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Test Coverage
% of sentences above threshold,% of sentences above threshold
*please keep this key secret and don't share it.,*please keep this key secret and don't share it.
+ click to select multiple cards.,+ click to select multiple cards.
2FA Enabled,2FA Enabled
A generated ID will be the default title.,سيكون معرف تم إنشاؤه العنوان.
A valid email is required,البريد الإلكتروني مطلوب
Accept suggestion,Accept suggestion
Accepted suggestion on entity,Accepted suggestion on entity
Account locked,Account locked
Account locked. Check your email to unlock.,Account locked. Check your email to unlock.
Account unlocked successfully,Account unlocked successfully
Account updated,Account updated
Action,عمل/ إجراء
Active languages,اللغات النشطة
Activity log,سجل النشاطات
Activity Log,سجل النشاطات
Add / remove favorite,إضافة/ إزالة المفضلة
Add an account to the app by scanning the provided QR code with your mobile device or by inserting the provided key.,Add an account to the app by scanning the provided QR code with your mobile device or by inserting the provided key.
Add date,إضافة تاريخ
Add entities / documents,إضافة كيانات (أو إدخالات)/ مستندات
Add entity type,Add entity type
Add Extractor,Add Extractor
Add file,اضف ملف
Add from URL,إضافة من عنوان URL
Add from web,أضف من الويب
Add group,إضافة مجموعة
add icon,أضف أيقونة
Add item,Add item
Add language,إضافة لغة
Add link,إضافة رابط
Add page,إضافة صفحة
Add people or groups,إضافة أشخاص أو مجموعات
Add relationship,Add relationship
Add relationship type,Add relationship type
Add template,إضافة قالب
Add thesaurus,أضف قائمة المفردات
Add thesaurus modal description,After creation you can go into Settings -> Thesauri to add items
Add thesaurus value,Add thesaurus value
Add timelink,Add timelink
Add to all languages,إضافة إلى جميع اللغات
Add to table of contents,أضف إلى جدول المحتويات
Add user,إضافة مستخدم
add value,add value
Add/delete users and assign roles,إضافة / حذف المستخدمين وتعيين الأدوار
Add/edit translations,إضافة / تحرير الترجمات
Added language,Added language
Added new user,Added new user
added to hub with the following errors:,added to hub with the following errors:
added to hub.,added to hub.
Adding a group and its items.,Adding a group and its items.
Adding items to the thesauri,Adding items to the thesauri
Adjacent geolocation properties will render on the same map,ستتوافر الخصائص المجاورة لتحديد الموقع الجغرافي على الخريطة نفسها
Administrators and Editors,المشرفون (أو المسؤولون) والمحررون
"All changes will be lost, are you sure you want to proceed?",ستحذف جميع التغييرات، هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد المتابعة؟
Allow captcha bypass,Allow captcha bypass
Already exists,Already exists
An error has occured while deleting a language:,An error has occured while deleting a language:
An error has occured while installing languages:,An error has occured while installing languages:
An error has occurred during data export,An error has occurred during data export
An error occurred,An error occurred
Analytics description,"If you want to track analytics related to your collection visits, Uwazi supports both Google Analytics and Matomo."
Any entity or document,Any entity or document
Are you sure you want to continue?,Are you sure you want to continue?
Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?,Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?
Are you sure you want to delete this connection?,Are you sure you want to delete this connection?
Are you sure you want to delete this entity?,Are you sure you want to delete this entity?
Are you sure you want to delete this file?,Are you sure you want to delete this file?
Are you sure you want to delete this item?,Are you sure you want to delete this item?
Are you sure?,Are you sure?
Attachment deleted,Attachment deleted
Attachment renamed,Attachment renamed
Attachment uploaded,Attachment uploaded
Authentication code,رمز المصادقة
auto-created,منشأ تلقائياً
Auto-save,حفظ تلقائي
Automatic Table of Contents,جدول محتويات تلقائي
Automatically generated,منشأ تلقائياً
Available default translation,Available default translation
Back to,العودة إلى
Back to search,العودة إلى البحث
Back to thesauri,العودة إلى قائمة المفردات
Back to thesaurus,العودة إلى قائمة المفردات
Bad Request,Bad Request
Body,يجب الاطلاع على السياق لتحديد الترجمة الأنسب
Browse files to upload,تصفح الملفات المراد تحميلها
"by ids, methods, keywords, etc.","by ids, methods, keywords, etc."
Can edit,إمكانية التحرير
Can see,إمكانية الرؤية
Can view,إمكانية المعاينة
Cannot delete template:,Cannot delete template:
Captcha,حروف التحقق
Captcha bypass,تخطى كلمة التحقق (Captcha)
Cards view,معاينة البطاقات
Change password,تغيير كلمة المرور
Change Password,Change Password
Change will take effect after saving the template,سينفذ التغيير بعد حفظ القالب
Changes can't be undone after saving. Changing text fields may invalidate the suggestions.,Changes can't be undone after saving. Changing text fields may invalidate the suggestions.
Changes in the thesaurus will impact all the entities using these values.,Changes in the thesaurus will impact all the entities using these values.
Changing the type will erase all relationships to this entity.,Changing the type will erase all relationships to this entity.
Character support description,"This option enhances support for non-Latin languages as the default languages of your collection.
Selecting this option will update all template properties automatically. The process could take several minutes. Selecting this option will likely change the URLs of library filters. As a consequence, if you have menus or links using such URLs, they will probably stop working.
You will need to update them manually. After selecting this option, you will not be able to revert back to using legacy property naming. If you are not facing issues with your template property names, we recommend leaving this unchecked."
Character support process warning,"This process could take several minutes and will likely change URLs to library filters. If you have menus or links using such URLs, they will probably stop working after the update. You will need to update them manually."
Character support revert warning,"After selecting this option, you will not be able to revert back to using legacy property naming. If you are not facing issues with your template property names, we recommend leaving this unchecked."
Check to make this instance public (non-logged in users can see public documents and entities),Check to make this instance public (non-logged in users can see public documents and entities)
Chrome extension store link,Chrome extension store link
Clear all,Clear all
Clear coordinates,مسح الإحداثيات
Clear Filters,مسح عوامل التصفية
Clear PDF selection,Clear PDF selection
Click here,انقر هنا
Click to fill,انقر للتعبئة
Collaborator,متعاون/ مساهم
Collapse all,Collapse all
Collection Name,Collection Name
Common sources,Common sources
Configure filters,ضبط قوائم تصفيه البيانات
Configure templates,Configure templates
Confirm action,Confirm action
Confirm delete connection,Confirm delete connection
Confirm delete multiple items,هل ترغب في حذف كل العناصر المختارة؟
confirm delete template,"Are you sure you want to delete this entity type?
        This will delete the template and all relationship properties from other templates pointing to this one."
Confirm deletion,تأكيد الحذف
Confirm deletion of,Confirm deletion of
Confirm deletion of entity,Confirm deletion of entity
Confirm deletion of file,Confirm deletion of file
Confirm deletion of template:,Confirm deletion of template:
Confirm discard changes,Confirm discard changes
Confirm new password,تأكيد كلمة المرور الجديدة
Confirm publish multiple items,تأكيد نشر عناصر متعددة
Connect to a paragraph,الاتصال بفقرة
Connect to an entity,Connect to an entity
Connected to server,Connected to server
Connection type,نوع الاتصال
Contact email description,Here you can set up the contact email and the email that appears when Uwazi sends a notification to a user
Contact Form,استمارة اتصال
Content translations,Content translations
Conversion failed,فشل التحويل
Copied to clipboard,Copied to clipboard
Copy From,النسخ من
Copy Highlighted,نسخ المظلل
Copy link,نسخ الرابط
Copy properties to this entity from,انسخ الخصائص إلى هذا الكيان (الإدخال) من
Copy to clipboard,Copy to clipboard
Copy token,Copy token
Could not be processed,لا يمكن معالجتها
Could not detect the area for the selected text,"Could not detect the area for the selected text, please try selecting again."
Could not reach server. Please try again later.,Could not reach server. Please try again later.
Create and edit thesauri,Create and edit thesauri
Create Connection,Create Connection
Create dictionaries,إنشاء قواميس
Create entity,إنشاء كيان
Create Entity,إنشاء كيان
Create Extractor,Create Extractor
Create group,إنشاء مجموعة
Create new entities and upload documents,Create new entities and upload documents
Create Reference,Create Reference
Create relationship types,Create relationship types
Create relationships and references,Create relationships and references
Create table of contents,Create table of contents
Created entity,Created entity
Created entity coming from a public form,Created entity coming from a public form
Created page,Created page
Created relation type,Created relation type
Created relationship,Created relationship
Created template,Created template
Created thesaurus,Created thesaurus
Created user group,Created user group
Current value,Current value
Current Value/Suggestion,Current Value/Suggestion
Custom component error,خطأ في المكون المخصص
Custom CSS,CSS تنسيق
Custom Favicon,Custom Favicon
Custom JS,Custom JS
custom page error warning,"There is an unexpected error on this custom page, it may not work properly. Please contact an admin for details."
Custom Uploads,تحميل مخصص
Date added,تم إضافة التاريخ
Date format,صيغة التاريخ
Date modified,تاريخ التعديل
Default date format,Default date format
Default filter,Default filter
Default language,Default language
Default language change success,نجاح تغيير اللغة الافتراضية
Default template,القالب الافتراضي
Default View,Default View
Delete entities and documents,Delete entities and documents
Delete file,مسح الملف
Delete language,حذف اللغة
Delete Property,حذف الخاصية
Deleted attachment,Deleted attachment
Deleted custom file,Deleted custom file
Deleted entity,Deleted entity
Deleted file,Deleted file
Deleted multiple entities,Deleted multiple entities
Deleted page,Deleted page
Deleted relation type,Deleted relation type
Deleted relationship,Deleted relationship
Deleted successfully.,Deleted successfully.
Deleted template,Deleted template
Deleted thesaurus,Deleted thesaurus
Deleted user,Deleted user
Deleted user group,Deleted user group
Deletion success,Deletion success
Disable highlights,Disable highlights
Disabled 2FA,Disabled 2FA
Discard changes,تجاهل التغييرات
Discard changes?,Discard changes?
Display entity view from page,عرض معاينة الكيان (الإدخال) من الصفحة
Do you want disable 2FA for the following users?,Do you want disable 2FA for the following users?
Do you want reset the password for the following users?,Do you want reset the password for the following users?
Do you want to delete the following items?,Do you want to delete the following items?
Document and entity types,انواع الوثائق والكيانات
Document contents,محتويات المستند
Document FOR,Document FOR
Document OCR trigger,Document OCR trigger
Document Title,عنوان المستند
Documents for custom filter,المستندات المراد إخضاعها للتصفية المخصصة
Documents including suggestion:,المستندات بما في ذلك المقترح:
Download a third-party authenticator app from your mobile store.,Download a third-party authenticator app from your mobile store.
Drag and drop file in this window to upload,اسحب الملف وأفلته في هذه النافذة للتحميل
Drag properties here,اسحب الخصائص هنا
Drag row,Drag row
Drop your files here to upload or,اسحب ملفاتك هنا للتحميل أو
Duplicate values not allowed.,Duplicate values not allowed.
Duplicated email,بريد إلكتروني مكرر
Duplicated label,تسمية مكررة
Duplicated name,اسم مكرر
Duplicated username,اسم المستخدم مكرر
Edit all documents matching this criteria,حرر جميع المستندات المستوفية لهذه المعايير
Edit Extractor,Edit Extractor
Edit File,Edit File
Edit group,Edit group
Edit item,Edit item
Edit metadata of entities,Edit metadata of entities
Edit user,Edit user
Email,بريد إلكتروني
Email address,عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
Email updated,تم تحديث البريد الإلكتروني
Empty group. Drop here to add,Empty group. Drop here to add
empty property tip,You won't be able to save an entity if this property is empty.
Enable this page to be used as an entity view page:,مكن هذه الصفحة لاستخدامها صفحة معاينة الكيان/ الإدخال
Enter the 6-digit verification code generated by your Authenticator app,Enter the 6-digit verification code generated by your Authenticator app
Enter your current password to confirm,Enter your current password to confirm
Entities across all languages,Entities across all languages
"Entities can be displayed in a custom page. For that, a custom page needs to be created in Pages, and then selected here.",يمكن عرض الكيانات (الإدخالات) في صفحة مخصصة، ومن ثم يجب إنشاء صفحة مخصصة في الصفحات، ثم اختيارها هنا.
Entity deleted,Entity deleted
Entity Page,Entity Page
Entity saved,Entity saved
Entity title,Entity title
Entity types,أنواع الكيانات
Entity updated,Entity updated
Error adding thesauri.,Error adding thesauri.
Error loading your image,Error loading your image
Error updating thesauri.,Error updating thesauri.
Expand all,Expand all
Export CSV,تصدير ملف القيم المفصولة بفواصل
Exporting entities to CSV,تصدير كيانات (إدخالات) إلى ملف القيم المفصولة بفواصل
Extension Token,Extension Token
Extractor Name,Extractor Name
Extractor/s deleted,Extractor/s deleted
Favicon description,"A favicon is a small icon that represents your collection in browser tabs and bookmarks. The default favicon is the Uwazi logo. To use your own:

1. Upload your icon in Custom Uploads.
2. Copy its URL.
3. Choose ""Custom Icon"" and paste the URL in the indicated field.
4. Reload the page to see your favicon in action."
File deleted,File deleted
File name,File name
File updated,File updated
Files and database usage,Files and database usage
Filters,قوائم تصفيه البيانات
Filters AND operator,و
Filters configuration,ضبط قوائم تصفية البيانات
Filters configuration description,"By default, users can filter the entities in the library based on the types you have defined. However, you can configure how these entity types will be displayed:"
Filters configuration example,مثال على تكوين عامل التصفية
Filters OR operator,او
Filters saved,Filters saved
Find suggestions,العثور على اقتراحات
Finding suggestions,Finding suggestions
Fine tune,ضبط دقيق
Firefox extension store link,Firefox extension store link
Forgot Password?,هل نسيت كلمة المرور؟
Forms and email configuration,تكوين النماذج والبريد الإلكتروني
Full edit mode,وضع التحرير الكامل
Full width,Full width
General Information,General Information
Generated Entities,Generated Entities
Global CSS,خاصية CSS العالمية
Global CSS & JS,Global CSS & JS
Google Analytics,Google Analytics
Google Analytics ID,معرف Google Analytics
Google Maps,خرائط جوجل
Group Options,Group Options
Group saved,Group saved
Group updated,Group updated
Hide actions,Hide actions
Hide label,إخفاء التسمية
Hide toolbar,Hide toolbar
"If it is an external URL, use a fully formed URL. Ie.","If it is an external URL, use a fully formed URL. Ie."
"If you want to continue, please type",إذا كنت ترغب في المتابعة، يرجى كتابة
Impact of property change warning,All entities and documents that have already this property assigned will loose its current value
Import asset,Import asset
Import completed,Import completed. Number of entities created:
Import CSV,استيراد ملف القيم المفصولة بفواصل
Import instructions,استيراد التعليمات
Imported entities from file,Imported entities from file
Imported translations from file,Imported translations from file
Importing data in progress,جاري استيراد البيانات
"In a group, either all relationships must have a hub or none of them.","In a group, either all relationships must have a hub or none of them."
In OCR queue,جاري التعرف الضوئي علي الحروف
incorrect suggestion check,Is the suggestion incorrect? Click on 'Reject' and Uwazi will improve on the suggestions it makes
Indexing entities may take a few minutes,قد تستغرق فهرسة الكيانات (الإدخالات) بضع دقائق
Information extraction training,Information extraction training
Inherit property,وراثة خاصية
Install browser extension (dynamic link),Install browser extension (dynamic link)
Install Language(s),Install Language(s)
INSTALL the browser extension,INSTALL the browser extension
"Instructions on how to achieve this will vary according to the app used, please refer to the app's documentation.","Instructions on how to achieve this will vary according to the app used, please refer to the app's documentation."
Instructions to reset password,"If the email address supplied is correct, we will send instructions to reset the password."
Instructions to reset the password were sent to the user,Instructions to reset the password were sent to the user
Invalid captcha,حروف التحقق غير صحيحة
Invalid csv: all the values for a row must be either nested or non-nested,Invalid csv: all the values for a row must be either nested or non-nested
Invalid csv: nested value need to be under a non-nested value,Invalid csv: nested value need to be under a non-nested value
Invalid form,المدخلات غير صحيحة او غير مكتمله. رجاء التصحيح واعادج المحاولة
It could also very easily break the app. Only write code here if you know exactly what you are doing.,من الممكن أيضاً كسر التطبيق بسهولة بالغة. اكتب فقط الرمز هنا إذا كنت على دراية تامة بما تفعله
Keep this in mind if you want to edit:,Keep this in mind if you want to edit:
"Label date ""From""",من:
"Label date ""to""",إلى:
Label your collection note,ضع اسماً للملاحظة الخاصة بمجموعتك
Landing page,الصفحة الرئيسية
Landing page description,"The landing page is the first page that visitors see when they come to your collection. The default landing page is your collection's library. You can set a different landing page by adding its relative URL here. For example:
A page: */page/dicxg0oagy3xgr7ixef80k9*
A filtered view in Uwazi: */library/?searchTerm=test*
An entity: */entity/9htbkgpkyy7j5rk9*
A document: */document/4y9i99fadjp833di*
Important: You must use relative URLs. These start with a forward slash and do not include the domain name. For example: In the address **, the relative URL is /landingpage"
Language Code,Language Code
Language deleted,حذفت اللغة
Language Install Start Message,Language installation process initiated. It may take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the collection. Please wait until the installation process is finished.
Language reset success,Language reset success
Language Uninstall Start Message,Language uninstallation process initiated. It may take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the collection.  Please wait until the uninstallation process is finished.
Language uninstalled successfully,Language uninstalled successfully
Languages installed successfully,Languages installed successfully
Last updated,Last updated
Latitude,خط العرض
Learn more,اعرف المزيد
Legend,مفتاح مصطلحات الخريطة
Lengthy reindex process,Lengthy reindex process
library list view,معاينة القائمة المكتبية
library map view,معاينة خريطة المكتبة
library table view,معاينة جدول المكتبة
Live translate,Live translate
Login,تسجيل الدخول
Login button,زر تسجيل الدخول
Login failed,فشل عملية الدخول
Logout,تسجيل خروج
Longitude,خط الطول
Lost connection to the server. Your changes may be lost,Lost connection to the server. Your changes may be lost
low,منخفض/ أدنى/ قليل/ صغير
Manage site settings and configuration,إدارة إعدادات الموقع
Map api key,Map api key
Map api key tooltip,An API key is required to use Mapbox or Google Maps.
Map layers description,Map layers description
Map Provider,Map Provider
Map view,عرض الخريطة
Mapping conflict error,"A reindex of your collection is necessary. The reason may vary 
        -- from certain changes made to a template's property to new fields
        that need to be populated across entities. 
        This process will not negatively affect the data in your collection. 
        It can last a few minutes and some parts of your collection might take
        some time to reappear in the Library, but this is temporary. Do you want to continue?"
Mark as Reviewed,ضع علامة للإشارة إلى خضوعه للمراجعة
Menu,قائمة التحكم
Message sent,Message sent
Metadata,البيانات الوصفية
Metadata creator,منشئ البيانات الوصفية
Metadata Extraction,استخلاص البيانات الوصفية
Minimum,الحد الأدنى
mismatched passwords,Passwords don't match
Mixed access,وصول مختلط
more options.,مزيد من الخيارات
Multimedia fill description,"will attempt to fill the container, using it's entire width. In cards, cropping is likely to occur."
Multimedia fit description,will show the entire media inside the container.
Multiple date,Multiple date
Multiple date range,Multiple date range
Multiple inherited properties warning ([property 1] affects [property 2]),يؤثر
Multiple relationships edit description,Making changes to this property will affect other properties on this template because they all share relationships with the same configuration.
Multiple select,Multiple select
Name is required,الاسم مطلوب
Name is too long,الاسم طويل جداً
Name is too short,الاسم قصير جداً
Narrow down your searches,ضيق نطاقات بحثك
Narrow your search,ضيق نطاق بحثك
Navigate back,Navigate back
Navigation menu tool tip part 1,"If it is an internal URL within this website, be sure to delete the first part"
Navigation menu tool tip part 2,leaving only a relative URL starting with a slash character. Ie. /some_url.
New entity,كيان جديد
New group,New group
New language added,أضيفت لغة جديدة
New page,New page
New password,كلمة المرور الجديدة
New relationship type,New relationship type
New relationships group,مجموعة علاقات جديدة
New user,New user
No attachments,لا توجد مرفقات
No common filters,لا مشترك بين قوائم التصفيه
No Connections,لا اتصالات
No Connections description,الاتصالات هل العلاقات المباشرة بين تلك الوثيقة و الوثائق والكيانات الاخرد
No context,No context
No Documents found,لم يعثر على مستندات
no filters for templates,The combination of entity types doesn't have any filters in common.
No Group,No Group
No icon / flag,لا توجد أيقونة/ علامة
No items available,No items available
No Label,لا تسمية
No options,No options
No options found,لم يتم العثور على خيارات
No property,هذه الخاصية غير متوفرة
No References,لا مرجع
No References description,المراجع هي اجزاء من الوثيقة التي لها علاقة بوثائق وكيانات أخرى
No relationship types warning,Relationship fields can not be added until you have at least one relationship type to select.
No Relationships,لا توجد علاقات
No Relationships description,العلاقات هي الروابط بين الكيانات
No suggestion,No suggestion
No Table of Contents,لا يوجد جدول المحتويات
No Table of Contents description,لا جدول محتويات الوصف
No text match,لا يوجد نص تطابق
No text match description,يمكنك كتابه نص مختلف للحصول على بعض النتائج
No type,لا نوع
No valid target template available,No valid target template available
No value,لا قيمة
No Value,لا قيمة
"No, cancel","No, cancel"
Normal view,معاينة عادية
Not Found,Not Found
Nothing selected,Nothing selected
Nothing to see here! The selected documents are not using the selected thesaurus,لايوجد شيء لرؤيته هنا! المستندات المختارة لا تستخدم قائمة المفردات المختارة
Number of sentences above threshold,عدد الجمل أزيد من الحد
OCR button tip,This will process the document to recognize it's text. The original file will be added as a supporting file.
OCR completed,تم التعرف الضوئي على الحروف
OCR description tip 1,"This will enable the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality for PDF documents. This service will recognize text inside images, such as scanned documents and photos, and convert it into machine-readable text data."
OCR description tip 2,"When activated, this will enable administrator and editor users to send PDF documents to the OCR service."
OCR error,خطأ في الOCR
OCR error tip,The OCR engine couldn't read the document due to a malformed format. Last updated
OCR PDF,تشغيل خاصية الOCR على الPDF
Ooops... please go,بئساً...اذهب من فضلك
Oops! We couldn't find the thesaurus you're trying to edit. Try navigating back to this page through Settings.,بئساً! لم نستطع إيجاد قائمة المفردات التي تحاول تحريرها. حاول العودة إلى هذه الصفحة من خلال الإعدادات.
Open group,Open group
Open PDF,Open PDF
Open the two-factor Authenticator app on your device,افتح تطبيق المصادقة الثنائية في جهازك
or drop your files here.,أو أفلت ملفاتك هنا
Other users will be affected by this action!,Other users will be affected by this action!
out of,خارج
Paragraph Extraction,Paragraph Extraction
Paragraph extractor,Paragraph extractor
Paragraph Extractor added,Paragraph Extractor added
Password,كلمه المرور
Password + 2fa,Password + 2fa
Password changed success,Password changed success
Password Error,خطأ كلمة المرور
Password is too long,كلمة المرور طويلة جداً
Password updated,تم تحديث كلمة المرور
Passwords do not match,Passwords do not match
Paste URL here,Paste URL here
per page,per page
Permission on entities explicitly shared with the user,الإذن للكيانات (للإدخالات) التي تم مشاركتها صراحة مع المستخدم
Plain text,نص عادي
Please contact an admin for details.,يرجى الاتصال بالمشرف (المسؤول) للحصول على التفاصيل.
Please type in,Please type in
Please type in letters and numbers from the image to start the export.,يرجى كتابة الحروف والأرقام من الصورة لبدء التصدير.
Preserve Extension,Preserve Extension
Preserve Setup Description,"If you know your Uwazi URL and TOKEN click the link below, and fill the required information."
Press enter to add,اضغط على مفتاح الإدخال لإضافة
Primary Documents,المستندات الأولية
Priority sorting,تصنيف حسب الأولوية
Priority sorting description,"Properties marked as priority sorting will be used as default sorting criteria. If more than one property is marked as priority sorting the system will try to pick-up the best fit. When listing mixed template types, the system will pick-up the best combined priority sorting."
Private entities description,تنبيه: الكيانات (الإدخالات) المختارة سوف .لن تتاح رؤيتها إلا للمستخدمين المسموح لهم
Private instance,قاعدة بيانات داخلية
Properties from other templates in the collection using the same label,خصائص من قوالب أخرى في المجموعة تستخدم التسمية نفسها
Property as default filter description,"Use this property as a default filter in the library. When there are no entity types selected, this property will show as a default filter for your collection."
Property as filter description,"This property will be used for filtering the library results. When properties match in equal name and field type with other entity types, they will be combined for filtering."
property date,Date
property daterange,Date Range
Property delete warning,Deleting a template property will delete this metadata information on all entities using this template.
property generatedid,Generated ID
property geolocation,Geolocation
property image,Image
property link,Link
property markdown,Rich Text
property media,Media
property multidate,Multi Date
property multidaterange,Multi Date Range
property multiselect,Multiselect
property numeric,Numeric
property preview,Preview
property relationship,Relationship
property select,Select
property text,Text
ProTip!,نصيحة احترافية!
Public entities description,Caution: the selected entities will be **public**. Anyone will be able to see them.
Public form settings description,Here you can configure the public form destination and the whitelisted templates
Public Form submit URL,Public Form submit URL
Public form URL description,"If you have configured a public form and would like a different Uwazi collection to receive the submissions, enter its URL here."
Public form whitelist description,"If you wish to include Public Forms on your pages, you must white-list the template IDs for which Public Forms are expected."
QR Code,QR Code
Qualified templates should have Rich Text property,Qualified templates should have Rich Text property
Quick labeling for,تسمية سريعة لـ
Re-uploaded document,Re-uploaded document
Read Documentation,Read Documentation
Receiving email,البريد الالكتروني المستقبل
Receiving email description,"If you have a contact form, this is the email address that will receive the form's submissions."
relationship consistency warning,Cannot use 'any entity or document' if another relationship of the same type is already with a specific entity.
Relationship Type,Relationship Type
Relationship types,أنواع العلاقات
Relationships saved,Relationships saved
RelationType saved,تم حفظ نوع العلاقة
remaining files,remaining files
Remote Server Unreachable,Remote Server Unreachable
remove icon,إزالة الأيقونة
Removed language,Removed language
Rename,إعادة تسمية
Renamed attachment,Renamed attachment
Repeat Password,إعادة كلمة المرور
Request id #,طلب المعرف #
Request token,Request token
required criteria,required criteria
Required property,الخاصية المطلوبة
Reset,إعادة ضبط
Reset 2FA,إعادة تعيين المصادقة الثنائية
Reset default translation,Reset default translation
Reset language,Reset language
Reset Password,إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور
Reset passwords,Reset passwords
Return to login,العودة لتسجيل الدخول
Return to the thesaurus page when you finished labeling to start learning.,عد إلى صفحة قائمة المفردات عند انتهائك من التسمية للبدء في التعلم
Reviewed,تمت مراجعته
Save & Preview,Save & Preview
Save and go to next,حفظ والانتقال إلى التالي
Save changes,حفظ التغييرات
Save document,حفظ المستند
Save document(s),حفظ المستندات (المستندات)
Save password,حفظ كلمة المرور
Save your work to make change permanent,Save your work to make change permanent
Saved successfully.,Saved successfully.
Search item,البحث عن بند
Search not found,البحث غير متوفر
Search related entities or documents,البحث عن الكيانات أو المستندات ذات الصلة
Search relevance,ملائمة البحث
Search text,بحث النص
Search text description,اكتب نص في خانة البحث لتظهر بعض النتائج
Search Tips,نصائح البحث
Search Tips: boolean,نصائح البحث: Boolean
Search Tips: exact term,نصائح البحث: المصطلح الدقيق
Search Tips: one char wildcard,نصائح البحث: واحد char wildcard
Search Tips: proximity,بحث نصائح: القرب
Search Tips: wildcard,نصائح البحث: Wildcard
Secret keys,Secret keys
Select & Search,Select & Search
Select all,اختار الكل
Select files on your device,اختر الملفات في جهازك
Select from computer,Select from computer
Select relationship type,اختر نوع العلاقة
Select target paragraph,اختر الفقرة المستهدفة
selected of,مختار من
Selected or suggested,Selected or suggested
Selected templates,Selected templates
Semantic search,البحث الدلالي
Semantic Search,البحث الدلالي
Semantic search minimum sentences help,المساعدة في البحث الدلالي بالحد الأدنى من الجمل
Semantic search overview,نظرة عامة على البحث الدلالي
Semantic search results,نتائج البحث الدلالي
Semantic search threshold help,مساعدة البدء في البحث الدلالي
Send recovery email,إرسل بريد الكتروني للاستعادة
Sending email,البريد الالكتروني المرسل
Sending email description,This is the email address that will appear as the sender when an email is sent from your Uwazi collection to registered users. The default address is **. You can set a custom one by including your desired email address here.
Sending labeled data...,Sending labeled data...
Sentences above threshold,الجمل أزيد من الحد
Set as default,تعيين كافتراضي
Set default language,Set default language
Set default template,Set default template
Set the default starting point for your geolocation properties.,عين نقطة البدء الافتراضية لخصائص تحديد الموقع الجغرافي الخاصة بك
Settings updated,تم تحديث الإعدادات
Share edit access with other users,Share edit access with other users
Share entities with the public,Share entities with the public
Share with people and groups,المشاركة مع الأشخاص والمجموعات
Shared as editor,المشاركة كمحرر
Shared as viewer,المشاركة كمشاهد
Show actions,Show actions
Show cookie policy,عرض سياسة ملف تعريف الارتباط
Show filters,إظهار عوامل التصفية
Show in cards,اظهر في البطاقات
Show more,أظهر المزيد
Show toolbar,Show toolbar
shown of,مبين
Sign in,تسجيل الدخول
Single date,Single date
Single date range,Single date range
Single relationships must have a hub,Single relationships must have a hub
Single select,Single select
Something went wrong,حدث خطأ ما
Sort ascending,Sort ascending
Sort by,ترتيب حسب
Sort descending,Sort descending
sorted by,مرتبة حسب
Stats & Filters,Stats & Filters
Strict mode,الوضع الصارم
Submitted entity to a remote instance,Submitted entity to a remote instance
"Success, Upload another?","Success, Upload another?"
Suggestion accepted.,Suggestion accepted.
Supporting files,ملفات الدعم
Synced template,Synced template
syncedTemplateEditorMessage,This template is synced from another instance. Only entity view page can be enabled.
syncedTemplateListMessage,The source of this template is a sync. All editing options will be disabled.
syntax to create page content,الصياغة لإنشاء محتوى الصفحة
System translations,System translations
Table of Contents,جدول المحتويات
Table of contents,جدول المحتويات
Table view,معاينة الجدول
Target Template,Target Template
Target template,Target template
Target Template:,Target Template:
Template conflict,Template conflict
Template name,Template name
Template with a long number of entities,"The template has changed and the associated entities will be re-indexed,
       this process may take several minutes, do you want to continue?"
Templates meeting,Templates meeting
Templates meeting required criteria,Templates meeting required criteria
Text references limit warning,Text references are temporarily limited to a maximum of 300. We are currently working on a fix for this issue.
The import process threw an error:,نتج عن عملية الاستيراد الخطأ التالي:
The request could not be processed.,The request could not be processed.
The template contains errors,يحتوي القالب على أخطاء
The token does not validate against the secret key,The token does not validate against the secret key
The token does not validate against the secret key!,The token does not validate against the secret key!
There are no pages enabled for entity view,لا توجد صفحات ممكنة لمعاينة الكيان (الإدخال)
There are no untranslated terms,There are no untranslated terms
There are unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard them and switch to a different document?,There are unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard them and switch to a different document?
Thesauri,قائمة المفردات
Thesauri added.,Thesauri added.
Thesauri deleted,Thesauri deleted
Thesauri name,Thesauri name
thesauri new group desc,thesauri new group desc
thesauri new item desc,thesauri new item desc
Thesauri updated.,Thesauri updated.
Thesaurus saved,تم حفظ قائمة المفردات
This action may take some time while we add the extra language to the entire collection.,This action may take some time while we add the extra language to the entire collection.
This area allows you to append custom Javascript to the page. This opens up a new universe of possibilities.,تتيح لك هذه المنطقة أن تلحق بالصفحة جافا سكريبت مخصصة، مما يفتح عالماً جديداً من الاحتمالات.
This cannot be changed after saving,This cannot be changed after saving
This content is automatically generated,أنشئ هذا المحتوى تلقائياً
"This entity has no document, you probably want to see the metadata",لا يتوافر مستند لهذا الكيان (الإدخال)، ربما ترغب في رؤية البيانات الوصفية
This entity is not public.,هذا الكيان (الإدخال) ليس عام
This entity is restricted from public view.,هذا الكيان (الإدخال) ممنوع من المعاينة العامة
This field is required,This field is required
This file type is not supported on media fields,This file type is not supported on media fields
This group is empty,This group is empty
This option will show a notification about the use of cookies in your instance.,سيظهر هذا الخيار إشعاراً حول استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط في قاعدة بياناتك
This property will appear in the library cards as part of the basic info.,ستظهر هذه الخاصية في بطاقات المكتبة كجزء من المعلومات الأساسية.
This property will be inherited from the related entities and shown as metadata of this type of entities.,ستورث هذه الخاصية من الكيانات (الإدخالات) ذات الصلة، وستظهر كبيانات وصفية لهذا النوع من الكيانات (الإدخالات)
This property will be shown using all the width available.,ستظهر هذه الخاصية باستخدام كل العرض المتاح
This property will be shown without the label.,ستظهر هذه الخاصية دون التسمية
this template,this template
This template has associated entities,This template has associated entities
This template will be used as default for new entities.,سيستخدم القالب قالباً افتراضياً للكيانات (للإدخالات) الجديدة
This will delete the template and all relationship properties from other templates pointing to this one.,This will delete the template and all relationship properties from other templates pointing to this one.
"To bring you a better experience, this site uses cookies.",لكي تستمتع بتجربة أفضل، يستخدم هذا الموقع ملفات تعريف الارتباط
"To complete the account creation process, please create a password for your account",لإكمال عملية إنشاء الحساب، يرجى إنشاء كلمة مرور لحسابك
to learn how to add and configure a contact form on a webpage.,to learn how to add and configure a contact form on a webpage.
to learn more about the components.,لمعرفة المزيد حول المكونات
to view your authentication code and verify your identity.,لمعاينة رمز المصادقة الخاص بك والتحقق من هويتك.
total entities,total entities
Total files,Total files
total files,total files
"Total files from main documents, supporting files and uploads","Total files from main documents, supporting files and uploads"
total users,total users
Training model...,Training model...
Translations imported.,Translations imported.
Translations reset successfully,Translations reset successfully
Translations saved,تم حفظ الترجمات
Try selecting other documents.,حاول اختيار مستندات أخرى
Turn off inline translation,Turn off inline translation
Two-Factor Authentication,Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication enabled,Two-factor authentication enabled
Two-factor authentication failed.,Two-factor authentication failed.
Two-factor authentication secret,Two-factor authentication secret
Two-factor verification failed,فشل التحقق الثنائي (التحقق بخطوتين)
Two-step verification,التحقق الثنائي (التحقق بخطوتين)
Two-step verification token required,Two-step verification token required
"Unable to save, failed response","Unable to save, failed response"
Unexpected error,Unexpected error
Uninstall language,Uninstall language
Unlock account,Unlock account
Unsupported OCR language,لغة الOCR غير مدعومة
Untranslated Terms,Untranslated Terms
Update success,Update success
Updated file,Updated file
Updated multiple entities,Updated multiple entities
Updated permissions on entity,Updated permissions on entity
Updated relationships,Updated relationships
Updated settings,Updated settings
Updated translations,Updated translations
Updated user,Updated user
Upload a ZIP or CSV file.,حمل ملف مضطغوط بامتداد ZIP أو ملف القيم المفصولة بفواصل
Upload and select file,حمل الملف واختره
Upload from computer,حمل من الحاسوب
Upload PDF,تحميل ملف PDF
Upload PDF(s) to create,حمل ملف (ملفات) PDF لإنشاء
Uploaded attachment,Uploaded attachment
Uploaded custom file,Uploaded custom file
Uploaded document,Uploaded document
Uploaded file,Uploaded file
Uploading,جاري التحميل
Uploading ...,تحميل...
Uploading file,تحميل الملف
URL,عنوان URL
Use as filter,Use as filter
User Action,User Action
User Role,User Role
User updated,User updated
Username,اسم المستخدم
Username is required,اسم المستخدم مطلوب
Username is too long,اسم المستخدم طويل جداً
Username is too short,اسم المستخدم قصير جداً
Usernames cannot have spaces,Usernames cannot have spaces
Users & Groups,Users & Groups
Using Authenticator,Using Authenticator
Using URLs,Using URLs
Uwazi is developed by,أوازي من إعداد:
Uwazi UI,واجهة استخدام أوازي
Value cannot be transformed to the correct type,Value cannot be transformed to the correct type
View entities,View entities
View entity,View entity
View in library,عرض في المكتبة
View less,View less
View more,View more
View page,عرض الصفحة
Warning: you are editing multiple entities. Fields marked with a,تنبيه: أنت تحرر كيانات (إدخالات) متعددة. الحقول تحمل علامة
We can't find the page you're looking for.,We can't find the page you're looking for.
Welcome to Uwazi,مرحباً بكم في أوازي
"Well, this is awkward...",إنه لأمر محرج...
will be updated with the same value.,سيحدث بالقيمة نفسها
With great power comes great responsibility!,كلما ازدادت القوة، ازدادت معها المسؤولية!
x less,X أقل
x more,X أكثر
You can add one or many items in this form.,You can add one or many items in this form.
"You can also embed advanced components like maps, charts and entity lists in your page.",يمكنك ادخال خاصيات كالخرائط، الرسوم البيانية، أو قوائم للكيانات في صفحتك
You can also enter this secret key into your Authenticator app.,You can also enter this secret key into your Authenticator app.
You can create metadata templates in,يمكنك إنشاء قوالب البيانات الوصفية في
"You have not connected an Uwazi instance, yet","You have not connected an Uwazi instance, yet"
You have unsaved changes. Do you want to continue?,You have unsaved changes. Do you want to continue?
You should activate this feature for enhanced account security,يجب عليك تفعيل هذه الميزة لتحقيق تأمين أفضل للحساب
You should activate this feature for enhanced account security.,You should activate this feature for enhanced account security.
Your account's security is enhanced with two-factor authentication.,Your account's security is enhanced with two-factor authentication.
Zoom in,تكبير
Zoom in library view,تكبير في المعاينة المكتبية
Zoom out,تصغير
Zoom out library view,تصغير في المعاينة المكتبية