobal,
"all maps in group" => $settingsGroup,
"map-global" => $settingsMap
foreach ($extraSettings as $settingType => $settingrows) {
if (is_array($settingrows) && count($settingrows) > 0) {
foreach ($settingrows as $setting) {
MapUtility::debug("Setting additional ($settingType) option: " . $setting->optname . " to '" . $setting->optvalue . "'\n");
$map->addHint($setting->optname, $setting->optvalue);
if (substr($setting->optname, 0, 7) == 'nowarn_') {
$code = strtoupper(substr($setting->optname, 7));
$weathermap_error_suppress[] = $code;