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Test Coverage
# esential - CS 169 Project

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## About esential

Esential is a non-profit organization that aims to connect local communities with low-income individuals who are in need of a low interest rate loan. By signing up for an account, community members will be able to list the amount they wish to loan with a desired interest rate. Individuals in need will be able to search for a loan whose terms they can agree on and arrange to meet in person with the loaner.

Please visit our [website](https://esential-2016.herokuapp.com) to get involved.

## Setup

Clone or fork repo and run rake db:setup.

Our cucumber tests utilizes Poltergeist with PhantomJS as our driver for Capybara so make sure to follow the [directions](https://github.com/teampoltergeist/poltergeist#user-content-installing-phantomjs) to install PhantomJS on your local machine.

That's it!