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Test Coverage
<%= form_for @event, html: { class: 'form-horizontal event' } do |f| %>
  <%= render partial: 'application/validation_errors', locals: {model: @event} %>

  <div class="form-group order-1">
    <h3 class="form-group__title"><%= t('activerecord.attributes.event.basic_information') %></h3>
  <div class="form-group order-1">
    <%= f.label :name, class: 'control-label col-lg-2' %>
    <div class="col-lg-10">
      <%= f.text_field :name, class: 'form-control' %>
      <%= f.error_span(:name) %>

  <div class="form-group order-1 row">
    <%= f.label :image, t('activerecord.models.image.one'), class: 'control-label col-lg-2'%>
    <div class="col-lg-10">
      <% unless @event.new_record? %>
        <%= image_tag @event.image_url || image_path('missing_event_image.jpg'), id: 'preview', style: 'max-width:100px; max-height:100px'%>
      <% end %>
      <%= f.file_field :image, class: 'form-control-file' %>
      <% if @event.image %>
        <%= f.check_box :remove_image %>
        <%= f.label :remove_image, t('helpers.submit.delete', model: t('activerecord.models.image.one'))+ "  " %>
      <% end %>

  <div class="form-group order-1">
    <%= f.label :description, class: 'control-label col-lg-2' %>
    <div class="col-lg-10">
      <%= f.text_area :description, class: 'form-control' %>

  <div class="form-group order-3">
    <%= f.label :max_teams, class: 'control-label col-lg-2' %>
    <div class="col-lg-10">
      <%= f.number_field :max_teams, class: 'form-control' %>
      <%= f.error_span(:max_teams) %>

  <div class="form-group order-1">
    <%= f.label :discipline, class: 'control-label col-lg-2' %>
    <div class="col-lg-10">
      <%= f.text_field :discipline, list: "discipline", class: 'form-control' %>
      <datalist id = "discipline">
        <option value=<%= t('events.discipline.basketball') %>>
        <option value=<%= t('events.discipline.soccer')%>>
        <option value=<%= t('events.discipline.tennis')%>>
        <option value=<%= t('events.discipline.table_tennis')%>>
        <option value=<%= t('events.discipline.table_football')%>>
        <option value=<%= t('events.discipline.volleyball')%>>
      <%= f.error_span(:discipline) %>

  <%# Rendering the correct template depending on the event type %>
  <%= render "events/forms/#{@event.model_name}", form: f %>

  <div class="form-group order-7">
    <div class="col-lg-offset-2 col-lg-10">
      <%= f.submit nil,
                   class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
      <%= link_to t('helpers.links.cancel'),
                  class: 'btn btn-default' %>

<% end %>