# An Action is a class representing a single task. It's an implementation of the "command" pattern,
# comparable to the Interactors gem. Unlike Interactors, however, Actions are based on ActiveModel,
# and are expected to raise an exception when they fail.
# == Why Not Interactors?
# Interactors implement a monadic error handling mechanism, which is cool but makes interop with
# other Ruby code rather difficult. Interactors also rely on a shared "context" namespace for
# both passing arguments and returning results.
# = Implementing an Action
# To implement an Action, create a new file in the `app/actions` directory, and create a subclass of
# `Action`. Generally, this will be in verb form, think "ResetPassword" or "CancelOrder". Add any
# parameter declarations with the DSL, any validations (all ActiveModel validations should work!),
# and a `#call` method. If you want to return something from an Action, return a hash which will be
# wrapped in an OpenStruct. For example:
# class ResetPassword < Action
# parameter :email, required: true
# def call
# { delivery: UserMailer.reset_password(email).deliver_now }
# end
# end
# = Calling an Action
# Action classes act like Procs which take a hash as a parameter (defined by the `parameter` calls
# in the DSL) and return a Struct-like object. To use an Action, simply `.call()` them, like this:
# '')
# One thing to note is that any unknown parameters are silently ignored.
class Action
include ActiveModel::Model
include DSL
result = new(obj).tap(&:validate!).call
result.is_a?(Hash) ? : result
def initialize(obj)
# Slice our input to just the necessary attributes
# @return [Hash] the context of this action
def context { |k| [k, public_send(k)] }.to_h
# Alias for ActiveModel
alias_method :attributes, :context
# RAILS-5: replace with ActiveModel#validate!
def validate!
raise ValidationError, self unless valid?