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package config

const (
    // FormKeyStorageKey is form key of storage key
    FormKeyStorageKey = "key"
    // FormKeyWidth is form key of width
    FormKeyWidth = "w"
    // FormKeyHeight is form key of height
    FormKeyHeight = "h"
    // FormKeyQuality is form key of quality
    FormKeyQuality = "q"
    // FormKeyNonUseCache is form key of nonusecache
    FormKeyNonUseCache = "nonusecache"
    // FormKeyRotate is form key of round
    FormKeyRotate = "rotate"
    // FormKeyCrop is form key of crop
    FormKeyCrop = "crop"
    // FormKeyBrightness is form key of brightness
    FormKeyBrightness = "bri"
    // FormKeyContrast is form key of contrast
    FormKeyContrast = "cont"
    // FormKeyGamma is form key of gamma
    FormKeyGamma = "gam"
    // FormKeyUploadFile is form key of uploadfile
    FormKeyUploadFile = "uploadfile"
    // FormKeyPath is form key of path
    FormKeyPath = "path"