import Immutable from 'immutable';
import contextMenuReducer from 'app/ContextMenu/reducers/contextMenuReducer';
import * as types from 'app/ContextMenu/actions/actionTypes';
import * as ViewerTypes from 'app/Viewer/actions/actionTypes';
import * as UploadActions from 'app/Uploads/actions/actionTypes';
import * as LibraryActions from 'app/Library/actions/actionTypes';
describe('contextMenuReducer', () => {
describe('when state is undefined', () => {
it('return initial state', () => {
const newState = contextMenuReducer();
expect(newState).toEqual(Immutable.fromJS({ open: false, menu: null }));
describe('OPEN_MENU', () => {
it('should set open = true', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ open: false });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, { type: types.OPEN_MENU });
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ open: true });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('CLOSE_MENU', () => {
it('should set open = false', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ open: true });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, { type: types.CLOSE_MENU });
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ open: false });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('SET_SELECTION', () => {
it('should set type to ViewerTextSelectedMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, { type: ViewerTypes.SET_SELECTION });
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'ViewerTextSelectedMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('UNSET_SELECTION', () => {
it('should set type to ViewerDefaultMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, { type: ViewerTypes.UNSET_SELECTION });
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'ViewerDefaultMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('ADD_REFERENCE', () => {
it('should set type to ViewerDefaultMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, { type: ViewerTypes.ADD_REFERENCE });
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'ViewerDefaultMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('LOAD_DEFAULT_VIEWER_MENU', () => {
it('should set type to ViewerDefaultMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, {
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'ViewerDefaultMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('OPEN_PANEL with viewMetadataPanel', () => {
it('should set type to ViewMetadataMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, {
type: ViewerTypes.OPEN_PANEL,
panel: 'viewMetadataPanel',
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'MetadataPanelMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('OPEN_PANEL with referencePanel', () => {
it('should set type to ViewerSaveReferenceMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, {
type: ViewerTypes.OPEN_PANEL,
panel: 'referencePanel',
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'ViewerSaveReferenceMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('OPEN_PANEL with targetReferencePanel', () => {
it('should set type to ViewerSaveTargetReferenceMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, {
type: ViewerTypes.OPEN_PANEL,
panel: 'targetReferencePanel',
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'ViewerSaveTargetReferenceMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('ENTER_UPLOADS_SECTION', () => {
it('should set type to UploadsMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, {
type: UploadActions.ENTER_UPLOADS_SECTION,
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'UploadsMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);
describe('ENTER_LIBRARY', () => {
it('should set type to LibraryMenu', () => {
const currentState = Immutable.fromJS({ type: null });
const newState = contextMenuReducer(currentState, { type: LibraryActions.ENTER_LIBRARY });
const expected = Immutable.fromJS({ type: 'LibraryMenu' });
expect(newState instanceof Immutable.Map).toBe(true);