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4 days
Test Coverage
const english = {
    settings: "Settings",
    dashboard: "Dashboard",
    services: "Services",
    service: "Service",
    failures: "Failures",
    users: "Users",
    login: "Login",
    logout: "Logout",
    online: "Online",
    offline: "Offline",
    configs: "Configuration",
    username: "Username",
    password: "Password",
    email: "Email",
    confirm_password: "Confirm Password",
    uptime: "Uptime",
    name: "Name",
    copy: "Copy",
    close: "Close",
    secret: "Secret",
    regen_api: "Regenerate API Keys",
    regen_desc: "API Secret is used for read create update and delete routes. You can Regenerate API Keys if you need to.",
    visibility: "Visibility",
    group: "Group",
    group_create: "Create Group",
    group_update: "Update Group",
    group_public_desc: "Show group services to the public",
    groups: "Groups",
    no_group: "No Group",
    public: "Public",
    private: "Private",
    announcements: "Announcements",
    notifiers: "Notifiers",
    logs: "Logs",
    help: "Help",
    type: "Type",
    edit: "Edit",
    update: "Update",
    create: "Create",
    view: "View",
    save: "Save",
    title: "Title",
    status: "Status",
    begins: "Begins",
    total_services: "Total Services",
    online_services: "Online Services",
    request_timeout: "Request Timeout",
    service_never_online: "Service has never been online",
    service_online_check: "Online checked",
    service_offline_time: "Service has been offline for",
    days_ago: "Days Ago",
    today: "Today",
    week: "Week",
    month: "Month",
    day: "Day",
    hour: "Hour",
    minute: "Minute",
    failures_24_hours: "Failures last 24 hours",
    no_services: "You currently don't have any services!",
    theme: "Theme",
    cache: "Cache",
    authentication: "Authentication",
    import: "Import",
    main_settings: "Main Settings",
    variables: "Variables",
    docs: "Documentation",
    links: "Links",
    changelog: "Change Log",
    repo: "Repository",
    language: "Language",
    db_connection: "Database Connection",
    db_host: "Database Host",
    db_port: "Database Port",
    db_username: "Database Username",
    db_password: "Database Password",
    db_database: "Database Name",
    send_reports: "Send Error Reports",
    send_reports_desc: "Send errors to Statping for debugging",
    project_name: "Status Page Name",
    description: "Description",
    domain: "Domain",
    enable_cdn: "Enable CDN",
    newsletter: "Newsletter",
    newsletter_note: "We will only send you an email for major changes",
    loading: "Loading",
    save_settings: "Save Settings",
    average_response: "Average Response",
    last_uptime: "Uptime last",
    sign_in: "Sign In",
    last_login: "Last Login",
    admin: "Admin",
    user: "User",
    failed: "Failed",
    wrong_login: "Incorrect username or password",
    theme_editor: "Theme Editor",
    enable_assets: "Enable Local Assets",
    assets_desc: "Customize your status page design by enabling local assets. This will create a 'assets' directory containing all CSS.",
    assets_btn: "Enable Local Assets",
    assets_loading: "Creating Assets",
    assets_dir: "Assets Directory",
    footer: "Footer",
    footer_notes: "You can use HTML tags in footer",
    global_announcement: "Global Announcement",
    announcement_date: "Announcement Date Range",
    notify_users: "Notify Users",
    notify_desc: "Notify Users Before Scheduled Time",
    notify_method: "Notification Method",
    notify_before: "Notify Before",
    message_create: "Create Announcement",
    message_edit: "Edit Announcement",
    minutes: "Minutes",
    hours: "Hours",
    days: "Days",
    user_create: "Create User",
    user_update: "Update User",
    administrator: "Administrator",
    checkins: "Checkins",
    incidents: "Incidents",
    service_info: "Service Info",
    service_name: "Service Name",
    service_type: "Service Type",
    permalink: "Permalink URL",
    service_public: "Public Service",
    check_interval: "Check Interval",
    service_endpoint: "Service Endpoint",
    service_check: "Service Check Type",
    service_timeout: "Request Timeout",
    expected_resp: "Expected Response",
    expected_code: "Expected Status Code",
    follow_redir: "Follow Redirects",
    verify_ssl: "Verify SSL",
    tls_cert: "Use TLS Cert",
    notification_opts: "Notification Options",
    notifications_enable: "Enable Notifications",
    notify_after: "Notify After Failures",
    notify_all: "Notify All Changes",
    service_update: "Update Service",
    service_create: "Create Service"

export default english