import { actions } from 'app/BasicReducer';
import { actions as formActions } from 'react-redux-form';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import Immutable from 'immutable';
import { IImmutable } from 'shared/types/Immutable';
import api from 'app/Entities/EntitiesAPI';
import { ClientFile } from 'app/istore';
import { updateSelection, updateFormField, deleteSelection } from '../metadataExtractionActions';
describe('metadataExtractionActions', () => {
describe('updateFormField', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(formActions, 'change');
it('should update the form fields with the selected value', async () => {
const value = 'value to put in form';
spyOn(api, 'coerceValue').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ value, success: true }));
await updateFormField(value, 'fieldModel');
expect(formActions.change).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fieldModel', value);
it.each(['01/30/1999', '30/01/1999', '01-30-1999', '01 30 1999', '30 01 1999'])(
'should format valid date inputs for Datepicker.js component',
async dateStrings => {
const dateForDatepickerInUTC = 917654400;
spyOn(api, 'coerceValue').and.returnValue(
Promise.resolve({ value: dateForDatepickerInUTC, success: true })
await updateFormField(dateStrings, 'fieldModel', 'date');
expect(formActions.change).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fieldModel', dateForDatepickerInUTC);
it('should parse dates that are only years, and set it to 01/01/YEAR', async () => {
const dateForDatepickerInUTC = 1609459200;
spyOn(api, 'coerceValue').and.returnValue(
Promise.resolve({ value: dateForDatepickerInUTC, success: true })
await updateFormField('2021', 'fieldModel', 'date');
expect(formActions.change).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fieldModel', dateForDatepickerInUTC);
describe('numeric fields', () => {
it('should check that selections for numeric fields are actual numbers', async () => {
spyOn(api, 'coerceValue').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({ value: 12345, success: true }));
await updateFormField('12345', 'fieldModel', 'numeric');
expect(formActions.change).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fieldModel', 12345);
describe('updateSelection', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(actions, 'updateIn');
it('should call updateIn with the selection parameters and the correct storeKey', () => {
{ text: 'text selected by the user on the file', selectionRectangles: [] },
propertyID: 'someFieldId',
name: 'fieldName',
selection: { text: 'text selected by the user on the file', selectionRectangles: [] },
timestamp: Date(),
describe('delete selections', () => {
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
const store = mockStore();
let entityDocument: IImmutable<ClientFile>;
beforeEach(() => {
entityDocument = Immutable.fromJS({
_id: 'fileId',
extractedMetadata: [
name: 'title',
selection: {},
name: 'property',
propertyID: '1',
selection: {},
spyOn(actions, 'setIn').and.returnValue({ type: 'SET_IN' });
spyOn(actions, 'updateIn').and.returnValue({ type: 'UPDATE_IN' });
it('should mark the property to be deleted and remove it from the file', () => {
deleteSelection(entityDocument, 'title')(store.dispatch);
expect(actions.setIn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('viewer/doc', 'defaultDoc', {
_id: 'fileId',
extractedMetadata: [{ name: 'property', propertyID: '1', selection: {} }],
deleteSelection: true,
name: 'title',
selection: { selectionRectangles: [], text: '' },