module Zorro
# Sets up Mapping data for Aozora, imports hashtags, and potentially creates new anime where we
# don't already have them.
class AnimeMapper
include WithProgressBar
SELECTED_FIELDS = %w[myAnimeListID traktID anilistID tvdbID hashtags].map { |k|
[k, true]
class << self
def run!
each_anime do |kitsu_id, anime|
# Import Anime Mappings
create_mapping('aozora', anime['_id'], kitsu_id)
mal_id = anime['myAnimeListID']
create_mapping('myanimelist/anime', mal_id, kitsu_id) if mal_id
create_mapping('trakt', anime['traktID'], kitsu_id) if anime['traktID']
create_mapping('anilist', "anime/#{anime['anilistID']}", kitsu_id) if anime['anilistID']
create_mapping('thetvdb', anime['tvdbID'], kitsu_id) if anime['tvdbID']
# Import Hashtags
anime['hashtags'].each do |tag|
Hashtag.find_or_create(tag, item_type: 'Anime', item_id: kitsu_id)
# Runs a block for each anime in the Aozora database, ignoring items without a myAnimeListID,
# picking only the necessary columns, matching them to Kitsu, and then logging them.
# Probably does too much, frankly, but that's okay. This code is gonna get deleted once it's
# been run once.
def each_anime # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
# Build our filter
filter = { myAnimeListID: { '$exists' => true } }
# Set up a hash to track our actions for logging purposes
results = { imported: 0, mapped: 0 }
# Set up a progress bar
bar = progress_bar('Aozora', Zorro::DB::Anime.count(filter))
# Find all the anime with MAL IDs, pick the fields with the projection param, and iterate
Zorro::DB::Anime.find(filter, projection: SELECTED_FIELDS).each do |anime|
# Find the kitsu_id using the MAL ID from Aozora
kitsu_id = Mapping.lookup('myanimelist/anime', anime['myAnimeListID'])&.id
# If we don't have a match, import it and note that in the results hash
unless kitsu_id
kitsu_id = import_anime(anime['_id']).id
results[:imported] += 1
# Log the mappings that Aozora has and log that we successfully mapped it
# First, grab all the keys and strip them of the "ID" suffix
imported_sites = { |k| k.end_with?('ID') }.map { |k| k.sub(/ID\z/, '') }
# Then log the Aozora ID, the Kitsu ID, and the names of other sites we're getting IDs for
puts "#{anime['_id']} => #{kitsu_id} (+ #{imported_sites.join(', ')})"
# Yes, we increment this too, it's technically a superset of imported items.
results[:mapped] += 1
# Push the bar forward
yield kitsu_id, anime
puts "Imported to Kitsu: #{results[:imported]} | Mapped to Aozora: #{results[:mapped]}"
# Creates a mapping if it doesn't already exist in the database
# @param site [String] the external_site key for the Mapping table
# @param id [String] the external_id value for the Mapping table
# @param anime_id [Integer] the Kitsu ID of the Anime
def create_mapping(site, id, anime_id)
external_site: site,
item_id: anime_id,
item_type: 'Anime'
).first_or_create(external_id: id)
# Imports an anime from Aozora
# @param aozora_id [String] the Anime ID in the Aozora database
def import_anime(aozora_id)!