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# defaults. Should be overwritten by the cacti config.
$cacti_base = '../../';
$cacti_url = '/';

$width = 4000;
$height = 3000;

require_once 'editor-config.php';

// check if the goalposts have moved
if (is_dir($cacti_base) && file_exists($cacti_base . "include/global.php")) {
    // include the cacti-config, so we know about the database
    include_once $cacti_base . "include/global.php";
    $config['base_url'] = (isset($config['url_path']) ? $config['url_path'] : $cacti_url);
    $cacti_found = true;
} elseif (is_dir($cacti_base) && file_exists($cacti_base . "include/config.php")) {
    // include the cacti-config, so we know about the database
    include_once $cacti_base . "include/config.php";
    $config['base_url'] = (isset($config['url_path']) ? $config['url_path'] : $cacti_url);
    $cacti_found = true;
} else {
    print "You need to fix your editor-config.php\n";

include_once $cacti_base . "/lib/snmp.php";

if (!function_exists("cacti_snmp_get")) {
    die("Cacti SNMP functions are not available");

# figure out which template has interface traffic. This might be wrong for you.
$data_template = "Interface - Traffic";
$data_template_id = db_fetch_cell("SELECT id FROM data_template WHERE name='" . mysql_real_escape_string($data_template) . "'");

$Interfaces_SQL = "SELECT host.snmp_version,host.snmp_community,host.snmp_username,host.snmp_password,host.snmp_auth_protocol,host.snmp_priv_passphrase,host.snmp_priv_protocol,host.snmp_context,host.snmp_port,host.snmp_timeout,host.description, host.hostname, host.disabled, host_snmp_cache.* FROM host_snmp_cache,host WHERE AND (field_name='ifDescr' OR field_name='ifName' OR field_name='ifIP' OR field_name='ifAlias') AND host.disabled<>'on' AND field_value<>'' AND field_value<>'' AND host.status=3 AND host.snmp_version>0;";
$queryrows = db_fetch_assoc($Interfaces_SQL);

if (is_array($queryrows) && sizeof($queryrows) > 0) {
    foreach ($queryrows as $line) {
        $key = sprintf("%06d-%010d", $line['host_id'], $line['snmp_index']);
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['description'] = $line['description'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['hostname'] = $line['hostname'];

        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_version'] = $line['snmp_version'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_username'] = $line['snmp_username'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_password'] = $line['snmp_password'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_auth_protocol'] = $line['snmp_auth_protocol'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_context'] = $line['snmp_context'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_port'] = $line['snmp_port'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_timeout'] = $line['snmp_timeout'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_priv_protocol'] = $line['snmp_priv_protocol'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_priv_passphrase'] = $line['snmp_priv_passphrase'];
        $hosts[$line['host_id']]['snmp_community'] = $line['snmp_community'];

        $interfaces[$key]['index'] = $line['snmp_index'];
        $interfaces[$key]['host'] = $line['host_id'];
        if ($line['field_name'] == 'ifIP') {
            $interfaces[$key]['ip'] = $line['field_value'];
        if ($line['field_name'] == 'ifName') {
            $interfaces[$key]['name'] = $line['field_value'];
        if ($line['field_name'] == 'ifDescr') {
            $interfaces[$key]['descr'] = $line['field_value'];
        if ($line['field_name'] == 'ifAlias') {
            $interfaces[$key]['alias'] = $line['field_value'];

$count = 0;
if (file_exists("mapper-cache.txt")) {
    print "Reading Netmask cache...\n";
    $fd = fopen("mapper-cache.txt", "r");
    while (!feof($fd)) {
        $str = fgets($fd, 4096);
        $str = str_replace("\r", "", $str);

        list($key, $mask) = explode("\t", $str);
        if (preg_match('/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/', $mask, $m) && $mask != '') {
            $interfaces[$key]['netmask'] = $m[1];
print "$count netmasks in the cache.\n";

print "Collected information on " . sizeof($interfaces) . " interfaces and " . sizeof($hosts) . " hosts.\n";

$cleaned = 0;
foreach ($interfaces as $key => $int) {
    if (!isset($int['ip'])) {
    } else {
        $interfaces[$key]['nicename'] = (isset($int['name']) ? $int['name'] : (isset($int['descr']) ? $int['descr'] : (isset($int['alias']) ? $int['alias'] : "Interface #" . $int['index'])));

print "Removed $cleaned interfaces from search, which have no IP address.\n";

$count = 0;

foreach ($interfaces as $key => $int) {
    if (!isset($int['netmask'])) {
        $oid = "." . $int['ip'];
        $hostid = $int['host'];

        if ($count < 100) {
            print "Fetching Netmask via SNMP for Host " . $int['host'] . "//" . $int['ip'] . " from $oid\n";
            $result = cacti_snmp_get(
            if ($result != false && preg_match('/^\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+$/', $result)) {
                print "$result|\n";
                $interfaces[$key]['netmask'] = $result;
            } else {
                print "No useful result.\n";


$count = 0;
print "Writing Netmask cache...\n";
$fd = fopen("mapper-cache.txt", "w");
foreach ($interfaces as $key => $int) {
    if (isset($int['netmask'])) {
        fputs($fd, $key . "\t" . $int['netmask'] . "\n");
print "Wrote $count cache entries.\n";
# SNMP netmask => .
# SNMP interface index => .

$count = 0;
foreach ($interfaces as $key => $int) {
    if (isset($int['netmask'])) {
        $network = get_network($int['ip'], $int['netmask']) . "/" . get_cidr($int['netmask']);
        $interfaces[$key]['network'] = $network;

        $networks[$network] [] = $key;
    } else {
        print $int['ip'] . "\n";;
print "Assembled $count different network/netmask pairs\n";

$link_config = "";
$node_config = "";
$nodes_seen = array();

$count = 0;
$linkid = 0;
$lannodeid = 0;
foreach ($networks as $network => $members) {
    if (sizeof($members) < 2) {

    if (sizeof($members) == 2) {
        print "Create LINK between\n";
        foreach ($members as $int) {
            $h = $interfaces[$int]['host'];
            print "  " . $interfaces[$int]['nicename'];
            print " on " . $hosts[$h]['description'];
            print " (" . $hosts[$h]['hostname'] . ")\n";
            $nodes_seen[$h] = 1;
        $link_config .= "LINK link_$linkid\nWIDTH 4\n";
        $link_config .= "\tNODES node_" . $interfaces[$members[0]]['host'] . " node_" . $interfaces[$members[1]]['host'] . "\n";
        $link_config .= "\tSET in_interface " . $interfaces[$members[1]]['nicename'] . "\n";
        $link_config .= "\tSET out_interface " . $interfaces[$members[0]]['nicename'] . "\n";
        $link_config .= "\n";

    if (sizeof($members) > 2) {
        print "Create LAN NODE called $network and add LINKs from these NODEs to it:\n";
        $x = rand(0, $width);
        $y = rand(0, $height);
        $lan_key = preg_replace("/[.\/]/", "_", $network);
        $node_config .= "NODE LAN_$lan_key\nLABELBGCOLOR 255 240 240 \n\tPOSITION $x $y\n\tLABEL $network\n\tICON 96 24 rbox\n\tLABELOFFSET C\n\tLABELOUTLINECOLOR none\nUSESCALE none in\n\n";
        foreach ($members as $int) {
            $h = $interfaces[$int]['host'];
            print "  $int:: " . $interfaces[$int]['nicename'];
            print " on " . $hosts[$h]['description'];
            print " (" . $hosts[$h]['hostname'] . ")\n";
            $nodes_seen[$h] = 1;
            $link_config .= "LINK link_$linkid\n";
            $link_config .= "SET out_interface " . $interfaces[$int]['nicename'] . "\n";
            $link_config .= "\tNODES node_$h LAN_$lan_key\n\tWIDTH 2\n\tOUTCOMMENT {link:this:out_interface}\n";
        print "\n";
print "Trimmed $count networks with only one member interface\n";

foreach ($nodes_seen as $h => $c) {
    $x = rand(0, $width);
    $y = rand(0, $height);
    $node_config .= "NODE node_$h\n\tSET cacti_id $h\n";
    $node_config .= "\tLABEL " . $hosts[$h]['description'] . "\n";
    $node_config .= "\tPOSITION $x $y\n";
    $node_config .= "\tUSESCALE cactiupdown in \n";
    $node_config .= "\tLABELFONTCOLOR contrast\n";
    $node_config .= "\n\n";

$fd = fopen("automap.cfg", "w");
fputs($fd, "HTMLSTYLE overlib\nBGCOLOR 92 92 92\nWIDTH $width\nHEIGHT $height\nFONTDEFINE 30 GillSans 8\n");
fputs($fd, "FONTDEFINE 20 GillSans 10\nFONTDEFINE 10 GillSans 9\n");
    "SCALE DEFAULT 0 0 255 0 0\nSCALE DEFAULT 0 10   32 32 32   0 0 255\nSCALE DEFAULT 10 40   0 0 255   0 255 0\nSCALE DEFAULT 40 55   0 255 0   255 255 0\nSCALE DEFAULT 55 100   240 240 0   255 0 0\n");
    "\nSCALE cactiupdown 0 0.5 192 192 192 \nSCALE cactiupdown 0.5 1.5 255 0 0 \nSCALE cactiupdown 1.5 2.5 0 0 255 \nSCALE cactiupdown 2.5 3.5 0 255 0 \nSCALE cactiupdown 3.5 4.5 255 255 0 \n");
fputs($fd, "\nLINK DEFAULT\nBWSTYLE angled\nBWLABEL bits\nBWFONT 30\nCOMMENTFONT 30\n\n");
fputs($fd, "\nNODE DEFAULT\nLABELFONT 10\n\n");
fputs($fd, $node_config);
fputs($fd, $link_config);


function ip_to_int($_ip)
    if (preg_match('/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/', $_ip, $matches)) {
        $_output = 0;
        for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
            $_output <<= 8;
            $_output += $matches[$i];
        return ($_output);
    } else {
        print "Something funny: $_ip\n";
        return (-1);

function int_to_ip($_int)
    $tmp = $_int;

    for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
        $IPBit[] = ($tmp & 255);
        $tmp >>= 8;

    $_output = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", $IPBit[3], $IPBit[2], $IPBit[1], $IPBit[0]);
    return ($_output);

function get_network($_ip, $_mask)
    $_int1 = ip_to_int($_ip);
    $_mask1 = ip_to_int($_mask);

    $_network = $_int1 & ($_mask1);

    return (int_to_ip($_network));

function get_cidr($mask)
    $lookup = array(
        "" => "32",
        "" => "31",
        "" => "30",
        "" => "29",
        "" => "28",
        "" => "27",
        "" => "26",
        "" => "25",
        "" => "24",
        "" => "23",
        "" => "22",
        "" => "21",
        "" => "20",
        "" => "19",
        "" => "18",
        "" => "17",
        "" => "16",
        "" => "15",
        "" => "14",
        "" => "0"

    if ($lookup[$mask]) {
        return ($lookup[$mask]);

    print "HUH: $mask\n";

    return ("-1");
