#!/bin/bash -l
# This script will update the git repository to the latest revision in the
# origin's master branch. Then it restarts sidekiq using monit and does a zero
# downtime restart of the unicorn process.
post_message () {
curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"attachments":[{
"color": "#5DBCD2",
"text": "'"$1"'",
"fallback": "'"$1"'",
"mrkdwn_in": ["text"]'"$3"'
if [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ]; then
post_message 'Deploy starting...' '' ', "author_name": "'"$1"'", "author_link": "'"$1"'", "author_icon": "'"$2"'"'
post_message 'Deploy starting...'
DIR=$(dirname "$0")
cd $DIR
# Update the git repo.
git fetch
git checkout master
git reset --hard HEAD@{upstream}
chown -R hummingbird:www-data .
# bundle install, precompile assets, migrate database
if [ $(whoami) = "hummingbird" ]
cd $DIR && bundle install --deployment --without test
cd $DIR && cd frontend && npm install
cd $DIR && cd frontend && bower install
cd $DIR && bundle exec rake assets:precompile EMBERCLI_COMPILE=1
cd $DIR && bundle exec rake db:migrate
su - hummingbird -c "cd $DIR && bundle install --deployment --without test"
su - hummingbird -c "cd $DIR && cd frontend && npm install"
su - hummingbird -c "cd $DIR && cd frontend && bower install"
su - hummingbird -c "cd $DIR && bundle exec rake assets:precompile EMBERCLI_COMPILE=1"
su - hummingbird -c "cd $DIR && bundle exec rake db:migrate"
# restart sidekiq
monit restart sidekiq
# zero-downtime unicorn restart
kill -USR2 `cat tmp/pids/`
post_message 'Deploy done.'