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# [always-done][author-www-url] [![][npmjs-img]][npmjs-url] [![The MIT License][license-img]][license-url] [![npm downloads][downloads-img]][downloads-url]
> Handle completion and errors with elegance! Support for streams, callbacks, promises, child processes, async/await and sync functions. A drop-in replacement for [async-done][] - pass 100% of its tests plus more
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## Table of Contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Background](#background)
- [Resolution](#resolution)
- [API](#api)
* [alwaysDone](#alwaysdone)
- [Supports](#supports)
* [Handles `async/await` completion](#handles-asyncawait-completion)
* [Callbacks completion](#callbacks-completion)
* [Completion of synchronous functions](#completion-of-synchronous-functions)
* [Completion of Promises](#completion-of-promises)
* [Streams completion](#streams-completion)
* [Handles completion of Observables](#handles-completion-of-observables)
* [Completion of Child Process](#completion-of-child-process)
* [Handling errors](#handling-errors)
* [Always completes](#always-completes)
* [Passing custom context](#passing-custom-context)
* [Passing custom arguments](#passing-custom-arguments)
* [Returning a thunk](#returning-a-thunk)
- [Related](#related)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
## Install
> Install with [npm](
$ npm i always-done --save
## Usage
> For more use-cases see the [tests](./test.js)
const fs = require('fs')
const alwaysDone = require('always-done')
alwaysDone((cb) => {
fs.readFile('./package.json', 'utf8', cb)
}, (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
let json = JSON.parse(res)
console.log( // => 'always-done'
## Background
Behind the scenes we use just good plain old `try/catch` block. Sounds you strange? See what "hard" job is done on [try-catch-callback][] and [try-catch-core][].
In the first one, we just calls a function inside try/catch and calls `done` callback with error or result of that function.
About second one, there we wraps the `done` callback with [once][] and [dezalgo][] to ensure it will be called in the next tick.
Here, in `always-done`, we just give a `callback` to that [try-catch-core][] package and "listen" what is the result. Actually we not listening anything, we just make a few checks to understand what the incoming value is - promise, child process, stream, observable and etc.
## Resolution
Nothing so magical. Try/catch block for most of the things works briliant. And [on-stream-end][] module (which is drop-in replacement for [end-of-stream][]) for streams and child processes.
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## API
### [alwaysDone](index.js#L55)
> Handle completion of `fn` and optionally pass `done` callback, otherwise it returns a thunk. If that `thunk` does not accept function, it returns another thunk until you pass `done` to it.
* `<fn>` **{Function}**: function to be called
* `[opts]` **{Object}**: optional options, such as `context` and `args`, passed to [try-catch-core][]
* `[opts.context]` **{Object}**: context to be passed to `fn`
* `[opts.args]` **{Array}**: custom argument(s) to be pass to `fn`, given value is arrayified
* `[opts.passCallback]` **{Boolean}**: pass `true` if you want `cb` to be passed to `fn` args
* `[done]` **{Function}**: on completion
* `returns` **{Function}**: thunk until you pass `done` to that thunk
var alwaysDone = require('always-done')
var options = {
context: { num: 123, bool: true }
args: [require('assert')]
alwaysDone(function (assert, next) {
assert.strictEqual(this.num, 123)
assert.strictEqual(this.bool, true)
}, options, function (err) {
console.log(err, 'done') // => null, 'done'
alwaysDone(function (cb) {
cb(new Error('foo bar'))
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err) // => Error: foo bar
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## Supports
> Handles completion and errors of async/await, synchronous and asynchronous (callback) functions, also functions that returns streams, promises, child process and observables.
### Handles `async/await` completion
alwaysDone(async function () {
return await Promise.resolve('foobar')
}, function done (e, res) {
console.log(res) // => 'foobar'
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### Callbacks completion
var alwaysDone = require('always-done')
alwaysDone(function (cb) {
fs.readFile('./package.json', 'utf8', cb)
}, function done (err, res) {
if (err) return console.log(err)
var pkg = JSON.parse(res)
console.log( // => 'always-done'
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### Completion of synchronous functions
#### Returning a value
alwaysDone(function () {
return 123
}, function done (e, res) {
console.log(res) // => 123
#### Returning an error
alwaysDone(function () {
return new Error('qux bar')
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err.message) // => 'qux bar'
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### Completion of Promises
#### Returning a resolved Promise
alwaysDone(function () {
return Promise.resolve(12345)
}, function done (e, res) {
console.log(res) // => 12345
#### Returning a rejected Promise
alwaysDone(function () {
return Promise.reject(new Error('foo bar'))
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err.message) // => 'foo bar
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### Streams completion
> Using [on-stream-end][] and [stream-exhaust][]
#### Unpiped streams
alwaysDone(function () {
return fs.createReadStream('./package.json')
}, function done (e) {
console.log('stream completed')
#### Failing unpiped streams
alwaysDone(function () {
return fs.createReadStream('foo bar')
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err.code) // => ENOENT
console.log(err.message) // => No such file or directory
#### Failing piped streams
alwaysDone(function () {
var read = fs.createReadStream('foo bar')
return read.pipe(through2())
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err.code) // => ENOENT
console.log(err.message) // => No such file or directory
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### Handles completion of Observables
> Using `.subscribe` method of the observable
#### Empty observable
var Observable = require('rx').Observable
alwaysDone(function () {
return Observable.empty()
}, function done (e, res) {
console.log(e, res) // => null, undefined
#### Successful observable
alwaysDone(function () {
return Observable.return([1, 2, 3])
}, function done (e, res) {
console.log(res) // => [1, 2, 3]
#### Failing observable
alwaysDone(function () {
return Observable.throw(new Error('observable error'))
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err.message) // => 'observable error'
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### Completion of Child Process
> Basically, they are streams, so completion is handled using [on-stream-end][] which is drop-in replacement for [end-of-stream][]
#### Successful exec
var cp = require('child_process')
alwaysDone(function () {
return cp.exec('echo hello world')
}, function done (e, res) {
console.log(res) // => 'hello world'
#### Failing exec
var cp = require('child_process')
alwaysDone(function () {
return cp.exec('foo-bar-baz sasa')
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err.message) // => 'exited with error code: 12'
#### Failing spawn
var cp = require('child_process')
alwaysDone(function () {
return cp.spawn('foo-bar-baz', ['hello world'])
}, function done (err) {
console.log(err.code) // => ENOENT
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### Handling errors
#### uncaught exceptions
alwaysDone(function () {
foo // ReferenceError
return 55
}, function (err) {
// => ReferenceError: foo is not defined
#### thrown errors
alwaysDone(function () {
}, function (err) {
// => SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
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### Always completes
> It may looks strange, but it's logical. If you pass empty function it just completes with `undefined` result and `null` error.
// passing empty function
alwaysDone(function () {}, function (err, res) {
console.log(err, res) // => null, undefined
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### Passing custom context
var alwaysDone = require('always-done')
var opts = {
context: { foo: 'bar' }
alwaysDone(function () {
console.log( // => 'bar'
}, opts, function done () {
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### Passing custom arguments
> It may be strange, but this allows you to pass more arguments to that first function and the last argument always will be "callback" until `fn` is async or sync but with `passCallback: true` option.
var alwaysDone = require('always-done')
var options = {
args: [1, 2]
alwaysDone(function (a, b) {
console.log(arguments.length) // => 2
console.log(a) // => 1
console.log(b) // => 2
return a + b + 3
}, options, function done (e, res) {
console.log(res) // => 9
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### Returning a thunk
> Can be used as _thunkify_ lib without problems, just don't pass a done callback.
var fs = require('fs')
var alwaysDone = require('always-done')
var readFileThunk = alwaysDone(function (cb) {
fs.readFile('./package.json', cb)
readFileThunk(function done (err, res) {
console.log(err, res) // => null, Buffer
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## Related
- [async-done]( Force async using nextTick and normalize completion/errors for callbacks, promises, observables, child… [more]( | [homepage]( "Force async using nextTick and normalize completion/errors for callbacks, promises, observables, child processes and streams.")
- [base]( base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable… [more]( | [homepage]( "base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable node.js applications, starting with a handful of common methods, like `set`, `get`, `del` and `use`.")
- [end-of-stream]( Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed. | [homepage]( "Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed.")
- [is-node-stream]( Strictly and correctly checks if value is a nodejs stream. | [homepage]( "Strictly and correctly checks if value is a nodejs stream.")
- [minibase]( MiniBase is minimalist approach to Base - @node-base, the awesome framework. Foundation… [more]( | [homepage]( "MiniBase is minimalist approach to Base - @node-base, the awesome framework. Foundation for building complex APIs with small units called plugins. Works well with most of the already existing [base][] plugins.")
- [on-stream-end]( Handles completion and errors of any stream - readable/writable/duplex. | [homepage]( "Handles completion and errors of any stream - readable/writable/duplex.")
- [try-catch-callback]( try/catch block with a callback, used in [try-catch-core][]. Use it when you… [more]( | [homepage]( "try/catch block with a callback, used in [try-catch-core][]. Use it when you don't care about asyncness so much and don't want guarantees. If you care use [try-catch-core][].")
- [try-catch-core]( Low-level package to handle completion and errors of sync or asynchronous functions… [more]( | [homepage]( "Low-level package to handle completion and errors of sync or asynchronous functions, using [once][] and [dezalgo][] libs. Useful for and used in higher-level libs such as [always-done][] to handle completion of anything.")
## Contributing
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](
But before doing anything, please read the [](./ guidelines.
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