= link_to image_tag("", :height => "20px", :width => "119px"), "/"
%a{:href => "#"}
%span Menu
/ Left Nav Section
= link_to "Library", "#"
= link_to "Anime Library", user_signed_in? ? main_app.user_library_path(current_user) : "/sign-in"
= link_to "Manga Library", user_signed_in? ? "/users/#{}/library/manga" : "/sign-in"
%a{:href => "/anime"} Explore
// change me to upcoming link
= link_to "Upcoming", main_app.anime_season_path
= link_to "Community", ""
/ Right Nav Section
%form#live_search_form{:action => "/search", :autocomplete => "off"}
%input.typeahead#nav_search_input(type="text" name="query"){:placeholder => "Search...", :value => params[:query], :autocomplete => "off"}{:type => "submit", :value => "search"}
- if user_signed_in?
%a.notification-button{href: "/notifications", class: ("active" if Notification.unseen_count(current_user) > 0)}
- if Notification.unseen_count(current_user) > 0
%span.notification-count= "%02d" % Notification.unseen_count(current_user)
= render partial: "notifications/notification", collection: Notification.recent_notifications(current_user)
view all
= link_to image_tag(current_user.avatar_url, :class => "avatar"), main_app.user_path(current_user), :class => "avatar-link-selector"
= link_to "View Profile", main_app.user_path(current_user)
= link_to "Settings", main_app.edit_user_registration_path
- if current_user.admin?
= link_to "Admin panel", "/kotodama"
= link_to "Sign out", main_app.destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete
- else
%a{href: "/sign-in"} Sign In
%a{href: "/sign-up"} Create an Account
- if not user_signed_in?
= link_to "Hummingbird is the easiest way to track, share and discover new anime. Join now, for free!", "/sign-up"
%span.guest-button= link_to "Get Started", main_app.new_user_registration_path
- if user_signed_in? and not current_user.confirmed?
%a(data-tooltip data-width=500 title="You can confirm your email address by clicking on the link in the email you received after registration. If you didn't receive a confirmation email, click on the 'Resend Confirmation Email' button.") Please confirm your email address.
%span.guest-button= link_to "Resend Confirmation Email", new_confirmation_path(User)
- flash.each do |style, message|
.alert-box{:class => style.to_s}= message