import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import UsersAPI from 'app/Users/UsersAPI';
import ThesauriAPI from 'app/Thesauri/ThesauriAPI';
import { I18NApi } from 'app/I18N';
import { RequestParams } from 'app/utils/RequestParams';
import TemplatesAPI from 'app/Templates/TemplatesAPI';
import api from 'app/Search/SearchAPI';
import SettingsAPI from '../SettingsAPI';
import { SettingsComponent as Settings } from '../Settings';
describe('Settings', () => {
let user;
const dictionaries = [{ _id: 1, name: 'Countries' }];
const models = [];
const translations = [{ _id: 1, locale: 'es', values: {} }];
const templates = [];
const settings = { siteName: 'BatCave' };
const suggestions = {};
beforeEach(() => {
user = { name: 'doe', role: 'admin' };
spyOn(UsersAPI, 'currentUser').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve(user));
spyOn(ThesauriAPI, 'getThesauri').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve(dictionaries));
spyOn(ThesauriAPI, 'getModelStatus').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve(models));
spyOn(I18NApi, 'get').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve(translations));
spyOn(SettingsAPI, 'get').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve(settings));
spyOn(SettingsAPI, 'stats').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve({ files: 3, users: 2 }));
spyOn(TemplatesAPI, 'get').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve(templates));
spyOn(api, 'search').and.callFake(async () => Promise.resolve(suggestions));
describe('requestState', () => {
it('should get the current user, and metadata', async () => {
const actions = await Settings.requestState(new RequestParams());
it('should not request the stats if the user does not have admin role', async () => {
user = { name: 'jane', role: 'editor' };
const actions = await Settings.requestState(new RequestParams());
describe('render', () => {
let component;
const render = children => {
const context = { store: { getState: () => ({}), dispatch: jasmine.createSpy('dispatch') } };
component = shallow(<Settings>{children}</Settings>, { context });
it('should add the only-desktop class when recieving children only', () => {
render('Account settings');