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Test Coverage
- content_for(:title) { "Analysis" }

%h2.text-center Responsiveness by Language

  Many people value a healthy, active community as an important part of
  a programming language's value. Most people want to know that if bugs
  and issues come up, enough other people will also care enough that the
  issue will get resolved.


  = language_chart

%h2.text-center Testing for Correlation


  - r2 = "r<sup>2</sup>".html_safe
  While creating this application, I was curious about whether various metadata
  about a project was related to the time it would take to close a Github issue.
  I built these charts to visualize the relationship between different attributes,
  and I display the calculated
  = r2
  underneath each chart. For most of these charts, the
  = r2
  is below
  = succeed "," do
    %code 0.1
  meaning there is no linear relationship.

  Scatterplots show 1000 random repositories with sufficient data.


  = analysis_chart({pr_close_time: "Seconds to Close a Pull Request", stars: "Number of Stars"})
  = analysis_chart({issue_close_time: "Seconds to Close an Issue", stars: "Number of Stars"})
  = analysis_chart({pr_close_time: "Seconds to Close a Pull Request", issues_count: "Number of Issues"})
  = analysis_chart({issue_close_time: "Seconds to Close an Issue", issues_count: "Number of Issues"})
  = analysis_chart({pr_close_time: "Seconds to Close a Pull Request", issue_close_time: "Seconds to Close an Issue"})
  = analysis_chart({forks: "Forks", size: "Size (KB)"})
  = analysis_chart({size: "Size (KB)", stars: "Stars"})
  = analysis_chart({pr_close_time: "Seconds to Close a Pull Request", size: "Size (KB)"})
  = analysis_chart({pr_close_time: "Seconds to Close a Pull Request", forks: "Forks"})
  = analysis_chart({issue_close_time: "Seconds to Close an Issue", forks: "Forks"})