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import process from 'node:process';

import { handleArgv } from 'aspargvs';
import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import { htmlToText } from 'html-to-text';

import { version as httVersion } from '../../html-to-text/package.json';
import { version as cliVersion } from '../package.json';

const kebabToCamelCase = (str) => str
  .replace(/-./g, x => x[1].toUpperCase());

const camelToKebabCase = (str) => str
  .replace(/\B([A-Z])(?=[a-z])/g, '-$1')
  .replace(/\B([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2')

const versionText =
`${cliVersion} - cli version
${httVersion} - converter version`;

const helpHeader =
`Advanced html to plain text converter
${versionText.replace(/^/gm, '  ')}

  - send input HTML document to stdin;
  - get plain text from stdout;
  - use arguments to specify commands and options;
  - refer to html-to-text package docs for all available options;
  - all options except functions can be expressed in CLI args;
  - below is the short summary of the args syntax;
  - refer to @html-to/text-cli docs for further details.


  handlers: {
    help: (text) => helpHeader + text,
    unparse: true,
    inspect: { depth: 5, },
    json: businessLogic,
    merge: (acc, next) => deepmerge(acc, next),
    key: kebabToCamelCase,
    unkey: camelToKebabCase,
    bin: () => 'html-to-text',
    version: () => versionText,
  presets: {
    'human': {
      description: 'Some options more suitable for human reading',
      json: {
        wordwrap: 80,
        longWordSplit: { forceWrapOnLimit: true },
        selectors: [
          { selector: 'table', format: 'dataTable' }
    'machine': {
      description: 'Some options more suitable for machine processing',
      json: {
        wordwrap: false,
        longWordSplit: { forceWrapOnLimit: false },
        selectors: [
          { selector: 'table', format: 'block' },
          { selector: 'tr', format: 'block' },
          { selector: 'th', format: 'block' },
          { selector: 'td', format: 'block' },

function businessLogic (optionsObject) {
  let text = '';

  process.title = 'html-to-text';

  process.stdin.on('data', data => { text += data; });
  process.stdin.on('end', () => {
    text = htmlToText(text, optionsObject);
    process.stdout.write(text + '\n', 'utf-8');