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25 mins
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# Change the uncommented line to point to your Cacti installation
$cacti_base = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../";
# $cacti_base = "C:/xampp/htdocs/cacti/";
# $cacti_base = "/var/www/html/cacti/";
# $cacti_base = "/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/cacti/";

// check if the goalposts have moved
if (is_dir($cacti_base) && file_exists($cacti_base . "/include/global.php")) {
    // include the cacti-config, so we know about the database
    require_once $cacti_base . "include/global.php";
} elseif (is_dir($cacti_base) && file_exists($cacti_base . "/include/config.php")) {
    // include the cacti-config, so we know about the database
    require_once $cacti_base . "include/config.php";
} else {
    die("Couldn't find a usable Cacti config - check the first few lines of " . __FILE__ . "\n");

require_once 'lib/all.php';
require_once 'Console/Getopt.php';

$reverse = 0;
$inputfile = "";
$outputfile = "";
$converted = 0;
$candidates = 0;
$totaltargets = 0;

$cg = new Console_Getopt();
$short_opts = '';
$long_opts = array

$args = $cg->readPHPArgv();
$ret = $cg->getopt($args, $short_opts, $long_opts);

if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
    die("Error in command line: " . $ret->getMessage() . "\n (try --help)\n");

$gopts = $ret[0];

if (sizeof($gopts) > 0) {
    foreach ($gopts as $o) {
        switch ($o[0]) {
            case '--debug':
                $weathermap_debugging = true;
            case '--input':
                $inputfile = $o[1];
            case '--output':
                $outputfile = $o[1];
            case '--reverse':
                $reverse = 1;
            case 'help':
                print "Weathermap DSStats converter. Converts rrd targets to DSStats\n";
                print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n";
                print "Usage: php convert-to-dstats.php [options]\n\n";
                print " --input {filename}         - File to read from\n";
                print " --output {filename}        - File to write to\n";
                #    print " --reverse                  - Convert from DSStats to RRDtool instead\n";
                print " --debug                    - Enable debugging output\n";
                print " --help                    - Show this message\n";

if ($inputfile == "" || $outputfile == "") {
    print "You must specify an input and output file. See --help.\n";

$map = new WeatherMap;

$map->context = 'cacti';
$map->rrdtool = read_config_option("path_rrdtool");

print "Reading config from $inputfile\n";


$allMapItems = $map->buildAllItemsList();

 * @param $local_data_id
 * @param $dsnames
 * @param $multiply
 * @param $multiplier
 * @return array
function make_target_string($local_data_id, $dsnames, $multiply, $multiplier)
    $new_target = sprintf("dsstats:%d:%s:%s", $local_data_id, $dsnames[IN], $dsnames[OUT]);
    $m = $multiply * $multiplier;

    if ($m != 1) {
        if ($m == -1) {
            $new_target = "-" . $new_target;
        if ($m == intval($m)) {
            $new_target = sprintf("%d*%s", $m, $new_target);
        } else {
            $new_target = sprintf("%f*%s", $m, $new_target);
    return $new_target;

foreach ($allMapItems as $myobj) {
    $type = $myobj->my_type();
    $name = $myobj->name;

    wm_debug("ReadData for $type $name: \n");

    if (($type == 'LINK' && isset($myobj->a)) || ($type == 'NODE' && !is_null($myobj->x))) {
        if (count($myobj->targets) > 0) {
            $tindex = 0;
            foreach ($myobj->targets as $target) {
                wm_debug("ReadData: New Target: $target[4]\n");

                $targetstring = $target[0];
                $prefixMultiplier = $target[1];

                if ($reverse == 0 && $target[5] == "RRDTool") {
                    # list($in,$out,$datatime) =  $map->plugins['data'][ $target[5] ]->ReadData($targetstring, $map, $myobj);
                    wm_debug("ConvertDS: $targetstring is a candidate for conversion.");
                    $rrdfile = $targetstring;
                    $targetMultiplier = 8;
                    $dsnames[IN] = "traffic_in";
                    $dsnames[OUT] = "traffic_out";

                    if (preg_match('/^(.*\.rrd):([\-a-zA-Z0-9_]+):([\-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$/', $targetstring, $matches)) {
                        $rrdfile = $matches[1];

                        $dsnames[IN] = $matches[2];
                        $dsnames[OUT] = $matches[3];

                        wm_debug("ConvertDS: Special DS names seen (" . $dsnames[IN] . " and " . $dsnames[OUT] . ").\n");
                    if (preg_match('/^rrd:(.*)/', $rrdfile, $matches)) {
                        $rrdfile = $matches[1];
                    if (preg_match('/^gauge:(.*)/', $rrdfile, $matches)) {
                        $rrdfile = $matches[1];
                        $targetMultiplier = 1;
                    if (preg_match('/^scale:([+-]?\d*\.?\d*):(.*)/', $rrdfile, $matches)) {
                        $rrdfile = $matches[2];
                        $targetMultiplier = $matches[1];

                    $path_rra = $config["rra_path"];
                    $db_rrdname = str_replace($path_rra, "<path_rra>", $rrdfile);
                    # special case for relative paths
                    $db_rrdname = str_replace("../../rra", "<path_rra>", $db_rrdname);

                    if ($db_rrdname != $rrdfile) {
                        wm_debug("ConvertDS: Looking for $db_rrdname in the database.");

                        $SQLcheck = "select data_template_data.local_data_id from data_template_data,data_template_rrd where data_template_data.local_data_id=data_template_rrd.local_data_id and data_template_data.data_source_path='" . PDO::quote($db_rrdname) . "'";
                        wm_debug("ConvertDS: " . $SQLcheck);
                        $results = db_fetch_assoc($SQLcheck);

                        if ((sizeof($results) > 0) && (isset($results[0]['local_data_id']))) {
                            $local_data_id = $results[0]['local_data_id'];
                            $new_target = make_target_string($local_data_id, $dsnames, $prefixMultiplier, $targetMultiplier);

                            wm_debug("ConvertDS: Converting to $new_target");

                            $myobj->targets[$tindex][4] = $new_target;
                        } else {
                            wm_warn("ConvertDS: Failed to find a match for $db_rrdname - can't convert to DSStats.");
                    } else {
                        wm_warn("ConvertDS: $rrdfile doesn't match with $path_rra - not bothering to look in the database.");


            wm_debug("ReadData complete for $type $name\n");
        } else {
            wm_debug("ReadData: No targets for $type $name\n");
    } else {
        wm_debug("ReadData: Skipping $type $name that looks like a template\n.");


print "Wrote new config to $outputfile\n";

print "$totaltargets targets, $candidates rrd-based targets, $converted were actually converted.\n";

// vim:ts=4:sw=4: