//require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/TestSupport.php';
namespace Weathermap\Tests;
//require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/all.php';
class ConfigTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected static $testsDirectory;
protected static $result1Directory;
protected static $result2Directory;
protected static $referenceDirectory;
protected static $osSpecificReferenceDirectory;
protected static $diffsDirectory;
protected static $phpTag;
protected static $osTag;
protected static $previousWorkingDirectory;
protected static $compare;
protected static $testSuiteDirectory;
// protected static $confdir;
protected $projectRoot;
* Read a config file, write an image.
* Compare the image to the 'reference' image that we generated when the
* test config was originally written. Because different PNG/gd versions
* actually produce different bytes for the same image, we use ImageMagick's
* 'compare' to do this. This also produces a nice visual diff image.
* Currently this test does most of the heavy lifting for our code coverage.
* Each test config should have a small scope of tested features if possible, or
* a specific previous bug to avoid regressions.
* @param string $configFileName config file to run
* @param string $referenceImageFileName image file with expected output
* @dataProvider configlist
public function testConfigOutput($configFileName, $referenceImageFileName)
$outputImageFileName = self::$result1Directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName . ".png";
$comparisonImageFileName = self::$diffsDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName . ".png";
$outputHTMLFileName = self::$result1Directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName . ".html";
$compareOutputFileName = $comparisonImageFileName . ".txt";
if (file_exists($compareOutputFileName)) {
$this->assertFileExists($referenceImageFileName, "reference image $referenceImageFileName missing");
$warningCount = TestSupport::runOutputTest(
self::$testsDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName,
// if REQUIRES_VERSION was set, and set to a newer version, then this test is known to fail
if ($warningCount < 0) {
$this->markTestIncomplete('This test is for a future feature');
// chdir($previouswd);
$this->assertEquals(0, $warningCount, "Warnings were generated");
# $COMPARE -metric AE $reference $result $destination > $destination2 2>&1
$cmd = sprintf(
"%s -metric AE -dissimilarity-threshold 1 \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"",
if (file_exists(self::$compare)) {
$fd2 = fopen($comparisonImageFileName . ".txt", "w");
fwrite($fd2, $cmd . "\r\n\r\n");
fwrite($fd2, getcwd() . "\r\n\r\n");
$descriptorSpec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a pipe to write to
$pipes = array();
$process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorSpec, $pipes, getcwd(), null, array('bypass_shell' => true));
$output = "";
if (is_resource($process)) {
$output = fread($pipes[2], 2000);
$output = trim($output); // newer imagemagick versions add a CRLF to the output
$returnValue = proc_close($process);
fwrite($fd2, "Returned $returnValue\r\n");
fwrite($fd2, "Output: |" . $output . "|\r\n");
// it turns out that some versions of compare output two lines, and some don't, so trim.
$lines = explode("\n", $output);
$this->AssertEquals("0", $output, "Image Output did not match reference for $configFileName via IM");
* Read a config, write an image, write a config (an editor cycle)
* then read *that* config, write an image.
* then compare the two output images - they should be identical
* (both are written by the same GD/png combo, so they should be
* byte-identical this time)
* @param string $configFileName config file to run
* @param string $referenceImageFileName reference image (not used, just here because we share a dataprovider)
* @dataProvider configlist
public function testWriteConfigConsistency($configFileName, $referenceImageFileName)
$outputImageFileName1 = self::$result1Directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName . ".png";
$outputImageFileName2 = self::$result2Directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName . ".png";
$outputConfigFileName = self::$result1Directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName;
self::$testsDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName,
self::$result1Directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFileName,
$imageFileHash1 = md5_file($outputImageFileName1);
$imageFileHash2 = md5_file($outputImageFileName2);
"Config Output from WriteConfig did not match original for $configFileName"
public function configlist()
$summaryFileName = self::$testSuiteDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "summary.html";
$osTag = self::$osTag;
$fileHandle = fopen($summaryFileName, "w");
if ($fileHandle === false) {
throw new \Exception("Failed to open summary file: $summaryFileName");
"<html><head><title>Test summary for $osTag</title><style>img {border: 1px solid black; }</style></head><body><h3>Test Summary for $osTag</h3>(result - reference - diff)<br/>\n"
fputs($fileHandle, "<p>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "</p>\n");
$configList = array();
$testFiles = array();
if (is_dir(self::$testsDirectory)) {
$dh = opendir(self::$testsDirectory);
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {
$testFiles[] = $entry;
} else {
throw new Exception("Test directory " . self::$testsDirectory . " doesn't exist!");
foreach ($testFiles as $file) {
if (substr($file, -5, 5) == '.conf') {
$resultURL = "results1-" . self::$phpTag . "/" . $file . ".png";
$diffURL = "diffs-" . self::$phpTag . "/" . $file . ".png";
$referenceURL = "references/" . $file . ".png";
$reference = self::$referenceDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . ".png";
if (file_exists(self::$osSpecificReferenceDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . ".png")) {
$reference = self::$osSpecificReferenceDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . ".png";
$referenceURL = "references/" . self::$osTag . "/" . $file . ".png";
$configList[$file] = array($file, $reference);
$title = TestSupport::getMapTitle(self::$testsDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
"<h4>%s <a href=\"tests/%s\">[conf]</a> <em>%s</em></h4><p><nobr>Out:<img align=middle src='%s'> Ref:<img src='%s' align=middle> Diff:<img align=middle src='%s'></nobr></p>\n",
fputs($fileHandle, "</body></html>");
return $configList;
protected function tearDown()
protected function setUp()
$this->projectRoot = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../");
// sometimes useful to figure out what's going on!
self::$previousWorkingDirectory = getcwd();
private function generateSlug($str)
# special accents
return strtolower(preg_replace(array('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/', '/[ -]+/', '/^-|-$/'), array('', '-', ''), $str));
// this has to happen before the dataprovider runs, but
// setUp and setUpBeforeClass are both called *after* the dataprovider
private function checkPaths()
$version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);
self::$phpTag = "php-" . $version[0] . "." . $version[1];
$testSuiteRoot = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../") . "/test-suite";
// self::$phpTag = $phpTag;
self::$result1Directory = $testSuiteRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "results1-" . self::$phpTag;
self::$result2Directory = $testSuiteRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "results2-" . self::$phpTag;
self::$diffsDirectory = $testSuiteRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "diffs-" . self::$phpTag;
self::$testsDirectory = $testSuiteRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "tests";
self::$referenceDirectory = $testSuiteRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "references";
self::$osSpecificReferenceDirectory = "";
$osCodename = trim(shell_exec("lsb_release -c -s"));
if ($osCodename == "") {
$osCodename = $this->generateSlug(PHP_OS);
// $osTag = $osCodename . "-" . self::$phpTag;
self::$osTag = $osCodename . "-" . self::$phpTag;
$osSpecificReferences = $testSuiteRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "references/" . self::$osTag;
if (is_dir($osSpecificReferences)) {
self::$osSpecificReferenceDirectory = $osSpecificReferences;
self::$testSuiteDirectory = $testSuiteRoot;
if (!file_exists(self::$result1Directory)) {
if (!file_exists(self::$result2Directory)) {
if (!file_exists(self::$diffsDirectory)) {
self::$compare = null;
// NOTE: This path will change between systems...
$compares = array(
$testSuiteRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "tools" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "compare.exe"
foreach ($compares as $c) {
if (file_exists($c) and is_executable($c)) {
self::$compare = $c;
if (!file_exists(self::$compare)) {
throw new \Exception("Compare path doesn't exist (or isn't executable) - do you have Imagemagick? \n");