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25 mins
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import Component from '@ember/component';
import { get, set, computed } from '@ember/object';
import { equal } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { capitalize, htmlSafe } from '@ember/string';
import { isEmpty } from '@ember/utils';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';
import { strictInvokeAction } from 'ember-invoke-action';

export default Component.extend({
  classNames: ['quick-update-item'],
  updatePostText: '',
  intl: service(),
  store: service(),
  isCompleted: equal('entry.status', 'completed').readOnly(),

  buttonTooltipText: computed('updatePostText', function() {
    const text = get(this, 'updatePostText');
    const key = 'dashboard.quick-update.overlay.button.tooltip';
    return isEmpty(text) ? `${key}.empty` : `${key}.content`;

  nextProgress: computed('entry.progress', function() {
    const progress = get(this, 'entry.progress');
    const total = get(this, '');
    return progress === total ? progress : progress + 1;

  canComplete: computed('nextProgress', function() {
    return get(this, 'nextProgress') === get(this, '');

   * Get the translated subtext for the quick update item
  unitText: computed('isCompleted', 'entry.{progress,unit}', function() {
    // Completed?
    if (get(this, 'isCompleted')) {
      return get(this, 'intl').t('');
    // No Progress?
    if (!get(this, 'entry.progress')) {
      return get(this, 'intl').t('');
    // Current Unit
    const text = get(this, 'intl').t('', {
      type: get(this, ''),
      num: get(this, 'entry.progress'),
      total: get(this, '')
    // do we have the current unit information for this media?
    const unit = get(this, 'entry').belongsTo('unit').value();
    if (unit) {
      const title = get(this, 'entry.unit.canonicalTitle');
      const placeHolderTitle = `${capitalize(get(unit, 'modelType'))} ${get(unit, 'number')}`;
      if (title && title !== placeHolderTitle) {
        return `${text} ยท ${title}`;
    return text;

  completedPercent: computed('entry.progress', function() {
    const progress = get(this, 'entry.progress');
    const total = get(this, '');
    const result = ((progress / total) * 100).toFixed(2);
    return htmlSafe(`width: ${result}%;`);

  mediaPosterURL: computed('entry.{media,unit}', function() {
    let posterObject = get(this, '');
    const thumbnail = get(this, 'entry.unit.thumbnail');
    if (thumbnail && Object.keys(thumbnail).length > 0) {
      posterObject = thumbnail;
    return posterObject;

  updateEntryTask: task(function* () {
    const model = get(this, 'entry');
    const progress = get(this, 'nextProgress');
    set(model, 'progress', progress);
    // Update status if this update will complete the media
    if (progress === get(this, '')) {
      set(model, 'status', 'completed');
    try {
      yield strictInvokeAction(this, 'updateEntry', model);
      yield strictInvokeAction(this, 'reloadUnit');
      yield strictInvokeAction(this, 'createPost', get(this, 'updatePostText'));
    } catch (error) {
    } finally {
      set(this, 'updatePostText', '');