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from typing import Annotated

from fastapi.params import Query

class SearchPagingParams:
    def __init__(
            count: Annotated[int, Query(ge=1, le=100, description="The number of results you want to get.")] = 10,
            skip: Annotated[int, Query(ge=0, description="The number of results you want to skip.")] = 0
        self.count = count
        self.skip = skip

class FilterParams:
    def __init__(
            preferred_ratio: Annotated[
                float | None, Query(gt=0, description="The preferred aspect ratio of the image.")] = None,
            ratio_tolerance: Annotated[
                float, Query(gt=0, lt=1, description="The tolerance of the aspect ratio.")] = 0.1,
            min_width: Annotated[int | None, Query(geq=0, description="The minimum width of the image.")] = None,
            min_height: Annotated[int | None, Query(geq=0, description="The minimum height of the image.")] = None,
            starred: Annotated[bool | None, Query(description="Whether the image is starred.")] = None,
            categories: Annotated[str | None, Query(
                description="The categories whitelist of the image. Image with **any of** the given categories will "
                            "be included. The entries should be seperated by comma.",
                examples=["stickers, cg"])] = None,
            categories_negative: Annotated[
                str | None, Query(
                    description="The categories blacklist of the image. Image with **any of** the given categories "
                                "will be ignored. The entries should be seperated by comma.",
                    examples=["stickers, cg"])] = None,
        self.preferred_ratio = preferred_ratio
        self.ratio_tolerance = ratio_tolerance
        self.min_width = min_width
        self.min_height = min_height
        self.starred = starred
        self.categories = [t.strip() for t in categories.split(',') if t.strip()] if categories else None
        self.categories_negative = [t.strip() for t in categories_negative.split(',') if
                                    t.strip()] if categories_negative else None
        self.ocr_text = None  # For exact search

    def min_ratio(self) -> float | None:
        if self.preferred_ratio is None:
            return None
        return self.preferred_ratio * (1 - self.ratio_tolerance)

    def max_ratio(self) -> float | None:
        if self.preferred_ratio is None:
            return None
        return self.preferred_ratio * (1 + self.ratio_tolerance)