* @jest-environment jsdom
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import Immutable from 'immutable';
import { mapStateToProps, GaugeChartComponent } from '../GaugeChart.js';
import markdownDatasets from '../../markdownDatasets';
describe('GaugeChart Markdown component', () => {
const state = {
thesauris: Immutable.fromJS([
_id: 'tContext',
values: [
{ id: 'id1', label: 'label1' },
{ id: 'id2', label: 'label2' },
{ id: 'id3', label: 'label3' },
it('should render the data passed by mapStateToProps', () => {
spyOn(markdownDatasets, 'getMetadataValue').and.returnValue(4);
const ownProps = { property: 'progress' };
const props = mapStateToProps(state, ownProps);
const component = shallow(<GaugeChartComponent {...{ ...ownProps, ...props }} />);
expect(markdownDatasets.getMetadataValue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state, ownProps);
it('should allow rendering value with prefix, suffix, and personalizing values', () => {
spyOn(markdownDatasets, 'getMetadataValue').and.returnValue(4);
const ownProps = {
dataset: 'custom dataset',
property: 'progress',
max: '12',
height: '300',
classname: 'custom-class',
colors: '#f00,#0f0',
const props = mapStateToProps(state, ownProps);
const component = shallow(
<GaugeChartComponent {...{ ...ownProps, ...props }}>
Pre <div /> Suf
expect(markdownDatasets.getMetadataValue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state, ownProps);
it('should render a placeholder when data is undefined', () => {
let undefinedValue;
spyOn(markdownDatasets, 'getMetadataValue').and.returnValue(undefinedValue);
const props = mapStateToProps(state, { prop2: 'propValue' });
const component = shallow(<GaugeChartComponent {...props} property="prop2" />);
expect(markdownDatasets.getMetadataValue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state, { prop2: 'propValue' });