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# Salesforce Setup
## Getting Started
1. First you'll need an account on DeveloperForce. If you don't already have one, you can create one at: http://developer.force.com/join

2. Next, you need to configure a new connected app in your developer profile in order to retrieve all the keys, tokens, urls nedded to connect your app with SalesForce. In order to do this:
  * Go to -> `Setup (top)` > `Create (side)` > `Apps` > `Connected Apps` (scroll down ) > `New` Check "Enable Oauth Settings".
  * Next, add all permissions. Use "http://localhost:3000/oauth/_callback" as your callback URL.
  * You'll be using the Oauth2 web server flow, so you need your personal security code. If you don't have one, you'll need to reset it for Salesforce to email it to you.
  * Go to your Profile by clicking in your name (top right) > `My Settings` > `Personal` (left menu) > `Reset my security token`. After that Salesforce should email it to you.
  * You'll need your password + security token to be able to login (PASSWORDsecurityCode (concatenated, no space)).

3. Now we need to setup an object with a couple of custom fields for streaming communication. In this example we'll create a new object and call it 'Sphero_Message':
  We also add two custom fields to this object: 'Sphero_Name' and 'Bucks'.
  * Go to `Setup` -> `Create` -> `Object` -> `New Custom Object` and name it `Sphero_Message`, then click `Save`.
  * Once in the `Object Details` view create two custom fields, `Sphero_Name` and `Bucks` both of type text.
  * We've created a Salesforce package that installs the Sphero_Message Object and the apexRest class for you to speed things up. Install it [here](https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04ti00000004IoN)

4. Setup apexRest code so we can create new objects using RESTfull implementation:
  * Go click in in you profile name (top right) > `Developer Console`.
  * When the developer console opens click `File` > `New Apex Class`, name it SpheroApex and then copy/paste the following code to that window:

  global with sharing class SpheroController {
      global static void create(String spheroName, String bucks) {
        SpheroController.handleSpheroMessage(spheroName, bucks);

    public static void handleSpheroMessage(String spheroName, String bucks) {
      Sphero_Message__c sm = new Sphero_Message__c();
      sm.Sphero_Name__c = spheroName;
      sm.Bucks__c = bucks;
      insert sm;

  * Save the SpheroApex class, `File` > `Save`.

5. To be able to stream we need to setup a PushTopic to connect to.
  * Go to `Developer Console` click on `Debug` -> `Open Execute Anonymus Code` or (Ctrl+E)
  * Add the following code to create the new pushTopic with the query you want to execute and the events you want it to report.

  PushTopic pt = new PushTopic();
  pt.apiversion = 28.0;
  pt.name = 'SpheroMsgOutbound'; pt.description = 'All new Sphero Message records';
  pt.query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Sphero_Name__c, Bucks__c FROM Sphero_Message__c';
  insert pt;
  System.debug('Created new PushTopic: '+ pt.Id);

6. At this point everything in salesforce should be ready and we should be able to connect, authenticate, push/create records through apexRest and stream information using the pushTopic.