// $cacti_root = "/var/www/docs/cacti/";
$cacti_root = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../";
@include_once $cacti_root . "include/global.php";
@include_once $cacti_root . "include/config.php";
$target_format = "";
$infourl_format = "";
$overlib_format = "";
# change these three and then run this.
# run the result through cacti-integrate to fill in the TARGETS etc.
# Change the
$switchname = "sw1";
$nports = 48;
$cacti_host_id = 17;
$interfacepattern = "Gi0/%d";
printf("# generated by bristle.php - %d ports\n# First, the actual switch node. Give this an ICON\nNODE %s\n\tPOSITION 400 400\n\n",
$nports, $switchname);
for ($n = 1; $n <= $nports; $n++) {
$nodename = sprintf("%s_p%d", $switchname, $n);
$linkname = sprintf("%s_%s", $switchname, $nodename);
$halfway = $nports / 2; // the midpoint of a side
$quarter = $halfway / 2; // the midpoint of a side
$voffset = 40; // the length of the bristle
$voffset2 = 13; // the inside offset of the bristle
if ($n > $halfway) {
$offset = ($n - 24 - 1 - $quarter) * 8;
} else {
// The first 24 ports grow up instead of down
$offset = ($n - 1 - $quarter) * 8;
$voffset = -$voffset;
$voffset2 = -$voffset2;
$target = "tgt?";
$infourl = "info?";
$overliburl = "over?";
printf("NODE %s\n\tPOSITION %s %d %d\n\tSET cacti_id %d\n\n",
$nodename, $switchname, $offset, $voffset, $cacti_host_id);
printf("LINK %s\n\tNODES %s:%d:%d %s\n\tBWLABEL none\n\tWIDTH 2\n\tARROWSTYLE compact\n\tOUTLINECOLOR none\n",
$linkname, $switchname, $offset, $voffset2, $nodename
$interfacename = sprintf($interfacepattern, $n);
print "\tSET out_interface $interfacename";
# printf("\tINFOURL %s\n\tOVERLIBGRAPH %s\n\tTARGET %s\n", $infourl, $overliburl, $target );
print "\n\n";
print "# Now run this output through cacti-integrate.php to add all the INFOURL and TARGET lines";