= title 'Anime Recommendations'
- if current_user.recommendations_up_to_date
- unless current_user.recommendations_up_to_date
We're updating your recommendations. Hang on!
function checkForCompletion() {
$.getJSON("/users.json", function(data) {
if (!data["recommendations_up_to_date"]) {
setTimeout("checkForCompletion()", 5000);
else {
$(".updating-recommendations").html("We're done updating your recommendations. <a href='/recommendations'>Check them out!</a>");
- else
/ By status recommendations
- @status_categories.each do |category|
Based on the anime
= @word_before[category]
%strong= category.titleize
- if false
%p.head-action= link_to "view more", "#"
- if @recommendations[category].length == 0 Uh oh, we don't have any recommendations for you yet!
- else
- @recommendations[category][0..4].each do |anime|
%a.small.button{:"data-slug" => anime.slug}
Plan to Watch
= link_to (image_tag anime.poster_image(:large), alt: anime.canonical_title(current_user.title_language_preference)), anime
%p.title= anime.canonical_title(current_user.title_language_preference)
%a.not-interested(href="javascript:void(0)"){:"data-slug" => anime.slug} Not Interested
/ By genre
- current_user.favorite_genres.each do |genre|
%a{name: "genre_"+genre.slug}
Based on your interest in
- if false
%p.head-action= link_to "view more", "#"
- if @genre_recommendations[genre.slug].length == 0 Uh oh, we don't have any recommendations for you yet!
- else
- @genre_recommendations[genre.slug][0..4].each do |anime|
%a.small.button{:"data-slug" => anime.slug}
Plan to Watch
= link_to (image_tag anime.poster_image(:large), alt: anime.canonical_title(current_user.title_language_preference)), anime
%p.title= anime.canonical_title(current_user.title_language_preference)
%a.not-interested(href="javascript:void(0)"){:"data-slug" => anime.slug} Not Interested
/ filter panel
%p.head-title By Library
= link_to "Overview", "#", :class => "active"
= link_to "Currently Watching", "#"
= link_to "Plan to Watch", "#"
= link_to "Completed", "#"
%p.head-title By Genre
%p.head-action= link_to "edit", "javascript:void(0)", "data-reveal-id" => "favorite_genres"
- if current_user.favorite_genres.length > 0
- current_user.favorite_genres.each do |genre|
%li{id: genre.slug}= link_to, "#genre_"+genre.slug
- else
%em (You haven't selected any favorite genres.)
= render partial: "genres/favorite_genres_modal"
$("p.wanna-watch a").click ->
slug = $(this).attr("data-slug")
$(this).html $("<i class='fa'></i>").addClass("fa-spin").addClass("fa-spinner")
that = this
$.post "/recommendations/plan_to_watch", {anime: slug}, (d) ->
$("a.not-interested").click ->
slug = $(this).attr("data-slug")
that = this
$.post "/recommendations/not_interested", {anime: slug}, (d) ->
$(that).closest("li").fadeTo(500, 0.2)