* @jest-environment jsdom
import superagent from 'superagent';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
import { APIURL } from 'app/config';
import { readFileAsBase64, saveEntityWithFiles } from 'app/Library/actions/saveEntityWithFiles';
import { contentForFiles } from './fixtures';
describe('saveEntityWithFiles', () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async
const mockSuperAgent = (url = `${APIURL}entities`) => {
const mockUpload =;
spyOn(mockUpload, 'field').and.returnValue(mockUpload);
spyOn(mockUpload, 'attach').and.returnValue(mockUpload);
jest.spyOn(mockUpload, 'end').mockImplementation(cb => {
const response: Partial<superagent.Response> = {
body: { entity: { title: 'entity1', sharedId: 'entity1' } },
cb?.(null, response as superagent.Response);
spyOn(superagent, 'post').and.returnValue(mockUpload);
return mockUpload;
const dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatch');
const mockedRevokeObjectURL: jest.Mock = jest.fn();
beforeAll(() => {
URL.revokeObjectURL = mockedRevokeObjectURL;
afterAll(() => {
fileContent | fileName | fileType | fileSize
${contentForFiles.text} | ${'text.txt'} | ${'text/plain'} | ${120}
${contentForFiles.text} | ${'sample.pdf'} | ${'application/pdf'} | ${160}
${contentForFiles.image} | ${'image.jpg'} | ${'image/jpg'} | ${168}
${contentForFiles.text} | ${'document.doc'} | ${'application/msword'} | ${160}
`('should save the entity with attached files', async ({ fileContent, fileName, fileType }) => {
const file = new File([Buffer.from(fileContent).toString('base64')], fileName, {
type: fileType,
let serializedFile = '';
await readFileAsBase64(file, info => {
serializedFile = info.toString();
const entity = {
_id: 'entity1',
title: 'entity1',
sharedId: 'entity1',
attachments: [
_id: 'file_id',
originalname: fileName,
_id: 'file2_id',
originalname: 'existing file',
const expectedEntityJson = JSON.stringify({
_id: 'entity1',
title: 'entity1',
sharedId: 'entity1',
attachments: [
_id: 'file_id',
originalname: fileName,
_id: 'file2_id',
originalname: 'existing file',
documents: [],
const mockUpload = mockSuperAgent();
const updatedEntity = await saveEntityWithFiles(entity, dispatch);
expect(mockUpload.field).toHaveBeenCalledWith('entity', expectedEntityJson);
expect(mockUpload.attach).toHaveBeenCalledWith('attachments[0]', file);
expect(mockUpload.field).toHaveBeenCalledWith('attachments_originalname[0]', fileName);
expect(updatedEntity).toEqual({ entity: { sharedId: 'entity1', title: 'entity1' } });
it('should save the entity without files', async () => {
const entity = {
_id: 'entity1',
title: 'entity1',
sharedId: 'entity1',
metadata: { data: [{ value: 'string' }] },
documents: [],
const mockUpload = mockSuperAgent();
const updatedEntity = await saveEntityWithFiles(entity, dispatch);
expect(mockUpload.field).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('entity', JSON.stringify(entity));
expect(updatedEntity).toEqual({ entity: { sharedId: 'entity1', title: 'entity1' } });
it('should save the entity with added documents', async () => {
const file = new File([Buffer.from('pdf').toString('base64')], 'document.pdf', {
type: 'application/pdf',
const entity = {
_id: 'entity1',
sharedId: 'entity1',
title: 'entity1',
attachments: [],
documents: [{ data: 'blob:http://localhost:3000/blob/file_id', originalFile: file }],
const expectedEntityJson = JSON.stringify({
_id: 'entity1',
sharedId: 'entity1',
title: 'entity1',
attachments: [],
documents: [],
const mockUpload = mockSuperAgent();
fetchMock.mock('blob:http://localhost:3000/blob/file_id', { blob: {} });
const updatedEntity = await saveEntityWithFiles(entity, dispatch);
expect(mockUpload.attach).toHaveBeenCalledWith('documents[0]', file);
expect(mockUpload.field).toHaveBeenCalledWith('entity', expectedEntityJson);
expect(updatedEntity).toEqual({ entity: { sharedId: 'entity1', title: 'entity1' } });