JQ = Ember.Namespace.create();
// Create a new mixin for jQuery UI widgets using the Ember
// mixin syntax.
JQ.Widget = Em.Mixin.create({
// When Ember creates the view's DOM element, it will call this
// method.
didInsertElement: function() {
// Make jQuery UI options available as Ember properties
var options = this._gatherOptions();
// Make sure that jQuery UI events trigger methods on this view.
// Create a new instance of the jQuery UI widget based on its `uiType`
// and the current element.
var ui = jQuery.ui[this.get('uiType')](options, this.get('element'));
// Save off the instance of the jQuery UI widget as the `ui` property
// on this Ember view.
this.set('ui', ui);
// When Ember tears down the view's DOM element, it will call
// this method.
willDestroyElement: function() {
var ui = this.get('ui');
if (ui) {
// Tear down any observers that were created to make jQuery UI
// options available as Ember properties.
var observers = this._observers;
for (var prop in observers) {
if (observers.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
this.removeObserver(prop, observers[prop]);
// Each jQuery UI widget has a series of options that can be configured.
// For instance, to disable a button, you call
// `button.options('disabled', true)` in jQuery UI. To make this compatible
// with Ember bindings, any time the Ember property for a
// given jQuery UI option changes, we update the jQuery UI widget.
_gatherOptions: function() {
var uiOptions = this.get('uiOptions'), options = {};
// The view can specify a list of jQuery UI options that should be treated
// as Ember properties.
uiOptions.forEach(function(key) {
options[key] = this.get(key);
// Set up an observer on the Ember property. When it changes,
// call jQuery UI's `option` method to reflect the property onto
// the jQuery UI widget.
var observer = function() {
var value = this.get(key);
this.get('ui').option(key, value);
this.addObserver(key, observer);
// Insert the observer in a Hash so we can remove it later.
this._observers = this._observers || {};
this._observers[key] = observer;
}, this);
return options;
// Each jQuery UI widget has a number of custom events that they can
// trigger. For instance, the progressbar widget triggers a `complete`
// event when the progress bar finishes. Make these events behave like
// normal Ember events. For instance, a subclass of JQ.ProgressBarView
// could implement the `complete` method to be notified when the jQuery
// UI widget triggered the event.
_gatherEvents: function(options) {
var uiEvents = this.get('uiEvents') || [], self = this;
uiEvents.forEach(function(event) {
var callback = self[event];
if (callback) {
// You can register a handler for a jQuery UI event by passing
// it in along with the creation options. Update the options hash
// to include any event callbacks.
options[event] = function(event, ui) {, event, ui); };