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Test Coverage
Iter 3-1 User Stories

As a borrower, I should be able to choose a community and be able to submit a personal message, so that I may apply for a loan.

As a borrower, I should be able to see the communities zip codes on my dashboard, that way I have full information regarding the community I am looking at

As a lender, I should be able to receive an email that directs me to my inbox, so that I may accept or reject a loan request.

As a borrower, I should be able to search for communities by zipcode proximity, so that I can see a list of communities close by, and find relevant loans that meet my needs
# We weren't able to sort by zipcode proximity just yet.. the api that we are using is a bit difficult to implement into our app. We will hopefully get it done by next iteration. For now, it is only search by exact zipcode.

As a community, I should be able to see other communities, so that I am able to see my competition and the market rates