import { DefaultTransactionManager } from 'api/common.v2/database/data_source_defaults';
import { getConnection } from 'api/common.v2/database/getConnectionForCurrentTenant';
import { TranslationDBO } from 'api/i18n.v2/schemas/TranslationDBO';
import { TranslationSyO } from 'api/i18n.v2/schemas/TranslationSyO';
import { getIdMapper } from 'api/utils/fixturesFactory';
import { testingEnvironment } from 'api/utils/testingEnvironment';
import testingDB, { DBFixture } from 'api/utils/testing_db';
import { LanguageISO6391 } from 'shared/types/commonTypes';
import { MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource } from '../MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource';
const id = getIdMapper();
const fixtures: DBFixture = {
translationsV2: [],
settings: [
languages: [
{ default: true, label: 'English', key: 'en' },
{ label: 'Spanish', key: 'es' },
const collectionInDb = (collection = 'translationsV2') =>
const translationWithoutID = (
value: string,
key: string = 'key',
language: LanguageISO6391 = 'es'
) => ({
context: { type: 'Entity' as 'Entity', label: 'label', id: 'id' },
const translation = (
_id: string,
value: string,
key: string = 'key',
language: LanguageISO6391 = 'es'
): TranslationDBO => ({
_id: id(_id),
...translationWithoutID(value, key, language),
const translationWithStringId = (
_id: string,
value: string,
key: string = 'key',
language: LanguageISO6391 = 'es'
): TranslationSyO => ({
_id: id(_id).toString(),
...translationWithoutID(value, key, language),
const translationsInDb = async () => collectionInDb().find({}).sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray();
beforeEach(async () => {
await testingEnvironment.setUp(fixtures);
await testingDB
.createIndex({ language: 1, key: 1, '': 1 }, { unique: true });
afterAll(async () => {
await testingEnvironment.tearDown();
describe('MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource', () => {
describe('save()', () => {
it('should create a translations when does not exists', async () => {
const transactionManager = DefaultTransactionManager();
await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(getConnection(), transactionManager).save(
translationWithStringId('value', 'value')
expect(await translationsInDb()).toEqual([translation('value', 'value')]);
it('should update translation when it does exists', async () => {
const transactionManager = DefaultTransactionManager();
await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(getConnection(), transactionManager).save(
translationWithStringId('value', 'value')
await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(getConnection(), transactionManager).save(
translationWithStringId('value', 'value updated')
expect(await translationsInDb()).toEqual([translation('value', 'value updated')]);
describe('saveMultiple()', () => {
it('should create a translations when does not exists', async () => {
const transactionManager = DefaultTransactionManager();
await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(getConnection(), transactionManager).saveMultiple([
translationWithStringId('value', 'value'),
translationWithStringId('value 2', 'value 2', 'key 2'),
expect(await translationsInDb()).toEqual([
translation('value', 'value'),
translation('value 2', 'value 2', 'key 2'),
it('should update translation when it does exists', async () => {
const transactionManager = DefaultTransactionManager();
await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(getConnection(), transactionManager).saveMultiple([
translationWithStringId('value', 'value'),
await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(getConnection(), transactionManager).saveMultiple([
translationWithStringId('value', 'value updated'),
translationWithStringId('value 2', 'value 2', 'key 2'),
expect(await translationsInDb()).toEqual([
translation('value', 'value updated'),
translation('value 2', 'value 2', 'key 2'),
describe('getById()', () => {
it('should return the translation matching the _id', async () => {
await testingEnvironment.setUp({
translationsV2: [translation('value', 'value')],
const transactionManager = DefaultTransactionManager();
const result = await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(
expect(result).toEqual(translation('value', 'value'));
describe('delete', () => {
it('should delete the translation matching the _id', async () => {
await testingEnvironment.setUp({
translationsV2: [translation('value', 'value')],
const transactionManager = DefaultTransactionManager();
await new MongoTranslationsSyncDataSource(getConnection(), transactionManager).delete({
_id: id('value').toString(),
expect(await translationsInDb()).toEqual([]);