/* eslint-disable import/no-dynamic-require, global-require */
require('@babel/register')({ extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'] });
module.exports = plop => {
let currentDelta;
plop.setHelper('nextMigrationDelta', () => {
if (currentDelta) {
return currentDelta;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { migrator } = require('./migrator');
const { migrationsDir } = migrator;
let migrations = fs.readdirSync(migrationsDir);
migrations = migrations
.map(migration => {
try {
return require(path.join(migrationsDir, migration));
} catch (e) {
return null;
.filter(m => m)
.sort((a, b) => b - a);
currentDelta = migrations.length ? migrations[0] + 1 : 1;
return currentDelta;
plop.setGenerator('migration', {
description: 'migration',
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: 'name for the migration',
type: 'input',
name: 'description',
message: 'description for the migration',
actions: [
type: 'add',
path: './migrations/{{nextMigrationDelta}}-{{name}}/index.ts',
templateFile: './templates/migration.txt',
type: 'add',
path: './migrations/{{nextMigrationDelta}}-{{name}}/types.ts',
templateFile: './templates/types.txt',
type: 'add',
path: './migrations/{{nextMigrationDelta}}-{{name}}/specs/{{nextMigrationDelta}}-{{name}}.spec.ts',
templateFile: './templates/migration.spec.txt',
type: 'add',
path: './migrations/{{nextMigrationDelta}}-{{name}}/specs/fixtures.ts',
templateFile: './templates/fixtures.txt',