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Test Coverage
Feature: Student login
    As an student
    So that I can access the application
      I want to login to the app with github

      Given I am signed in with uid "1234" and provider "github"
      And I am on the CourseQuestionBank home page

Scenario: redirect to login page if not logged in
      Given I am not logged in
      And I am on the CourseQuestionBank home page
      Then I should be on the login page

Scenario: redirect to home page if login successful
      Given I am on the login page
      And I follow "Log in with your GitHub account"
      Then I should be on the problems page

Scenario: Student should not see problem details
    Given I am on the problems page
    Then I should not see "My Collections"

Feature: collection buttons can be collapsed
    As an instructor
    I want to have a nicer user interface 
    So that I want to add a button that can expand or collapse collections  

    Given I am signed in with uid "1234" and provider "github"
    And I am on the CourseQuestionBank home page

Scenario: collections can be expanded
  When I click "More.." I should see "Less.."