* @jest-environment jsdom
import { Dispatch } from 'redux';
import { actions as formActions } from 'react-redux-form';
import { uploadLocalAttachment, uploadLocalAttachmentFromUrl } from '../supportingFilesActions';
const file = new File(['testFile'], 'testFile.txt', {
type: 'text/plain',
describe('upload supporting files', () => {
let dispatch: Dispatch<{}>;
beforeEach(() => {
dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatch');
spyOn(formActions, 'push');
describe('uploadLocalAttachmentFromUrl', () => {
it('should dispatch the action to update the form', () => {
const action = uploadLocalAttachmentFromUrl(
{ url: '', name: 'myURL' },
{ __reducerKey: 'reducerKey', model: 'metadata.model' }
expect(formActions.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith('metadata.model.attachments', {
entity: 'entitySharedId',
originalname: 'myURL',
url: '',
describe('uploadLocalAttachment', () => {
it('should dispatch the action to update the form', async () => {
const action = uploadLocalAttachment('entitySharedId', file, {
__reducerKey: 'reducerKey',
model: 'metadata.model',
await action(dispatch);
expect(formActions.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith('metadata.model.attachments', {
entity: 'entitySharedId',
fileLocalID: expect.stringMatching(/^[a-zA-Z\d_]*$/),
filename: 'testFile.txt',
mimetype: 'text/plain',
originalname: 'testFile.txt',
serializedFile: 'data:text/plain;base64,dGVzdEZpbGU=',
type: 'attachment',