import Immutable from 'immutable';
import uiReducer, { initialState as rawInitialState } from '../uiReducer';
import * as actions from '../../actions/uiActions';
describe('uiReducer', () => {
const initialState = Immutable.fromJS(rawInitialState);
describe('when state is undefined', () => {
it('returns initial', () => {
const newState = uiReducer();
describe('when showTab', () => {
it('should set tab passed, set userSelectedTab to true and showFilters to false', () => {
const newState = uiReducer(initialState, actions.showTab('tab'));
expect(newState.toJS()).toEqual({ tab: 'tab', userSelectedTab: true, showFilters: false });
describe('when resetUserSelectedTab', () => {
it('should set userSelectedTab to false', () => {
const intermidiateState = uiReducer(initialState, actions.showTab('tab'));
const newState = uiReducer(intermidiateState, actions.resetUserSelectedTab());
describe('when showFilters', () => {
it('should set tab to connections and filters true', () => {
const newState = uiReducer(initialState, actions.showFilters());
expect.objectContaining({ tab: 'connections', showFilters: true })
describe('when hideFilters', () => {
it('should set show filters false', () => {
const newState = uiReducer(initialState, actions.hideFilters());
expect(newState.toJS()).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ showFilters: false }));