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Test Coverage
// Vendor
// All the CSS files from external libraries and frameworks. Not from us, not
// our code, not our responsibility. Placed first for overrides
  'bootstrap-flex', // CSS Framework used site-wide
  'vendor/hint', // lightweight css tooltips

// Base
// Contains what we might call the boilerplate code for Kitsu. Things such as
// typographic rules, colors, resets, etc.
  'base/_base', // General CSS styles
  'base/_typography', // how text appears on the site
  'base/_animate.scss'; // animation library

// Utilities
// Gathers Sass tools and helpers used across the project. Global variables,
// functions, mixins and placeholders should be placed here.
  'utilities/_mixins'; // CSS Mixins used site-wide

// Layout
// Contains everything that takes part in laying out Kitsu. Things such as the
// header, footer, forms, etc.
  'layout/_z-index', // z-index scale
  'layout/_navbar', // Navigation Bars
  'layout/_cover-images', // Cover section found on user and media pages
  'layout/_modals', // various pop-up modal styles
  'layout/_profile-links', // profile connect view within edit profile modal
  'layout/_favorites', // Favorites and edit favorites fields
  'layout/_login-register-modal', // Onboarding, Login, Register, Forgot pass
  'layout/_feeds', // Activity feeds
  'layout/_sidebars', // Siderbars for feeds
  'layout/_quick-update', // Dashboard quick update
  'layout/_guest-banner'; // Guest Banner

// Components
// While layout/ is macro (defining the global wireframe), components/ is more
// focused on widgets. It holds specific modules likes media, thumbnails, etc.
  'components/_dropdowns', // rules for bootstraps default dropdowns
  'components/_avatars', // various user avatar rules
  'components/_buttons', // buttons used site-wide
  'components/_switch', // Toggle switch styles
  'components/_tabs', // Tabs used on settings and edit profile
  'components/_checklist', // Checklist panel used for onboarding steps
  'components/_onebox', // Embedded items in feed posts
  'components/_user-card', // Cards displayed on pop-up and follow pages
  'components/_tether', // Tethered elements
  'components/_forums_widget', // Industry news widget in dashboard sidebar
  'components/_likeable-resource.scss', // Post reacton modal

// Pages
// Page-specific styles, in a file named after the page.
  'pages/_library', // User library page
  'pages/_media-browse', // Browse anime, manga, etc.
  'pages/_media-pages', // Detail page for individual media
  'pages/_settings', // User settings
  // 'pages/_characters-people',
  'pages/_unit-pages', // Episode and Chapter pages

// Declarations, hacks and naughty code we're not proud of.
@import 'base/_shame';